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File metadata and controls

332 lines (272 loc) · 15.5 KB

This file describes all UnifiedArchive API.


UnifiedArchive is represented by few basic classes under \wapmorgan\UnifiedArchive namespace:

  1. Formats keeps information about formats support and specific format functions.
  2. Abilities list.
  3. UnifiedArchive - represents an archive and provides related functions.
  4. ArchiveEntry - represents information about a specific file from archive. This object can be obtained by call UnifiedArchive->getFileData() method.


$format should be one of Formats constants (such as Formats::ZIP and so on). Full list of constants provided in the appendix of this document. If you want to enabled specific format support, you need to install an additional program or php extension. List of extensions that should be installed can be obtained by executing built-in cam: ./vendor/bin/cam system:drivers

All methods are static.

Method Arguments Result Description
Formats::detectArchiveFormat string $archiveFileName, bool $contentCheck = true ?string Detects a format of given archive by file name and content (when $contentCheck = true). Returns one of Formats constant or null if format is not detected.
Formats::getFormatMimeType string $format ?string Returns mime type for passed format. Returns null if not found.
Formats::can string $format, int $ability boolean Check if any driver supports passed ability for passed format
Formats::canOpen, Formats::canStream, Formats::canCreate, Formats::canAppend, Formats::canUpdate, Formats::canEncrypt string $format boolean Tests if an archive format can be opened/created/appended (add)/updated (delete)/created encrypted by any driver with current system and php configuration.

Formats list

  • Formats::ZIP
  • Formats::SEVEN_ZIP
  • Formats::RAR
  • Formats::CAB
  • Formats::TAR
  • Formats::TAR_GZIP
  • Formats::TAR_BZIP
  • Formats::TAR_LZMA
  • Formats::TAR_LZW
  • Formats::ARJ
  • Formats::GZIP
  • Formats::BZIP
  • Formats::LZMA
  • Formats::UEFI
  • Formats::GPT
  • Formats::MBR
  • Formats::MSI
  • Formats::ISO
  • Formats::DMG
  • Formats::UDF
  • Formats::RPM
  • Formats::DEB


  • Abilities::OPEN
  • Abilities::OPEN_ENCRYPTED
  • Abilities::OPEN_VOLUMED
  • Abilities::GET_COMMENT
  • Abilities::EXTRACT_CONTENT
  • Abilities::STREAM_CONTENT
  • Abilities::SET_COMMENT
  • Abilities::APPEND
  • Abilities::DELETE
  • Abilities::CREATE
  • Abilities::CREATE_IN_STRING


Archive opening

  • UnifiedArchive::canOpen(string $fileName, bool $passwordProtected = false): boolean

    Tests if an archive (format is resolved by extension) can be opened with current system and php configuration. If you want to enabled specific format support, you need to install an additional program or php extension. List of extensions that should be installed can be obtained by executing built-in cam: ./vendor/bin/cam system:formats Returns true if given archive can be opened and false otherwise.

  • UnifiedArchive::open(
        string $fileName,
        int[] $abilities = [],
        ?string $password = null
    ): UnifiedArchive|null

    Opens an archive and returns instance of UnifiedArchive. If you provide $password, it will be used to open encrypted archive. If you provide $abilities, it will be used to determine driver for format, that supports ALL of passed abilities. In case of failure (file is not readable or format is not supported or recognized), an InvalidArgumentException or UnsupportedArchiveException will be thrown.

  • UnifiedArchive::getPclZipInterface(): PclzipZipInterface

    Returns a PclzipZipInterface handler for an archive. It provides all PclZip functions in PclZip-like interface for an archive.

  • UnifiedArchive::can(int $ability): boolean

    Checks if current driver supports ability for archive.

Archive information

All following methods is intended to be called to UnifiedArchive instance.

Method Result Description
UnifiedArchive::getFormat() string Returns format of archive as one of Formats constants.
UnifiedArchive::getMimeType() string/null Returns mime type of archive.
UnifiedArchive::getSize() int Returns size of archive file in bytes.
UnifiedArchive::getCompressedSize() int Returns size of all stored files in archive with archive compression in bytes. This can be used to measure efficiency of format compression.
UnifiedArchive::getOriginalSize() int Returns size of all stored files in archive without compression in bytes. This can be used to measure size that extracted files will use.
UnifiedArchive::countFiles() int Returns number of files stored in an archive.
UnifiedArchive::getComment() ?string Returns comment of archive or null (if not supported nor present).

Archive content

  • UnifiedArchive::getFiles(?string $filter = null): string[]

    Returns full list of files stored in an archive. If $filter is passed, will return only matched by fnmatch() files.

  • UnifiedArchive::hasFile(string $fileName): boolean

    Checks whether file is presented in an archive.

