diff --git a/community/2024-03-27-community-meeting.mdx b/community/2024-03-27-community-meeting.mdx index 7647dc92..11081187 100644 --- a/community/2024-03-27-community-meeting.mdx +++ b/community/2024-03-27-community-meeting.mdx @@ -15,6 +15,58 @@ import ReactPlayer from 'react-player/youtube'; {/* truncate */} ### Meeting Notes +- **Welcome new community members!** +- Welcome Tyler Shoppe from Machine Metrics who is on Jochen Rau’s team. Tyler has been a community member for a while. Platform and backend stream processing in customer environments. Working with NATS for a long time, and now Wasm and wasmCloud. Taylor Thomas just [delivered a presentation](https://youtu.be/OTFQiMrG9lo?feature=shared) at Cloud Native Wasm Day on some of the work Tyler and Jochen's team has been doing. Great to see you on the call, Tyler! +- Welcome Siddharth Khonde! Has been in software engineering for 4 years. New to Wasm; started reading about wasmCloud start of this year and is passionate about contributing to wasmCloud open source. Great to meet you, Siddharth! + +- **DISCUSSION: [wasmCloud 1.0](https://wasmcloud.com/docs/roadmap) update** +- We are very close! wRPC integration is almost done with some small things to finalize. +- Some host-tidying on bugs discovered during Wasm Day demos. Control topic changes etc. +- You can run this from main and have it work! We published the newly updated providers. +- Main thing remaining is Wadm, which is dependent on a number of smaller changes. +- Reason why we’re gating 1.0 on Wadm is because Wadm exercises the full multiple nodes in a lattice and tests in a real-world way. This will give us some performance guarantees. +- RCs will be toward the end of this week/beginning of next. +- We will add additional polish features after 1.0. + +- **DISCUSSION: wasmCloud Operator** +- Dan Norris (Infrastructure Lead at Cosmonic): We open sourced the wasmCloud Operator at KubeCon last week. +- It’s a bit different in that it allows us to do 2 things: + - Provision and manage a set of wasmCloud hosts in the same lattice: driven with a CRD. This brings all the replicas, lattice IDs, versioning you could wish for. + - Natively integrated against Wadm so you can ‘kubectl apply’ a Wadm manifest. This makes running wasmCloud actors in Kubernetes really easy. +- Kick the tires with 0.82 host. Work with 1.0 when API is stabilized and we’ll let the community know when this happens. +- Integrates with Argo. +- Great on-ramp for those already running Kubernetes who want to start working with Wasm. Bridge to folks being able to use wasmCloud applications in existing environments. +- wasmCloud Wednesday live demo: Tune into the recording to see the wasmCloud Operator in action. +- Watch out for several new features coming through in the next few weeks. We’d also love to hear from you—if you have any feedback we want to hear it! + +There was a much broader discussion around the ramifications of the wasmCloud Operator. Check out the recording below. + +- **UPDATE: wasi-cloud** +- We are driving effort around wasi-cloud interfaces. Keep an eye on wasmCloud Slack and drop thoughts and ideas as they come through. + - Runtime config - making 1 change. + - Key-Value. + - Blobstore. + - Messaging. + +- **UPDATE: Brand new OCI Specification** +- This will be a standard way of storing Wasm-based artifacts. Final vote 2 weeks from now, brought to Wasm Working Group April. + +- **UPDATE: WASI and WASM SGs** +- 0.2.1 update due. +- Semantic versioned released for WASI are a focus for the ByteCode Alliance. + +**Where we’ll be…** + +**April 16 - 18** Taylor will present at [Open Source Summit NA](https://events.linuxfoundation.org/open-source-summit-north-america/). Check out his talk: **[Mind the Gap Between the Future and the Present](https://ossna2024.sched.com/#)** taking place 16th April, 12:15pm - 12:55pm PT. If you’re going to be there, let him know. + +**Listen in…** + +Cloud Native Wasm Day [recordings](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLj6h78yzYM2MQteKoXxICTWiUdZYEw6RI&feature=shared) are now live! Great to see the wasmCloud community on stage! +Bailey joined Matt Butcher and industry analyst Dustin Kirkland on theCube (SiliconAngle) during KubeCon + CloudNativeCon to talk all things WebAssembly, [take a look](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XU4TVukPs8g). +Check out the [Arm Developer Podcast](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iDTHXGuqXAI) where Bailey and Liam discussed the intersection of Wasm and GPU technologies. +Cosmonic CTO Bailey Hayes met Chris Matteson (Fermyon) and Oscar Spencer (F5 NGINX) on the panel at the [latest Kubernetes meetup in New York](https://www.meetup.com/new-york-kubernetes-meetup/events/297886914/). They explored the Wasm what’s, why’s, standards and considerations when adoption. [The recording is live!](https://youtu.be/ThcQNR-aVvI) +Listen in to the last [WasmEdge community meeting](https://youtu.be/ttiE7g2Ojuk) where Bailey Hayes talks all things WASI 0.2 and we hear from the students of the University of Tokyo on some cool new projects. +Bailey was a guest on a recent [Rancher Live podcast](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SPdzvL59tIA) with Divya Mohan. Tune in for a deep dive into WASI 0.2! ### Recording