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Sequence Unreal SDK

This plugin requires the modern xcode setting to be enabled to build on MacOS. See the following link for more details.


This SDK allows easy integration of Sequence Embedded Wallet from any Unreal Framework project.

Manually Upgrading from previous versions

IF you are using release Beta_1_0_3 or older please backup the values you stored in PluginConfig/Config.h or Config/Config.h After you've backed up your configuration data, Delete the entirety of the SequencePlugin directory. And drop in the new updated version.

We now are opting to use .ini files to store configurations for the plugin rather than storing them in the plugin itself. This will make integrating updates to the plugin much simpler.

To do this please go to [YourProjectDirectory]/Config And create a file named [SequenceConfig.ini]

Within [SequenceConfig.ini] add the following lines:

  FallbackEncryptionKey = ""
  WaaSTenantKey = ""
  ProjectAccessKey = ""
  GoogleClientID = ""
  AppleClientID = ""
  FacebookClientID = ""
  DiscordClientID = ""
  RedirectUrl = ""

Here is where you'll fill in the various configuration values for the plugin. For the time being we don't support Facebook or Discord authentication so feel free to ignore those 2 clientId's for now.

Upgrading to Unreal 5.4

If your project is currently on 5.2 or 5.3, then for this version you'll want to upgrade to 5.4. To do this close the Unreal Editor, Close your Code Editor. Right click on your Unreal Project file. Then select Switch Unreal Engine Version, Choose 5.4 and click okay. Once done. Open your code editor and rebuild your source code.

As way of future proofing we recommend installing visual studio 2022 in accordance with these docs as Unreal 5.4 and onward will be dropping support for visual studio 2019.


In some instances your build.cs may not update properly for your project when this happens you'll be unable to import plugin, if this occurs in your Projects Build.cs file please check the private Dependency module such that it includes "SequencePlugin":

public SequenceTest(ReadOnlyTargetRules Target) : base(Target)
    PCHUsage = PCHUsageMode.UseExplicitOrSharedPCHs;
	PublicDependencyModuleNames.AddRange(new string[] { "Core", "CoreUObject", "Engine", "InputCore" });

    //The line below is what you want
	PrivateDependencyModuleNames.AddRange(new string[] { "SequencePlugin" });

	// Uncomment if you are using Slate UI
	// PrivateDependencyModuleNames.AddRange(new string[] { "Slate", "SlateCore" });
	// Uncomment if you are using online features
	// PrivateDependencyModuleNames.Add("OnlineSubsystem");
	// To include OnlineSubsystemSteam, add it to the plugins section in your uproject file with the Enabled attribute set to true


Before you can use this plugin, you need to acquire the following credentials from Sequence

  • WaaSTenantKey
  • ProjectAccessKey

You can then add these credentials in the [SequenceConfig.ini] file under [YourProject]/Config/SequenceConfig.ini


You must provide a 32 character encryption key in the [SequenceConfig.ini] file under [YourProject]/Config/SequenceConfig.ini under the config variable FallbackEncryptionKey

In order to prevent tampering with data you must encrypt your packaged project using Unreals packaging settings You can refer to these docs

Note: For generating secure keys feel free to use tools such as: Lastpass Password generator or equivalent, Encryption Key Generators, etc

Getting Started With the Builtin GUI

  1. Once you have the SequencePlugin folder, you'll need to go to your project directory and create a Plugins folder in it, then copy over the SequencePlugin folder into the Plugins folder. If a Plugins folder already exists just copy the SequencePlugin folder into it.