  • UnifiedArchive::getFileData(string $fileName): ArchiveEntry

    Returns ArchiveEntry that contains all specific information about file stored in archive and described later in the document. If file is not in archive, NonExistentArchiveFileException is thrown.

  • UnifiedArchive::getFileStream(string $fileName): resource

    Returns a resource of in-archive file that can be used to get it's content (by fread() and so on). This method of extraction is useful for large files or when you need to read files in portions. If file is not in archive, NonExistentArchiveFileException is thrown.

  • UnifiedArchive::getFileContent(string $fileName): string

    Returns content of in-archive file as raw string. If file is not in archive, NonExistentArchiveFileException is thrown.

  • UnifiedArchive::extract(string $outputFolder): int

    Extracts all archive content with full paths to output folder and rewriting existing files. In case of success, number of extracted files is returned.


    • ArchiveExtractionException
  • UnifiedArchive::extract(
        string $outputFolder,
        array $files,
        boolean $expandFilesList = false
    ): int|false

    Extracts given files or directories to output folder. If directories is passed, you need to use $expandFilesList feature that will expand directory names to all nested files (e.g dir will be expanded to dir/file1, dir/file2, dir/subdir/file3). In case of success, number of extracted files is returned.


    • EmptyFileListException
    • ArchiveExtractionException

Archive modification

  • UnifiedArchive::addFileFromString(
        string $inArchiveName,
        string $content
    ): boolean

    Packs file in an archive. If case of success, true is returned.


    • ArchiveModificationException
  • UnifiedArchive::add(array|string $fileOrFilesList): int|false

    Packs given $fileOrFilesList into archive. $fileOrFilesList is a string or an array of files or directories. Syntax of $fileOrFilesList is described in UnifiedArchive::create method. If any error occurred (such as file already exists, files list is empty, ...), an \Exception is throwing. In case of success, number of packed files will be returned.


    • EmptyFileListException
    • UnsupportedOperationException
    • ArchiveModificationException
  • UnifiedArchive::delete(
        string|array $fileOrFiles,
        $expandFilesList = false
    ): int|false

    Deletes passed $fileOrFiles from archive. $fileOrFiles is a string with file/directory name or an array of files or directories. In case of success, number of deleted files will be returned.


    • EmptyFileListException
    • UnsupportedOperationException
    • ArchiveModificationException

Making an archive

  • UnifiedArchive::create(
        array|string $files,
        string $archiveName,
        int $compressionLevel = BasicFormat::COMPRESSION_AVERAGE,
        ?string $password = null,
        ?callable $fileProgressCallable = null
    ): int

    Creates an archive with given $files list and saves on disk. $files is an array of files or directories. If file/directory passed with numeric key (e.g ['file', 'directory']), then file/directory will have it's full (not relative) path in an archive. If passed with string keys, then there's path replacement. Example:

    • '/var/www/original/name.log', - file /var/www/original/name.log will be store with its original name;
    • '/var/www/site/runtime/logs', - directory contents will be stored as /var/www/site/runtime/logs, with its original name;
    • 'insideArchiveName.log' => '/var/www/original/name.log', - file /var/www/original/name.log will be stored as insideArchiveName.log in archive root;
    • 'insideArchiveDir' => '/var/www/site/runtime/logs', - directory contents will be stored in insideArchiveDir dir inside archive;
    • '' => ['/home/user1/docs', '/home/user2/docs'], - directories user1 and user2 docs contents will be merged and stored in archive root;

    In case of success, number of stored files will be returned.

    Creates an archive with all content from given directory and saves archive to $archiveName (format is resolved by extension). All files have relative path in the archive. By $compressionLevel you can adjust compression level for files. By $password you can set password for an archive. If case of success, true is returned.

    Available values for compression:

    • BasicFormat::COMPRESSION_NONE
    • BasicFormat::COMPRESSION_WEAK


    • UnsupportedOperationException
    • FileAlreadyExistsException
    • EmptyFileListException
    • ArchiveCreationException
  • UnifiedArchive::createInString(
          array|string $fileOrFiles,
          string $archiveFormat,
          int $compressionLevel = BasicDriver::COMPRESSION_AVERAGE,
          ?string $password = null,
          ?callable $fileProgressCallable = null

    Creates an archive with given $fileOrFiles list and returns as string. $fileOrFiles is an array of files or directories.


The class represents a file from archive as result of a call to UnifiedArchive::getFileData(string $fileName). It contains fields with file information:

  • string $path - full file path in archive.
  • integer $modificationTime - time of change of the file (the integer value containing number of seconds passed
  • boolean $isCompressed - a flag indicates if file stored with compression.
  • integer $compressedSize - size of the file with compression in bytes.
  • integer $uncompressedSize - size of the file without compression in bytes. since the beginning of an era of Unix).