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The idea of this package is to have a alarm representation like is commonly used in automation. This means to have a set of signal which indicate the presence of a certain alarm event. In the same way the alarms can be acknowledged. The implementation was aimed to be as small as possible. The persistance is aimed to be minimal but also to be human readable (no sqlite).


Package not (yet) published

Quick start

    let alarmHandler = new AlarmHandler("myAlarmHandler", {
        numOfAlarms: 3,
        traceFilePath: "path/to/tracefile",
        presentAlarmsFilePath: "path/to/presentalarmfile",
        alarmDefsPath: "path/to/alarmdefinitions",
    alarmHandler.updateSignal(1, true) //alarm occurred
    alarmHandler.updateSignal(1, true) //alarm gone
    alarmHandler.acknowledgeAlarm(1) //acknowledge the alarm

Running the build

The project is part of a monorepo. If the project is checked out in this environment use the following scripts:

TypeScript build:

pnpm run compile

Run tests:

pnpm test