  2. Launch your project, then allow it to update the UProject Settings.

  3. To find the SequencePlugin content folder in your content drawer enable view plugin content

  4. If you wish to use the in built sequence UI for login you have to do the following:

    a) Create a C++ Class that Inherits from [Pawn] If you don't know how to do this refer to the doc Creating C++ Classes in Unreal, for the purpose of these docs I'll refer to the C++ Class created here as the [C++ Parent]

    b) In [C++ Parent] .h file include the Header [SequenceAPI.h] this will allow you to access the [USequenceWallet]

    c) Create a BlueprintCallable function within the [C++ Parent] that accepts [FCredentials_BE] as a Parameter.

    d) Create a Blueprint that inherits from [C++ Parent], Then Attach the following Actor component to it [AC_SequencePawn_Component]. For in depth specifics on how to setup this blueprint please refer to the demonstration BP Graph Image, this is the BP Graph of [BP_CustomSpectatorPawn] contained within the plugins content folder, & serves as a template for your own Blueprint graph.

    The important part here is forwarding the Credentials received from the inbuilt UI to your [C++ Parent] by binding to the delegate from [AC_SequencePawn_Component], that gives you Credentials [Auth_Success_Forwarder] & Calling your Blueprint Callable C++ function. You can do this by swapping the SetupCredentials BlueprintCallable Function for your own Blueprint Callable Function from [C++ Parent].

    d i) For those who aren't familiar with Unreal's Blueprint system you can create a blueprint by right clicking in the content drawer, then click blueprint class. Within the blueprint class selector select the All Classes dropdown & search
    for your [C++ Parent] class you just made.

    d ii) For those who aren't familiar with Unreal's delegate system, There will be a red empty box on a delegate you'll wish to bind to. Click on this box and drag out into the blueprint editor. From the menu that appears Click the Add Event dropdown then click add custom event.

Note: You can simply duplicate the [BP_CustomSpectatorPawn] but since it & its parent class reside within the realm of the plugin, during updates all code you place there could potentially be lost. These are here as a reference for how things should be done. If you wish to use these components it's recommended you duplicate the BP_CustomSpectatorPawn out of the plugin folder, then update it's parent class to a C++ class of your own making that also resides outside the plugins content folder.

  1. Some additional setup of the GameMode will need to be done prior to any UI showing up. The SequencePlugin comes bundled with an example GameMode [GM_Sequence] stored within [Demonstration] in the plugin content folder. Duplicate this GameMode and move it outside the plugin folder. Then open up [GM_Sequence] and set the DefaultPawn to the Pawn Blueprint you've just made.

  2. Lastly in Project Settings you'll need to set this GameMode as the default GameMode. Specifically in ProjectSettings -> Maps & Modes

If you don't know what some of the Entities referred to above are / how they work in unreal please refer to the following Docs: To learn more about GameModes and GameMode state refer to these docs To learn more about Pawns refer to these docs Pawns Components PlayerController UI in Unreal C++ & Blueprints Creating C++ Classes in Unreal

Take away notes on setup

This isn't the only way you can setup the Builtin GUI, this is here as a quick start reference for those just getting started with unreal.

Customizing the builtin GUI

In the folder located at All/Plugins/SequencePlugin Content/Core/Style you'll find a struct F_SequenceUIStyle, In the default values section of this struct you'll be able to update the colours and images displayed throughout the UI. For beta we currently only read from Sequence_Style_Dark_Mode

Custom UI Integration

In a C++ UObject with a series of pass through [UFUNCTIONS] setup similarly to [SequenceBackendManager.h/.cpp]. Each of these calls are implemented in [UAuthenticator] you just need to pass through the data with YOUR UAuthenticator UObject

   Used to initiate mobile Social Signin
   (No other calls need to be made to complete mobile SSO)
void InitiateMobileSSO(const ESocialSigninType& Type)

   Optional Call,
   Used to set a custom encryptor implementation for the Authentication Process
void SetCustomEncryptor(UGenericNativeEncryptor * EncryptorIn);

   This call is for generating a login URL for Desktop based Social Signin
   the received URL is fed into a WebBrowser to begin the login process
FString GetLoginURL(const ESocialSigninType& Type); 

   This is call is for undergoing social login once an ID_Token has been collected.
void SocialLogin(const FString& IDTokenIn);

   This Call is made after you've collected the email address from the Users in the UI
   The Delegate **[AuthRequiresCode]** will fire when a code is ready to be received
   by the UAuthenticator
void EmailLogin(const FString& EmailIn);

   This is call is made after the Delegate **[AuthRequiresCode]** is fired
   The Code collected from the User in the GUI is sent in via this call
void EmailCode(const FString& CodeIn);

   Optional call used to retrieve stored credentials on disk
FStoredCredentials_BE GetStoredCredentials() const;

   Optional call used to check if the credentials on disk are valid or not
bool StoredCredentialsValid();

To start you'll want to create a [UAuthenticator] UObject like so [UAuthenticator * Auth = NewObject()], this UObject manages the authentication side of Sequence.

