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pages is the main package that exports different subpackages, all designed to make it easy to develop on the Yext Pages platform using JavaScript.


All folders below live at packages/pages/src.


The main binary exported as pages. The two important commands are:

  • pages init
    • Clones the starter repo, runs npm install, and performs the first build, all in one simple command. The actual init functionality lives in /init.
  • pages dev
    • Runs a custom local development server that is backed by Vite. The actual dev server functionality lives in /dev.


Contains any code shared between the other subpackages. It also contains public types and internal domain types.


All of the code related to the custom local dev server lives here. The server itself is an Express server that's backed by Vite, giving us ultra fast HMR (hot module replacement) out of the box.

In general, local dev was set up to be similar to how NextJS works. Every unique page is a separate file in your own repository's src/templates folder. The default export in each file represents the template entrypoint.


The actual code relating to the pages init function.


Contains helper utility functions that could be useful to someone using PagesJS. For instance, we have a custom fetch function that allows it to work across different runtime environments (Node vs. Deno vs. Browser).


This is a plugin to be used with Vite specifically. It provides an opinioned but easy-to-use way to bundle your code for production. Where /dev builds for local development, /vite-plugin builds for production.


pages has a number of scripts to assist with development. Since the tool is meant to be used alongside a repository set up for Yext Pages, it is recommended that any changes are tested against a starter repository. One such starter repo is yext/pages-starter-react-locations.

By default, the starter repository references a non-local version of @yext/pages. To point the starter at this local repository, first run pnpm pack in ./packages/pages, then update the starter's package.json's @yext/pages dependency to file:../path/to/the/pack.tgz.

Also see the Contributing Guide.

pnpm build

This command uses esbuild to transpile assets and puts them into dist. Since this package's bin specifies an entry-point in the dist directory you'll need to run this command whenever you make changes in source so that they're picked up in any test repositories you're working on.

pnpm build:release

Similar to pnpm build but also runs types.

pnpm watch

This command does the same this as build except it does it in watchmode anytime a source file is updated the build will be automatically re-run.

pnpm types

This command runs tsc to generate type declaration files and outputs them in dist/types.

pnpm fmt

This command runs prettier for standardized formatting across all files.

pnpm docs:dev

This command will start the Vitepress devserver with hot module reloading to quickly test changes to documentation. It will generate a webpage for each markdown file in the docs directory according to the config specified in docs/.vitepress/config.ts

pnpm docs:build

This command will use Vitepress to fully build the html pages for the documentation site and puts them into docs/.vitepress/dist. Similar to the docs:dev command, it will generate an html page for each markdown file in the docs directory according to the configuration specified in docs/.vitepress/config.ts.

pnpm docs:serve

This command will run the same build as the docs:build command and it will then serve the fully generated html files on a local server. This allows inspection of the documentation webpages in a way that's fully consistent with what will be served on the real website.

pnpm test

This command will run all the tests in the package using Vitest as the test runner.

Commands to Use in a Starter

pages dev

This command starts a devserver with hot module reloading to be used to quickly test changes to JS templates.

vite build

This command runs a production build on your repo. It minifies and fingerprints assets so they are prepared to be statically served by a webserver. Additionally provides a default Yext Plugin to generate html pages from JS templates and prepares the template modules for generation.