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File metadata and controls

executable file
69 lines (60 loc) · 4.49 KB
category type title cover
Data Entry

Tree selection control.

When To Use

TreeSelect is similar to Select, but the values are provided in a tree like structure. Any data whose entries are defined in a hierarchical manner is fit to use this control. Examples of such case may include a corporate hierarchy, a directory structure, and so on.

import { NzTreeSelectModule } from 'ng-zorro-antd/tree-select';



Property Description Type Default Global Config
[nzId] input id attribute inside the component string -
[nzAllowClear] Whether allow clear boolean false
[nzPlaceHolder] Placeholder of the select input string -
[nzPlacement] The position where the selection box pops up bottomLeft bottomRight topLeft topRight bottomLeft
[nzDisabled] Disabled or not boolean false
[nzShowIcon] Shows the icon before a TreeNode's title. There is no default style boolean false
[nzShowSearch] Whether to display a search input in the dropdown menu(valid only in the single mode) boolean false
[nzNotFoundContent] Specify content to show when no result matches. string -
[nzDropdownMatchSelectWidth] Determine whether the dropdown menu and the select input are the same width boolean true
[nzDropdownStyle] To set the style of the dropdown menu object -
[nzDropdownClassName] classname of dropdown menu string -
[nzMultiple] Support multiple or not, will be true when enable nzCheckable. boolean false
[nzHideUnMatched] Hide unmatched nodes while searching boolean false
[nzSize] To set the size of the select input 'large' | 'small' | 'default' 'default'
[nzStatus] Set validation status 'error' | 'warning' -
[nzCheckable] Whether to show checkbox on the treeNodes boolean false
[nzCheckStrictly] Check treeNode precisely; parent treeNode and children treeNodes are not associated boolean false
[nzShowExpand] Show a Expand Icon before the treeNodes boolean true
[nzShowLine] Shows a connecting line boolean false
[nzAsyncData] Load data asynchronously (should be used with NzTreeNode.addChildren(...)) boolean false
[nzNodes] Data of the treeNodes NzTreeNodeOptions[] []
[nzDefaultExpandAll] Whether to expand all treeNodes by default boolean false
[nzExpandedKeys] Default expanded treeNodes string[] -
[nzDisplayWith] How to display the selected node value in the trigger (node: NzTreeNode) => string (node: NzTreeNode) => node.title
[nzMaxTagCount] Max tag count to show number -
[nzMaxTagPlaceholder] Placeholder for not showing tags TemplateRef<{ $implicit: NzTreeNode[] }> -
[nzTreeTemplate] Custom Nodes TemplateRef<{ $implicit: NzTreeNode }> -
[nzVirtualHeight] The height of virtual scroll string -
[nzVirtualItemSize] The size of the items in the list, same as cdk itemSize number 28
[nzVirtualMaxBufferPx] The number of pixels worth of buffer to render for when rendering new items, same as cdk maxBufferPx number 500
[nzVirtualMinBufferPx] The minimum amount of buffer rendered beyond the viewport (in pixels),same as cdk minBufferPx number 28
[nzBackdrop] whether or not the overlay should attach a backdrop boolean false
(nzExpandChange) Callback function for when a treeNode is expanded or collapsed EventEmitter<NzFormatEmitEvent> -


Property Description Type
getTreeNodes get all nodes(NzTreeNode) NzTreeNode[]
getTreeNodeByKey get NzTreeNode with key NzTreeNode
getCheckedNodeList get checked nodes(merged) NzTreeNode[]
getSelectedNodeList get selected nodes NzTreeNode[]
getHalfCheckedNodeList get half checked nodes NzTreeNode[]
getExpandedNodeList get expanded nodes NzTreeNode[]
getMatchedNodeList get matched nodes(if nzSearchValue is not null) NzTreeNode[]