Be sure to bind to the Delegates for [AuthSuccess], [AuthFailure], [AuthRequiresCode] prior to making any signin calls You can bind to these delegates like so:

this->authenticator->AuthRequiresCode.AddDynamic(this, &AYourClass::YourCallReadyToReceiveCode);
this->authenticator->AuthFailure.AddDynamic(this, &AYourClass::YourCallShowAuthFailureScreen);

In the case of [AuthSuccess] since a parameter is also passed we bind to it like this

FScriptDelegate del;
del.BindUFunction(this, "CallShowAuthSuccessScreen");

Note: Replace the usage of the SequenceBackendManager.h/.cpp with you're own when building a custom GUI, it is only used here as a reference in the event more context is needed with these instructions. Where [CallShowAuthSuccessScreen] is defined in SequenceBackendManager.h as an example like so:

void CallShowAuthSuccessScreen(const FCredentials_BE& CredentialsIn);

And in SequenceBackendManager.cpp like so:

void ASequenceBackendManager::CallShowAuthSuccessScreen(const FCredentials_BE& CredentialsIn) 
this->Credentials = CredentialsIn;
if (this->ShowAuthSuccessDelegate.IsBound())
  UE_LOG(LogTemp, Error, TEXT("**[Nothing bound to: ShowAuthSuccessDelegate]**"));

Email based Authentication With CustomUI

  1. To start email based authentication you'll start it with this call [EmailLogin(const FString& EmailIn)], supplying an email you've collected from the User in your GUI.

  2. Next [AuthRequiresCode] will fire when the [UAuthenticator] is ready to receive the Code from your UI. Collect this code from your GUI and send it to the authenticator using [EmailCode(CodeIn)].

  3. Finally [AuthSuccess] will fire with a Credentials_BE struct as a parameter. You are done Email Based Auth.

Social Signin based Authentication on Desktop With CustomUI

  1. To start SSO based authentication with desktop you can either use your own implementation to get the necessary id_token or you can make use of Unreal's web browser plugin.

  2. To get the URL to navigate to you can use the UAuthenticator supplied call [FString GetSigninURL(const ESocialSigninType& Type)] where Type is the social login type you wish to use

  3. With whatever implementation you chose you can forward the collected id_token to the UAuthenticator object with [SocialLogin(const FString& IDTokenIn)], after which [AuthSuccess] will fire and you're done desktop based SSO.

Social Signin based Authentication on Mobile With CustomUI

  1. To start mobile SSO you will need to make use of the [UAuthenticator::InitiateMobileSSO(const ESocialSigninType& Type)] where type is the Type of SSO you want to use. IE) Google or Apple, for the time being Discord & Facebook aren't supported. This function call is all that's required for Mobile SSO.

Android SSO Requirements


In order to be able to properly use Google Auth, create and place the Keystore file by following these instructions.

You will also need to generate an [Android client ID] and a [Web Application client ID] for your application. And place the [Web Application client ID] in the [YourProject/Config/SequenceConfig.ini], [GoogleClientID] field.

Refer to these docs to generate [Android client ID] and [Web Application client ID].

This guide helps explain how to collect SHA-1 key fingerprints for the [Android client ID].

