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Angular Hangs #505

gojohnnygo opened this issue Dec 14, 2013 · 40 comments

Angular Hangs #505

gojohnnygo opened this issue Dec 14, 2013 · 40 comments


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yo v1.0.5
generator-angular v0.6.0

Looks like the angular generator is hanging at this block.

grunt-contrib-imagemin@0.3.0 node_modules/grunt-contrib-imagemin
├── filesize@1.10.0
├── chalk@0.2.1 (has-color@0.1.1, ansi-styles@0.2.0)
├── pngquant-bin@0.1.5 (bin-wrapper@0.1.7)
├── gifsicle@0.1.4 (bin-wrapper@0.1.7)
├── jpegtran-bin@0.2.2 (bin-wrapper@0.1.7)
└── optipng-bin@0.3.1 (bin-wrapper@0.1.7)

Here's a gist from the output of

yo --version && echo $PATH $NODE_PATH && node -e 'console.log(process.platform, process.versions)' && cat Gruntfile.js

Is this happening to anyone else?

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Its not actual hanging there. Bower is running at the same time and it has a prompt which gets hidden in the install.

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I've seen the same behavior. If you hit return and then enter 1 at the prompt, it appears to continue successfully.

In addition to the spot where @gojohnnygo saw the hang, I've also seen it hang at:

karma-ng-html2js-preprocessor@0.1.0 node_modules/karma-ng-html2js-preprocessor

If I hit return, I receive the following prompt, which I answer with 1 and the angular generator continues.

[?] Answer: 1
bower install           angular-mocks#1.2.6-build.1989+sha.b0474cb
bower install           angular-cookies#1.2.6-build.1989+sha.b0474cb

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icebox commented Dec 16, 2013

I had this same problem. matthewrankin's instructions worked for me. Thank you!

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The suggestion @matthewrankin worked for me

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Works on Mac but hangs on Windows

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Hangs on this line on windows I tried clicking return but to no avail. Like I said it works on Mac so not sure what to say

karma-ng-html2js-preprocessor@0.1.0 node_modules/karma-ng-html2js-preprocessor

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VRMink commented Dec 16, 2013

Happens to me as well, on ubuntu 13.04.
Matthewrankin' instructions is a workaround. I never see a prompt with options, I am only asked for an answer.

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The prompt is lost in the log. I think I need to change the way the dependencies are listed in the bower.json package so it doesn't prompt.

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Tested this with 6 different Windows setups and confirmed that the same issue is experienced there. @eddiemonge do we think we could explore whether changing the dep order fixes this this week? :)

Atm, lots of users seem to think the generator is busted as a result of it.

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I'll get this worked out. Worst case I copy the bower.json from my production that has additional, not idea fields, but fixes the issues. Might also be the best case as well ... gotta test though

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Please test the master branch as the issue should be fixed now. If its not, then I'll have to add a manual resolution section to the bower.json but in testing, bower stripped that part off. Should be fine now though.

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Thanks @eddiemonge. I am however still currently experiencing this issue. Can anyone else confirm?

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@mattcrum It's working for me. I'm running the v0.6.0.

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genepaul commented Feb 5, 2014

I am still seeing this issue as well. It hangs at the following line, and when I hit enter, it just takes me back to the command prompt, and it seems the project has not been fully installed (there is no bower_components folder)

karma-ng-html2js-preprocessor@0.1.0 node_modules/karma-ng-html2js-preprocessor

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@genepaularch what version of the generator are you using? can you gist the full output from the install logs?

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genepaul commented Feb 5, 2014

@eddiemonge, I'm assuming I am using the latest version, as I just installed it today (npm install -g generator-angular). I'm on Windows 7, 64-bit.

Forgive my ignorance, but how would I gist the install log output?

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run yo and see what versions it says.

Copy everything after you run yo angular to

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genepaul commented Feb 5, 2014

Here you go. yo tells me the version is 0.7.1.

And here's my log output:

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@genepaularch here is your problem:

bower error Request to failed: UNABLE_TO_VERIFY_

In your browser, try going to and see if there is a problem with the certificate.

its always windows causing problems heh

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genepaul commented Feb 5, 2014

Visiting that URL in a browser gives me a verified certificate. I'm sure it's probably the firewall I'm behind here at work, but I know I'd run into this on my computer at home as well. I'll try running it tonight and see if the log shows anything different. Thanks for trying to help!

