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Contributing to Zane

Thank you for showing an interest in contributing to Zane! All kinds of contributions are valuable to us. In this guide, we will cover how you can quickly onboard and make your first contribution.

Submitting an issue

Before submitting a new issue, please search the issues tab. Maybe an issue or discussion already exists and might inform you of workarounds. Otherwise, you can give new information.

While we want to fix all the issues, before fixing a bug we need to be able to reproduce and confirm it. Please provide us with a minimal reproduction scenario using a repository or Gist. Having a live, reproducible scenario gives us the information without asking questions back & forth with additional questions like:

  • 3rd-party libraries being used and their versions
  • a use-case that fails

Without said minimal reproduction, we won't be able to investigate all issues, and the issue might not be resolved.

You can open a new issue with this issue form.

Projects setup and Architecture


🚀 How to work on the project ?

  1. First you have to clone the repository

    git clone
  2. Then run the setup script :

    make setup

    If you receive this error message :

    Error response from daemon: This node is already part of a swarm. Use "docker swarm leave" to leave this swarm and join another one.

    You can safely ignore it, it means that you have already initialized docker swarm.

  3. Start the project

    make dev
    # or
    pnpm -r --parallel run dev
  4. Run DB migrations :

    make migrate
  5. Setting up the local domain for development : This step is for allowing you to access the app and generated domains locally (for example when you create an app in the GUI), the generated domains will be available at <service-name-project-name>.zaneops.local.

    1. On Linux, you add localhost to the nameservers in /etc/resolv.conf :

      echo "nameserver" >> /etc/resolv.conf
    2. On a Mac, list all your network services :

      sudo networksetup -listallnetworkservices
    3. You will probably see Wi-Fi appear in the list of services, if you are connected to it, you can add the list of dns servers :

      # list all the dns servers
      sudo networksetup -getdnsservers Wi-Fi
      # Now add localhost as one dns server
      sudo networksetup -setdnsservers Wi-Fi # the last 3 servers are cloudflare and google dns servers
    4. Now you should try to run this command to see if the local DNS server is correctly setup :

      nslookup zaneops.local localhost

      You should get an output like this :

      Server:     localhost
      Address:    ::1#53
      Name:	zaneops.local

      If you get an error like this, please ensure that your server is up, (with make dev) :

      ;; connection timed out; no servers could be reached

      If you still have issues, you can open an issue in the repository, we will have a look at it.

  6. Open the source code and start rocking ! 😎

    The app should be available at https://app.zaneops.local.

🛠️ Debugging

You may end up having issues where the project is not working, the app is not reachable on the browser, or the API seems to be down, this section is to help debugging this case, if the app is working fine on your end, you don't need to read this section.

  1. make sure you ran make dev and it didn't exit unexpectedly
  2. make sure that all the containers are up, you can check it in your docker tool of choice, orbstack or docker desktop illustration
  3. make sure that the API is launched, and that no error is in thrown in the terminal where make dev is running
  4. make sure to run nslookup as stated in the previous section detailling how to setup the local domain
  5. make sure to setup the project and install the packages with make setup
  6. If the app is still unresponsive, run make reset-db However, it's crucial to note that this action will completely erase all data in the database and reset the project to its initial state.

🧐 Project structure

A quick look at the top-level files and directories you will see in this project.

├── .github/
│    └── workflows
│        ├── pytests.yaml
│        └── check-format.yaml
├── backend/
│   └── zane_api
├── frontend/
│   └── src/
├── docker/
│   ├── proxy
│   │   └── Dockerfile
│   ├── docker-stack.yaml
│   └── docker-compose.yaml
├── openapi/
│   └── schema.yaml
└── cli
  1. .github/: this folder contains the GitHub Actions workflow configuration for Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment.

    1. check-format.yaml : this workflow is used to check that the frontend files are properly formatted with biome.

    2. pytests.yaml : this workflow is used to test the api of the project.

  2. backend/: A standard Django App, the code source of the API is in the backend/zane_api/ folder.

  3. frontend/: this folder contains the frontend made with vite and react, you can find the source files of the frontend in frontend/src/.

  4. cli/: this folder contains the source for the CLI to setup the project, it is written in Go

  5. docker: this folder contains the docker specific files for working with the project locally :

    1. docker-compose.yaml: this file contains the docker-compose configuration for the services used in development : REDIS, postgres, celery, sablier and our local docker registry

    2. docker-stack.yaml: this file contains the specification for services in developpement that needs work within docker swarm : notably, caddy zane-proxy that exposes the services we deploy to HTTP

    3. proxy/ : Folder for cady proxy, it contains a Dockerfile to build zane-proxy.

  6. openapi/schema.yaml: this file contains the openapi schema generated from the backend API.

🏗️ Architecture of the project

Architecture of the DEV server


Architecture of the production app


Missing a Feature?

If a feature is missing, you can directly request a new one here. You also can do the same by choosing "🚀 Feature" when raising a New Issue on our GitHub Repository. If you would like to implement it, an issue with your proposal must be submitted first, to be sure that we can use it. Please consider the guidelines given below.

Coding guidelines

To ensure consistency throughout the source code, please keep these rules in mind as you are working:

  • All backend features or bug fixes must be tested by one or more specs (unit-tests or functionnal tests).
  • Be sure to update the requirements.txt file if you installed new packages
  • For the frontend we use biome as our formatter, be sure to format your code before pushing your code.

Need help? Questions and suggestions

Questions, suggestions, and thoughts are most welcome, please use discussions for such cases.

Ways to contribute

  • Try Zaneops on your local machine or VM and give feedback
  • Help with open issues or create your own
  • Share your thoughts and suggestions with us
  • Help create tutorials and blog posts
  • Request a feature by submitting a proposal
  • Report a bug