Apple: Please ensure you have a proper [AppleClientID] set in [YourProject/Config/SequenceConfig.ini]

IOS SSO Requirements

Google: Please ensure you have a proper [GoogleClientID] set in [YourProject/Config/SequenceConfig.ini]

Apple: Please ensure you have a proper [AppleClientID] set in [YourProject/Config/SequenceConfig.ini], be sure you register and set your bundle identifier properly for your app

Apple Specific SSO Requirements

For Apple SSO to work please be sure to register the [RedirectUrl] in [YourProject/Config/SequenceConfig.ini] appropriately for your app.

Sequence API

In order to gain access to the SequenceAPI be sure to #include "Sequence/SequenceAPI.h" After you've completed initial authentication and have intercepted the credentials either through your UI or ours, to use the Sequence API you'll need to create a [USequenceWallet]* by using:

   Automatically tries to read stored credentials on disk and initialize with them
   if none are found returns a TOptional<USequenceWallet*> Pointer without any set Credentials

const TOptional<USequenceWallet*> WalletOptional = USequenceWallet::Get();
if (WalletOptional.IsSet() && WalletOptional.GetValue())
   USequenceWallet * Wallet = WalletOptional.GetValue();
   //Use here


   returns a TOptional<USequenceWallet*> Pointer set with the 
   given Credentials
USequenceWallet::Get(const FCredentials_BE& Credentials)

const TOptional<USequenceWallet*> WalletOptional = USequenceWallet::Get(Credentials);
if (WalletOptional.IsSet() && WalletOptional.GetValue())
   USequenceWallet * Wallet = WalletOptional.GetValue();
   //Use here


   returns a TOptional<USequenceWallet*> Pointer set with the 
   given Credentials & ProviderUrl
USequenceWallet::Get(const FCredentials_BE& Credentials,const FString& ProviderUrl);

const TOptional<USequenceWallet*> WalletOptional = USequenceWallet::Get(Credentials,"ProviderUrl");
if (WalletOptional.IsSet() && WalletOptional.GetValue())
   USequenceWallet * Wallet = WalletOptional.GetValue();
   //Use here

Once you have your [USequenceWallet] you can feel free to call any of the functions Supplied by the object, as the register call is now automatically done for you.

USequenceWallet, Static Access & Persistence

USequenceWallet is now a Subsystem of GameInstance, what this means is not only can you access it from anywhere as if it was a static variable in your C++ code. But it also persists for the lifetime of your game. That is no data is reset when a level is changed in your games!

USequenceWallet Functions

Example SignMessage

Used to Sign a message
const TSuccessCallback<FSignedMessage> OnResponse = [=] (const FSignedMessage& Response)
	//Response is the signed message

const FFailureCallback OnFailure = [=](const FSequenceError& Error)
	UE_LOG(LogTemp,Display,TEXT("Error Message: %s"),*Error.Message);

const FCredentials_BE Credentials;//Replace this var with your own credentials however you choose to get them
const TOptional<USequenceWallet*> WalletOptional = USequenceWallet::Get(Credentials);
if (WalletOptional.IsSet() && WalletOptional.GetValue())
   USequenceWallet * Api = WalletOptional.GetValue();
   const FString Message = "Hi";

Example SendTransaction

Used to send a transaction / perform contract calls

Note: if you want call contracts with the Raw type you'll want include the header #include "ABI/ABI.h" in order to use the ABI to encode the data for a contract call.

const FFailureCallback OnFailure = [=](const FSequenceError& Error)
	UE_LOG(LogTemp,Display,TEXT("Error Message: %s"),*Error.Message);

//Create the Transaction object list
TArray<TUnion<FRawTransaction,FERC20Transaction,FERC721Transaction,FERC1155Transaction>> Txn;

//Create the transactions you wish to perform

FERC20Transaction T20; = "0x0E0f9d1c4BeF9f0B8a2D9D4c09529F260C7758A2";
T20.tokenAddress = "0x2791Bca1f2de4661ED88A30C99A7a9449Aa84174";
T20.value = "1000";

FERC721Transaction T721; = true; = "54530968763798660137294927684252503703134533114052628080002308208148824588621"; = "0x0E0f9d1c4BeF9f0B8a2D9D4c09529F260C7758A2";
T721.tokenAddress = "0xa9a6A3626993D487d2Dbda3173cf58cA1a9D9e9f";

