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Yew's official router

The router on

Routers in Single Page Applications (SPA) handle displaying different pages depending on what the URL is. Instead of the default behavior of requesting a different remote resource when a link is clicked, the router instead sets the URL locally to point to a valid route in your application. The router then detects this change and then decides what to render.


You start by defining a Route.

Routes are defined as an enum which derives Routable. This enum must be Clone + PartialEq.

use yew_router::prelude::*;

#[derive(Clone, Routable, PartialEq)]
enum Route {

A Route is paired with a <Switch /> component, which finds the first variant whose path matches the browser's current URL and passes it to the render callback. The callback then decides what to render. In case no path is matched, the router navigates to the path with not_found attribute. If no route is specified, nothing is rendered, and a message is logged to console stating that no route was matched.

use yew_router::prelude::*;;
use yew::prelude::*;

#[derive(Clone, Routable, PartialEq)]
enum Route {

fn secure() -> Html {
    let history = use_history().unwrap();

    let onclick_callback = Callback::from(move |_| history.push(Route::Home));
    html! {
            <h1>{ "Secure" }</h1>
            <button onclick={onclick_callback}>{ "Go Home" }</button>

fn switch(routes: &Route) -> Html {
    match routes {
        Route::Home => html! { <h1>{ "Home" }</h1> },
        Route::Secure => html! {
            <Secure />
        Route::NotFound => html! { <h1>{ "404" }</h1> },

fn app() -> Html {
    html! {
        <Switch<Route> render={Switch::render(switch)} />

Finally, you need to register the <Router /> component as a context. <Router /> provides session history information to its children.

When using yew-router in browser environment, <BrowserRouter /> is recommended.

use yew_router::prelude::*;;
use yew::prelude::*;

#[derive(Clone, Routable, PartialEq)]
enum Route {

fn secure() -> Html {
    let history = use_history().unwrap();

    let onclick_callback = Callback::from(move |_| history.push(Route::Home));
    html! {
            <h1>{ "Secure" }</h1>
            <button onclick={onclick_callback}>{ "Go Home" }</button>

fn switch(routes: &Route) -> Html {
    match routes {
        Route::Home => html! { <h1>{ "Home" }</h1> },
        Route::Secure => html! {
            <Secure />
        Route::NotFound => html! { <h1>{ "404" }</h1> },

fn app() -> Html {
    html! {
            <Switch<Route> render={Switch::render(switch)} />

Path Segments

It is also possible to extract information from a route.

# use yew_router::prelude::*;
#[derive(Clone, Routable, PartialEq)]
enum Route {
    Post { id: String },
    // ...

You can then access the post's id inside <Switch /> and forward it to the appropriate component via properties.

fn switch(routes: &Route) -> Html {
    match routes {
        Route::Home => html! { <h1>{ "Home" }</h1> },
        Route::Post { id } => <Post {id} />,
        // ...

Linking to a specific post is as easy as passing the variant to Link:

<Link<Route> to={Route::Post { id: "new-yew-release".to_string() }}>{ "Yew v0.19 out now!" }</Link</Route>>

For more information about the route syntax and how to bind parameters, check out route-recognizer.

History and Location

The router provides a universal History and Location struct which can be used to access routing information. They can be retrieved by hooks or convenient functions on

They have a couple flavours:

AnyHistory and AnyLocation

These types are available with all routers and should be used whenever possible. They implement a subset of window.history and window.location.

You can access them using the following hooks:

  • use_history
  • use_location

BrowserHistory and BrowserLocation

These are only available when <BrowserRouter /> is used. They provide additional functionality that is not available in AnyHistory and AnyLocation (such as:


To navigate between pages, use either a Link component (which renders a <a> element), the history.push function, or the history.replace function, which replaces the current page in the user's browser history instead of pushing a new one onto the stack.

Listening to Changes

Functional components

Simply use available hooks use_history, use_location and use_route. Your components will re-render when provided values change.

Struct components

In order to react on route changes, you can pass a callback closure to the add_history_listener() method of

:::note The history listener will get unregistered once it is dropped. Make sure to store the handle inside your component state. :::

fn create(ctx: &Context<Self>) -> Self {
    let listener =
            // handle event
    MyComponent {
        _listener: listener

Query Parameters

Specifying query parameters when navigating

In order to specify query parameters when navigating to a new route, use either history.push_with_query or the history.replace_with_query functions. It uses serde to serialize the parameters into query string for the URL so any type that implements Serialize can be passed. In its simplest form this is just a HashMap containing string pairs.

Obtaining query parameters for current route

location.query is used to obtain the query parameters. It uses serde to deserialize the parameters from query string in the URL.

Relevant examples