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The idea of this package is to have a common way of handling binary datatypes in NodeJS. The main use case was for a package which reads and writes data to S7 PLCs. Please check the source code before using the package.


Package not (yet) published

Quick start

The module supports the following datatypes:

Specifier Description
INT8 8 Bit signed integer
UINT8 8 Bit unsigned integer
INT16 16 Bit signed integer
UINT16 16 Bit unsigned integer
INT32 32 Bit signed integer
UINT32 32 Bit unsigned integer
INT64 64 Bit signed integer
UINT64 64 Bit unsigned integer
FLOAT 32 Bit floating point number
DOUBLE 64 Bit floating point number
ARRAY_OF_INT8 Array version of the corresponding type
ARRAY_OF_UINT8 Array version of the corresponding type
ARRAY_OF_INT16 Array version of the corresponding type
ARRAY_OF_UINT16 Array version of the corresponding type
ARRAY_OF_INT32 Array version of the corresponding type
ARRAY_OF_UINT32 Array version of the corresponding type
ARRAY_OF_INT64 Array version of the corresponding type
ARRAY_OF_UINT64 Array version of the corresponding type
ARRAY_OF_FLOAT Array version of the corresponding type
ARRAY_OF_DOUBLE Array version of the corresponding type
import { DataTypes } from "@woifes/binarytypes"

DataTypes["UINT8"].check(255) //255
DataTypes["UINT8"].check(256) //throws

DataTypes["UINT8"].validate(255) //true
DataTypes["UINT8"].validate(256) //false

DataTypes["UINT16"].toBuffer(255, true) //<Buffer ff 00> little endian
DataTypes["UINT16"].toBuffer(255) //<Buffer 00 ff> big endian
DataTypes["UINT8"].toBuffer(256, true) //<Buffer 00 00> - Error

DataTypes["UINT16"].fromBuffer(Buffer.from("ff00", "hex"), true) //255 little endian
DataTypes["UINT16"].fromBuffer(Buffer.from("00ff", "hex")) //255 big endian
DataTypes["UINT16"].fromBuffer(Buffer.alloc(3), true) //throws

DataTypes["UINT8"].toString(255) //"255"
DataTypes["UINT8"].toString(256) //throws

DataTypes["UINT16"].fromString("255") //255
DataTypes["UINT16"].fromString("256") //throws

Transformation from check function

The check function does not simply return the original value, it transforms it to the javascrip equivalent. This means for every datatype (except INT64 and UINT64) it returns number (or an array of number) for the 64 bit integers it returns bigint (array)


The module also supports Runtypes. These are prefixed with "rt" e. q. rtUINT8

Helper functions

Additionally there are some functions for the calculation of the size of integers and array of integers

normalizeBigInt("123") //123n 
calcIntegerSize(255) //1
checkIntSize(255) //1
calcTypeOfArray([255, -255]) //"ARRAY_OF_INT16"

Running the build

The project is part of a monorepo. If the project is checked out in this environment use the following scripts:

TypeScript build:

pnpm run compile

Run tests:

pnpm test