FERC1155Transaction T1155; = "0x0E0f9d1c4BeF9f0B8a2D9D4c09529F260C7758A2";
T1155.tokenAddress = "0x631998e91476DA5B870D741192fc5Cbc55F5a52E";

FERC1155TxnValue Val;
Val.amount = "1"; = "66635";

//Raw (Example contract call)
FString FunctionSignature = "balanceOf(address,uint256)";
TFixedABIData Account = ABI::Address(FAddress::From("0E0f9d1c4BeF9f0B8a2D9D4c09529F260C7758A2"));
TFixedABIData Id = ABI::UInt32(0x01);
TArray<ABIEncodeable*> Arr;
FUnsizedData EncodedData = ABI::Encode(FunctionSignature, Arr);

FRawTransaction T; = "0x" + EncodedData.ToHex(); = "0x64d9f9d527abe2a1c1ce3fada98601c4ac5bfdd2";
T.value = "0";

//Now append your transaction requests to the Txn object


//Now send the transaction
const FCredentials_BE Credentials;//Replace this var with your own credentials however you choose to get them
const TOptional<USequenceWallet*> WalletOptional = USequenceWallet::Get(Credentials);
if (WalletOptional.IsSet() && WalletOptional.GetValue())
  USequenceWallet * Api = WalletOptional.GetValue();
   Api->SendTransaction(Txn,[=](const FTransactionResponse& Transaction)
      TSharedPtr<FJsonObject> Json = Transaction.Json;
   	  TSharedPtr<FJsonObject> Receipt = Transaction.Receipt;
   	  TSharedPtr<FJsonObject> NativeReceipt = Transaction.NativeReceipt;
   	  TSharedPtr<FJsonObject> Request = Transaction.Request;
   	  TArray<TSharedPtr<FJsonValue>> Simulations = Transaction.Simulations;
   	  FString TxHash = Transaction.TxHash;
   	  FString IdentifyingCode = Transaction.IdentifyingCode;
   	  FString MetaTxHash = Transaction.MetaTxHash;

Example ListSessions

Lists the active sessions
const TSuccessCallback<TArray<FSession>> OnSuccess = [=](TArray<FSession> Response)
   //Response is a list of Sessions

const FFailureCallback OnFailure = [=](const FSequenceError& Error)
	UE_LOG(LogTemp,Display,TEXT("Error Message: %s"),*Error.Message);

const FCredentials_BE Credentials;//Replace this var with your own credentials however you choose to get them  
const TOptional<USequenceWallet*> WalletOptional = USequenceWallet::Get(Credentials);
if (WalletOptional.IsSet() && WalletOptional.GetValue())
   USequenceWallet * Api = WalletOptional.GetValue();

Example CloseSession

Closes the session
const TFunction<void(FString)> OnSuccess = [=](const FString& Response)
	//Response is just a confirmation string

const FFailureCallback OnFailure = [=](const FSequenceError& Error)
	UE_LOG(LogTemp,Display,TEXT("Error Message: %s"),*Error.Message);

const FCredentials_BE Credentials;//Replace this var with your own credentials however you choose to get them
const TOptional<USequenceWallet*> WalletOptional = USequenceWallet::Get(Credentials);
if (WalletOptional.IsSet() && WalletOptional.GetValue())
   USequenceWallet * Api = WalletOptional.GetValue();

Example SignOut

Closes the session & clears out cached credentials with blank ones
const FCredentials_BE Credentials;//Replace this var with your own credentials however you choose to get them
const TOptional<USequenceWallet*> WalletOptional = USequenceWallet::Get(Credentials);
if (WalletOptional.IsSet() && WalletOptional.GetValue())
   USequenceWallet * Api = WalletOptional.GetValue();

