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Top » HTML-like formatting

HTML-like formatting

Slack can format message by very rational short syntaxes called mrkdwn. On the other hand, someone might yearn for a template engine with clear tag definition like HTML, especially when building a complex message.

jsx-slack has HTML-compatible JSX elements to format messages. It might be verbose as a text, but would give readablity by well-known HTML elements.

Basic text formatting

Using these HTML elements is not mandatory. You may also use the regular mrkdwn syntax to format if necessary: _italic_, *bold*, ~strike~, `code`, > quote, and ```code block```.

If you want to prevent parsing special characters for regular mrkdwn, we recommend to consider using <Escape> component.


  • <i>, <em>: Italic text
  • <b>, <strong>: Bold text
  • <s>, <strike>, <del>: Strikethrough text
  • <code>: Inline code

Block contents

  • <blockquote>: Block quotation
    • Adds > character to the first of each lines for highlighting as quote.
  • <pre>: Pre-formatted text
    • Marks the content as formatted-text by wrapping content in ``` .

Line breaks and paragraph

As same as HTML, line breaks in JSX will be ignored, and replace to a single whitespace. You should always use <br /> tag.

jsx-slack also can use <p> tag. It just makes a blank line around contents. Slack would render it as like as paragraph.

List simulation

We can simulate the list provided from <ul> and <ol> tag by using mimicked text.

  <li>Item A</li>
    Item B
      <li>Sub item 1</li>
        Sub item 2
          <li>and more...</li>
    Item C
      <li>Ordered item 1</li>
        Ordered item 2
        <ol type="I">
          <li>Ordered sub item with type 1</li>

The above would be replaced to just a plain text like this:

• Item A
• Item B
  ◦ Sub item 1
  ◦ Sub item 2
     ▪︎ and more...
• Item C
  1. Ordered item 1
  2. Ordered item 2
       I. Ordered sub item with type
       II. 2
      III. 3
     IV. 4
      V. 5...

Indents, look like lumpy in a monospace font, will be aligned pretty when rendering to Slack.

As same as HTML, <ol> tag supports start and type attribute and <li> tag supports value attribute.


jsx-slack will not recognize URL-like string as hyperlink unless using <Mrkdwn verbatim={false}>. Generally you should use <a> tag whenever you want to use a link.

For example, <a href="">Link</a> will be converted to <|Link>.

To Slack channel

<a href="#C01234ABCDE" /> means a link to Slack channel. You have to set PUBLIC channel's ID that is always starting C, not channel name, as an anchor. Refer details to documentation by Slack for more details.

If defined what except URL as href attribute, you cannot use a custom content because Slack would fill the content automatically. Unlike HTML specification, <a> tag allows to use as void element <a />.

Mention to user and user group

As like as channel link, <a href="@U56789FGHIJ" /> (and <a href="@W01234KLMNO" /> for Enterprise Grid) means a mention to specified user.

jsx-slack can mention to user groups with a same syntax <a href="@S56789PQRST" /> by detecting user group ID prefixed S.

Of course, we also support special mentions like @here, @channel, and @everyone.

Date formatting

Slack supports date formatting for localization by timezone, and jsx-slack can use it through HTML5 <time> tag.

<time dateTime="1392734382">{'Posted {date_num} {time_secs}'}</time>
// => "<!date^1392734382^Posted {date_num} {time_secs}|Posted 2014-02-18 14:39:42 PM>"

<time dateTime="1392734382">{'{date} at {time}'}</time>
// => "<!date^1392734382^{date} at {time}|February 18th, 2014 at 14:39 PM>"

<a href="">
  <time dateTime="1392734382" fallback="Feb 18, 2014 PST">
// => "<!date^1392734382^{date_short}^|Feb 18, 2014 PST>"

An optional fallback text may specify via additional fallback attribute. If it is not defined, jsx-slack will generate the fallback text in UTC from template string.

Correspondence table


jsx-slack Slack mrkdwn
<i>Italic</i> _Italic_
<em>Italic</em> _Italic_
<b>Bold</b> *Bold*
<strong>Bold</strong> *Bold*
<s>Strike</s> ~Strike~
<del>Strike</del> ~Strike~
Line<br />break Line\nbreak
<p>foo</p><p>bar</p> foo\n\nbar
<blockquote>quote</blockquote> &gt; quote
<code>code</code> `code`
<pre>{'code\nblock'}</pre> ```\ncode\nblock\n```
<ul><li>List</li></ul> • List
<ol><li>Ordered</li></ol> 1. Ordered


jsx-slack Slack mrkdwn
<a href="">Link</a> <|Link>
<a href=""></a> <>
<a href="">Mail</a> <|Mail>
<a href="#C01234ABCDE" /> <#C01234ABCDE>
<a href="@U56789FGHIJ" /> <@U56789FGHIJ>
<a href="@SK1L2M3N4O5" /> <!subteam^SK1L2M3N4O5>
<a href="@here" /> <!here|here>
<a href="@channel" /> <!channel|channel>
<a href="@everyone" /> <!everyone|everyone>

Top » HTML-like formatting