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106 lines (66 loc) · 5.21 KB

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106 lines (66 loc) · 5.21 KB
  • Start Date: 2019-01-28
  • Target Major Version: 3.x
  • Reference Issues: vuejs/core#8
  • Implementation PR: (leave this empty)


Removing v-bind's .sync modifier and replacing it with an argument on v-model.

Basic example

Instead of:

<MyComponent v-bind:title.sync="title" />

the syntax would be:

<MyComponent v-model:title="title" />


I've seen v-bind.sync cause quite a bit of confusion in Vue 2, as users expect to be able to use expressions like with v-bind (despite whatever we put in the docs). The explanation I've had the best success with is:

Thinking about v-bind:title.sync="title" like a normal binding with extra behavior is really the wrong way to think about it, because two-way bindings are fundamentally different. The .sync modifier works essentially like v-model, which is Vue's other syntax sugar for creating a two-way binding. The main difference is that it expands to a slightly different pattern that allows you to have multiple two-way bindings on a single component, rather than being limited to just one.

Which brings me to the question: if it helps to tell users not to think of v-bind.sync like v-bind, but rather to think about it like v-model, should it be part of the v-model API instead?

Detailed design

NOTE: Though not part of this proposal, v-model's implementation details are likely to change in Vue 3 to make common patterns like transparent wrapper components easier to implement. When you see the modelValue attribute and update:modelValue event, know they are a placeholder for however we implement v-model's special behavior with form elements and not a recommendation included in this proposal.

On an element

<input v-model="xxx">

<!-- would be shorthand for: -->

  @update:model-value="newValue => { xxx = newValue }"
<input v-model:aaa="xxx">

<!-- INVALID: should throw a compile time error -->

Note that v-bind:aaa.sync="xxx" does not currently throw a compile time error, though it probably should.

On a component

<MyComponent v-model="xxx" />

<!-- would be shorthand for: -->

  @update:model-value="newValue => { xxx = newValue }"
<MyComponent v-model:aaa="xxx"/>

<!-- would be shorthand for: -->

  @update:aaa="newValue => { xxx = newValue }"

Duplicating the object spread behavior of v-bind.sync="xxx"

The other directives with arguments are v-bind and v-on. Both of these use their argument-less versions for spreading an object, but v-model without an argument is already shorthand v-model:model-value="xxx". I can see a few different options:

  1. Change the behavior of v-model="xxx" to spread an object, forcing users to write v-model:model-value="xxx" for the old behavior. This would make v-model's behavior more consistent with v-bind and v-on, but also create another breaking change and make the most common use case more verbose and complex.

  2. Add a new modifier (e.g. .spread) to v-model. This would minimize breaking changes, but is inconsistent with the object spread behavior of other directives with arguments, potentially causing confusion and making the framework feel more complex overall.

  3. Detect and change the behavior for raw object values (e.g. v-model="{ }"). This would again minimize breaking changes, but is a little more consistent with the behavior of other directives with arguments, since v-bind={ }" would have the same effect. I also expect this would be divisive, as some would likely find it very intuitive, while others would find it understandably confusing that using xxx creates radically different behavior than { }.

  4. Simply don't allow object spread with v-model. This avoids the problems of the above two proposals, but has the drawback of making it more difficult for some people to migrate to Vue 3 (though probably a small minority). Templates/JSX that could benefit from the feature would also become much more tedious to write and maintain, in the best case, or unusable (forcing a refactor to a render function using createElement/h) in the worst case.

None of these are great options, but I'm probably most in favor of option 2. I'd also love to hear suggestions for other solutions I may have missed.


Beyond the inevitable pains with any breaking change, I think the pain for this syntax would be relatively minimal - partly because the .sync modifier is not as widely used a feature and also due to the potential easy of migrating users (see adoption strategy below).

Adoption strategy

As a breaking change, this could only be introduced in a major version change (v3). However, I think there are a few things we could do to make migrating easier:

  • Emit a warning when a .sync modifier is detected on v-bind, linking to this change's entry in the migration guide.
  • Using the new migration helper, we should be able to detect and automatically fix 100% of cases where v-bind is used with .sync.

Combined, learning about and migrating even large codebases with heavy .sync usage should take only a few minutes.