Example RegisterSession

Used to register a session (done automatically for you by UAuthenticator)
const TFunction<void(FCredentials_BE)> OnSuccess = [=](FCredentials_BE Response)
    //Successful registration

const FFailureCallback OnFailure = [=](const FSequenceError& Error)
	UE_LOG(LogTemp,Display,TEXT("Error Message: %s"),*Error.Message);

const FCredentials_BE Credentials;//Replace this var with your own credentials however you choose to get them
const TOptional<USequenceWallet*> WalletOptional = USequenceWallet::Get(Credentials);
if (WalletOptional.IsSet() && WalletOptional.GetValue())
   USequenceWallet * Api = WalletOptional.GetValue();

Example GetWalletAddress

Gets the wallet address currently being used

const FCredentials_BE Credentials;//Replace this var with your own credentials however you choose to get them
const TOptional<USequenceWallet*> WalletOptional = USequenceWallet::Get(Credentials);
if (WalletOptional.IsSet() && WalletOptional.GetValue())
   USequenceWallet * Api = WalletOptional.GetValue();

Example GetNetworkId

Gets the network id being used

const FCredentials_BE Credentials;//Replace this var with your own credentials however you choose to get them
const TOptional<USequenceWallet*> WalletOptional = USequenceWallet::Get(Credentials);
if (WalletOptional.IsSet() && WalletOptional.GetValue())
   USequenceWallet * Api = WalletOptional.GetValue();

Example UpdateNetworkId

Used to update the stored network id

const FCredentials_BE Credentials;//Replace this var with your own credentials however you choose to get them
const TOptional<USequenceWallet*> WalletOptional = USequenceWallet::Get(Credentials);
if (WalletOptional.IsSet() && WalletOptional.GetValue())
   USequenceWallet * Api = WalletOptional.GetValue();

Example UpdateProviderUrl

Used to update the provider url of the wallet

const FCredentials_BE Credentials;//Replace this var with your own credentials however you choose to get them
const TOptional<USequenceWallet*> WalletOptional = USequenceWallet::Get(Credentials);
if (WalletOptional.IsSet() && WalletOptional.GetValue())
   USequenceWallet * Api = WalletOptional.GetValue();

Indexer & the Wallet

The indexer is tied nicely with the wallet to allow for ease of use. One thing to note is the NetworkId you set with your wallet is the one that will be used with the indexer. The default network we set is 137


const TSuccessCallback<bool> GenericSuccess = [=](const bool bSuccess)
    //Ping response is in bSuccess

const FFailureCallback GenericFailure = [=](const FSequenceError& Error)
	//Ping failure

const FCredentials_BE Credentials;//Replace this var with your own credentials however you choose to get them
const TOptional<USequenceWallet*> WalletOptional = USequenceWallet::Get(Credentials);
if (WalletOptional.IsSet() && WalletOptional.GetValue())
   USequenceWallet * Api = WalletOptional.GetValue();
   Api->Ping(GenericSuccess, GenericFailure);


const TSuccessCallback<FVersion> GenericSuccess = [=](const FVersion& version)
    //Response contained in FVersion

const FFailureCallback GenericFailure = [=](const FSequenceError& Error)
	//Version Failure

const FCredentials_BE Credentials;//Replace this var with your own credentials however you choose to get them
const TOptional<USequenceWallet*> WalletOptional = USequenceWallet::Get(Credentials);
if (WalletOptional.IsSet() && WalletOptional.GetValue())
   USequenceWallet * Api = WalletOptional.GetValue();
   Api->Version(GenericSuccess, GenericFailure);


const TSuccessCallback<FRuntimeStatus> GenericSuccess = [=](const FRuntimeStatus& runTimeStatus)
    //Response is in FRunTimeStatus

const FFailureCallback GenericFailure = [=](const FSequenceError& Error)
	//RunTimeStatus Failure

const FCredentials_BE Credentials;//Replace this var with your own credentials however you choose to get them
const TOptional<USequenceWallet*> WalletOptional = USequenceWallet::Get(Credentials);
if (WalletOptional.IsSet() && WalletOptional.GetValue())
   USequenceWallet * Api = WalletOptional.GetValue();
   Api->RunTimeStatus(GenericSuccess, GenericFailure);