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genepaul commented Feb 6, 2014

Ok, tried it from home, and I remember now the issue I've been seeing. It is this:

bower ECMDERR Failed to execute "git ls-remote --tags --heads git://github
.com/es5-shims/es5-shim.git", exit code of #128

Additional error details:
fatal: remote error:
Repository not found.

I thought I saw something about changing git:// to https://, but I saw other places in the output where it was able to use git:// urls just fine. But if that is what I need to do, I'm not exactly sure how to do it.

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genepaul commented Feb 6, 2014

Ok, I got it working. So here's the steps I took for anyone else finding this:

  1. Ran the command:
    git config --global url."https://".insteadOf git://

  2. also ran:
    npm cache clean
    bower cache clean

Then re-ran the generator from a clean directory. It finally ran completely.

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so0k commented Feb 6, 2014

worked perfect on Tuesday, doesn't want to work today (Thursday), cleaned npm & bower cache... seems to work again, thanks for the tips genepaul, bummer it's flaky on windows.

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Hey @eddiemonge did you ever identify what specifically in your bower.json caused the issue? I have a custom angular yo generator and it's hanging on grunt-contrib-imagemin as well. I can CTRL-C out of it and then run bower install and it works fine, but I would rather not use that work around.

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@genepaul that means your firewall or network is blocking the git over ssh connection. that is a separate issue.

@scottsword it was that the angular team changed how they did releases and added pre-release builds. Bower didn't know how to handle that. Im not sure if its been fixed yet. I used exact versions of angular in the mean time, as in "angular": "1.2.6" (no ~ or ^ ).

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Heppening to me also, it hangs at the same line

grunt-contrib-imagemin@0.3.0 node_modules/grunt-contrib-imagemin
├── filesize@1.10.0
├── chalk@0.2.1 (ansi-styles@0.2.0, has-color@0.1.4)
├── gifsicle@0.1.4 (bin-wrapper@0.1.9)
├── pngquant-bin@0.1.6 (bin-wrapper@0.1.9)
├── optipng-bin@0.3.1 (bin-wrapper@0.1.9)
└── jpegtran-bin@0.2.3 (bin-wrapper@0.1.9)

hitting return does nothing in my case

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@anfebotero can you post the full out put of the install log to

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jbinto commented Mar 18, 2014

I had this happen on a clean install of everything (npm, yeoman, bower, etc). Running OS X 10.9 (Mavericks). Angular version is 0.7.1. See gist here:

It turns out Bower is asking whether to allow anonymous usage tracking, but this prompt never makes it to the screen until after you press ENTER.

"'May bower anonymously report usage statistics to improve the tool over time? (Y/n)"

This is being discussed over on the bower issues tracker and seems to have broken CI for a lot of people: bower/bower#1102

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xsuii commented Apr 2, 2014

I met with this issue when I tried to yo angular on my window7(x64).
So I try 706f133, and it no more hang on
karma-ng-html2js-preprocessor@0.1.0 node_modules\karma-ng-html2js-preprocessor
jquery#1.11.0 app\bower_components\jquery.

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closet6 commented Apr 4, 2014

This is still happening to me. OSX 10.9, latest everything. Hitting enter to get a prompt does not work. Any other workarounds?

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@Sector7B what is the full output from your install?

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This happened to me when installing a custom generator, and hitting enter seemed to work. Bower was indeed prompting for input.

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closet6 commented Apr 7, 2014

@eddiemonge it was exactly the same as @anfebotero experience.

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tehaaron commented Apr 8, 2014

I am having the same experience as @xsuii I changed the bower.json template and now it hangs on bootstrap#3.0.3 app\bower_components\bootstrap
|_ jquery#1.11.0

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Just had the same problem with mac 10.9.2, latest of everything. Hitting enter worked for me though...

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Still happening, had to find this via Google and hit enter to "Allow sending anonymous usage." Prompt was hidden until I hit enter.

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thody commented Jul 1, 2014

10.9.2, latest of everything, still getting the problem on the same line, hitting enter just takes me back to the command prompt. Searching for other work arounds...

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thody commented Jul 2, 2014

After the hang, hitting enter took me to the command prompt, and I ran the grunt bower-install target, and everything appears to be peachy now.

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Having the same problem now. Hitting enter and y made it continue.

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Same here. Hitting enter works. Without it, yo angular hangs at the following

Execution Time (2015-10-22 04:48:40 UTC)
loading tasks    6ms  ▇ 3%
wiredep:app    185ms  ▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇ 93%
wiredep:test     8ms  ▇▇ 4%
Total 199ms

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