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Migrate from v4

First, install the latest Vue CLI globally:

npm install -g @vue/cli
# OR
yarn global add @vue/cli

Upgrade All Plugins at Once

In your existing projects, run:

vue upgrade

And then follow the command line instructions.

See the following section for detailed breaking changes introduced in each package.

One-By-One Manual Migration

If you want to migrate manually and gradually, you can run vue upgrade <the-plugin-name> to upgrade a specific Vue CLI plugin.

Breaking Changes

For All Packages

  • Drop support of Node.js 8-11 and 13
  • Drop support of NPM 5

The vue Command (The Global @vue/cli Package)

The instant prototyping functionalities are removed. Now the vue serve / vue build commands are aliases to npm run serve / npm run build, which in turn execute the scripts specified in the project package.json.

If you need a minimum setup for developing standalone .vue components, please use vite instead.


Webpack 5

We've upgraded the underlying webpack version to 5. There are plenty of breaking changes underlyingly, listed in the release announcement page Webpack 5 release (2020-10-10).

Besides the internal changes that are only noticeable for custom configurations, there're several notable changes for user-land code too:

  1. Named exports from JSON modules are no longer supported. Instead of import { version } from './package.json'; console.log(version); use import package from './package.json'; console.log(package.version);
  2. Webpack 5 does no longer include polyfills for Node.js modules by default. You shall see an informative error message if your code relies on any of these modules. A detailed list of previously polyfilled modules is also available here.

Opt Out to Webpack 4

Considering many ecosystem packages haven't catched up yet, we provided a plugin to opt out to webpack 4 for easier migration.

It's as simple as running

vue add webpack-4

at the project root.

Underlyingly, it uses the resolutions field for Yarn and PNPM users, and module-alias for NPM users.

Though both work in all our tests, please be aware that the module-alias approach is still considered hacky, and may not be as stable as the "resolutions" one.


No longer supports generating project with node-sass. It has been deprecated for a while. Please use the sass package instead.

Underlying Loaders and Plugins

  • html-webpack-plugin is upgraded from v3 to v5, and for webpack 4 users, v4 will be used. More details are available in the release announcement of html-webpack-plugin v4 and the full changelog.
  • sass-loader v7 support is dropped. See the v8 breaking changes at its changelog.
  • postcss-loader is upgraded from v3 to v5 (v4 for webpack 4 users). Most notably, PostCSS options (plugin / syntax / parser / stringifier) are moved into the postcssOptions field. More details available at the changelog.
  • copy-webpack-plugin is upgraded from v5 to v7 (v6 if you choose to stay at webpack 4). If you never customized its config through config.plugin('copy'), there should be no user-facing breaking changes. A full list of breaking changes is available at copy-webpack-plugin v6.0.0 release and v7.0.0 release.
  • file-loader is upgraded from v4 to v6, and url-loader from v2 to v4. The esModule option is now turned on by default for non-Vue-2 projects. Full changelog available at file-loader changelog and url-loader changelog.
  • terser-webpack-plugin is upgraded from v2 to v5 (v4 if you choose to stay at webpack 4), using terser 5 and some there are some changes in the options format. See full details in its changelog.
  • When creating new projects, the default less-loader is updated from v5 to v8(v7 for webpack 4 users); less from v3 to v4; sass-loader from v8 to v11 (v10 for webpack 4 users); stylus-loader from v3 to v5 (v4 for webpack 4 users).

ESLint Plugin

  • eslint-loader is replaced by eslint-webpack-plugin, dropping support for ESLint <= 6.
  • New projects are now generated with eslint-plugin-vue v7, see its release notes for breaking changes.

PWA Plugin

TypeScript Plugin

  • Dropped TSLint support. As TSLint has been deprecated, we removed all TSLint-related code in this version. Please consider switching to ESLint. You can check out tslint-to-eslint-config for a mostly automatic migration experience.
  • ts-loader is upgraded from v6 to v8. It now only supports TypeScript >= 3.6.
  • fork-ts-checker-webpack-plugin is upgraded from v3.x to v6.x, you can see the detailed breaking changes in its release notes:

E2E-Cypress Plugin

  • Cypress is required as a peer dependency.
  • Cypress is updated from v3 to v6. See Cypress Migration Guide for detailed instructions of the migration process.

E2E-WebDriverIO Plugin

  • WebDriverIO is updated from v6 to v7. Not many user-facing breaking changes. See the blog post on release for more details.

Unit-Jest Plugin

  • The underlying jest-related packages are upgraded from v24 to v26. For most users the transition would be seamless. See their corresponding changelogs for more detail:

Unit-Mocha Plugin

  • mocha is upgraded from v6 to v8, please refer to the release notes of mocha v7 and mocha v8 for a complete list of breaking changes.
  • jsdom is upgraded from v15 to v16, the breaking changes are listed at jsdom v16.0.0 release

Internal Packages


  • chalk is upgraded from v2 to v4
  • joi is upgraded from v15 (used to be @hapi/joi) to v17