const TSuccessCallback<int64> GenericSuccess = [=](const int64 chainID)
    //Response in int64

const FFailureCallback GenericFailure = [=](const FSequenceError& Error)
	//GetChainID Failure

const FCredentials_BE Credentials;//Replace this var with your own credentials however you choose to get them
const TOptional<USequenceWallet*> WalletOptional = USequenceWallet::Get(Credentials);
if (WalletOptional.IsSet() && WalletOptional.GetValue())
   USequenceWallet * Api = WalletOptional.GetValue();
   Api->GetChainID(GenericSuccess, GenericFailure);


const TSuccessCallback<FEtherBalance> GenericSuccess = [=](const FEtherBalance& etherBalance)
    //Response in FEtherBalance

const FFailureCallback GenericFailure = [=](const FSequenceError& Error)
	//GetEtherBalance Failure

const FCredentials_BE Credentials;//Replace this var with your own credentials however you choose to get them
const TOptional<USequenceWallet*> WalletOptional = USequenceWallet::Get(Credentials);
if (WalletOptional.IsSet() && WalletOptional.GetValue())
   USequenceWallet * Api = WalletOptional.GetValue();
   Api->GetEtherBalance(Api->GetWalletAddress(), GenericSuccess, GenericFailure);


const TSuccessCallback<FGetTokenBalancesReturn> GenericSuccess = [=](const FGetTokenBalancesReturn& tokenBalances)
    //Response in FGetTokenBalancesReturn

const FFailureCallback GenericFailure = [=](const FSequenceError& Error)
	//GetTokenBalances Failure

const FCredentials_BE Credentials;//Replace this var with your own credentials however you choose to get them
const TOptional<USequenceWallet*> WalletOptional = USequenceWallet::Get(Credentials);
if (WalletOptional.IsSet() && WalletOptional.GetValue())
   USequenceWallet * Api = WalletOptional.GetValue();
   FGetTokenBalancesArgs args;
   args.accountAddress = Api->GetWalletAddress();
   args.includeMetaData = true;
   Api->GetTokenBalances(args, GenericSuccess, GenericFailure);


const TSuccessCallback<FGetTokenSuppliesReturn> GenericSuccess = [=](const FGetTokenSuppliesReturn& tokenSupplies)
    //Response is in FGetTokenSuppliesReturn

const FFailureCallback GenericFailure = [=](const FSequenceError& Error)
	//GetTokenSupplies Failure

const FCredentials_BE Credentials;//Replace this var with your own credentials however you choose to get them
const TOptional<USequenceWallet*> WalletOptional = USequenceWallet::Get(Credentials);
if (WalletOptional.IsSet() && WalletOptional.GetValue())
   USequenceWallet * Api = WalletOptional.GetValue();
   FGetTokenSuppliesArgs args;
   args.contractAddress = "0x01";//Testing Contract Address in hex with leading 0x
   args.includeMetaData = true;
   Api->GetTokenSupplies(args, GenericSuccess, GenericFailure);


const TSuccessCallback<FGetTokenSuppliesMapReturn> GenericSuccess = [=](const FGetTokenSuppliesMapReturn& tokenSuppliesMap)
    //Response is in FGetTokenSuppliesMapReturn

const FFailureCallback GenericFailure = [=](const FSequenceError& Error)
    //GetTokenSuppliesMap Failure

const FCredentials_BE Credentials;//Replace this var with your own credentials however you choose to get them
const TOptional<USequenceWallet*> WalletOptional = USequenceWallet::Get(Credentials);
if (WalletOptional.IsSet() && WalletOptional.GetValue())
   USequenceWallet * Api = WalletOptional.GetValue();    

   TMap<FString, FTokenList> tokenMap;
   const TPair<FString,FTokenList> item;

   FGetTokenSuppliesMapArgs args;
   args.includeMetaData = true;
   args.tokenMap = tokenMap;

   Api->GetTokenSuppliesMap(args, GenericSuccess, GenericFailure);


const TSuccessCallback<FGetBalanceUpdatesReturn> GenericSuccess = [=](const FGetBalanceUpdatesReturn& balanceUpdates)
    //Response in FGetBalanceUpdatesReturn

const FFailureCallback GenericFailure = [=](const FSequenceError& Error)
	//GetBalanceUpdates Failure

const FCredentials_BE Credentials;//Replace this var with your own credentials however you choose to get them
const TOptional<USequenceWallet*> WalletOptional = USequenceWallet::Get(Credentials);
if (WalletOptional.IsSet() && WalletOptional.GetValue())
   USequenceWallet * Api = WalletOptional.GetValue();
   FGetBalanceUpdatesArgs args;
   args.contractAddress = "0x0E0f9d1c4BeF9f0B8a2D9D4c09529F260C7758A2"; = 10; = true;

   Api->GetBalanceUpdates(args, GenericSuccess, GenericFailure);


const TSuccessCallback<FGetTransactionHistoryReturn> GenericSuccess = [=](const FGetTransactionHistoryReturn& transactionHistory)
    //Response is in FGetTransactionHistoryReturn

const FFailureCallback GenericFailure = [=](const FSequenceError& Error)
	//GetTransactionHistory Failure

const FCredentials_BE Credentials;//Replace this var with your own credentials however you choose to get them
const TOptional<USequenceWallet*> WalletOptional = USequenceWallet::Get(Credentials);
if (WalletOptional.IsSet() && WalletOptional.GetValue())
   USequenceWallet * Api = WalletOptional.GetValue();

   FGetTransactionHistoryArgs args;
   args.filter.accountAddress = Api->GetWalletAddress();
   args.includeMetaData = true; = 0; = true;    

   Api->GetTransactionHistory(args, GenericSuccess, GenericFailure);

Assuming you've setup your controlling Pawn with the [AC_SequencePawn_Component] The sequence pawn component has functions to do the following:

Setup Sequence (sets up the sequence based systems), requires playerController input

Show GUI Shows the UI

Hide GUI Hides the UI

GUI Visible Simple Visibility test for the UI

Switch Platform (Switches which mode the UI will be in and how it will be displayed)

Note: this doesn't rotate the application into any one view it just makes the UI responsive to that type of view.


  • Desktop (default)
  • Mobile Portrait (Custom built for portrait mode reducing the X width where ever possible)
  • Mobile Landscape

Unreal TFunctions & Async Best Practices

We make use of TFunctions with some callbacks:

const TFunction<void(FString)> OnResponse = **[Capturable variables]**(const FString& Response)
//callback body where we can process Response

const TFunction<void(FSequenceError)> OnFailureTest = **[Capturable variables]**(const FSequenceError& Error)
//callback body where we can process Error

One thing to be aware of is keep an eye on capturables if you have lots of nested TFunctions it's very easy to miss something and start over writing memory. If you require lots of nesting swapping to a better approach using UFUNCTION callbacks helps to avoid these problems similar to how things are done in [UAuthenticator.h/cpp]

Blockchain Functionality

Most users of the Sequence SDK will not need to interact with cryptographic functions directly.

Binary Data

We encapsulate binary data using the FBinaryData structs, which is a wrapper around a pointer to a shared byte array TSharedPtr<TArray<uint8>>. Binary data is further subtyped into FUnsizedData, which represents data of any variable size, and TSizedData<TSize>, which represents data of a required byte length TSize.

Important cryptographic types of set size, such as 32-byte private keys, are defined as subtypes of TSizedData- for example, we define FPrivateKey : TSizedData<32>. These can also be loaded from hex strings using From(FString Str), such as FPrivateKey::From("0x0...0");. Ensure that the input string is the correct size.


To call contracts on the blockchain, you will need to encode any data you wish to pass as arguments using the ABI. To read more about the ABI and its specification, check out the solidity docs.

Our ABI implementation centers around the ABI class in ABI/ABI.h, which provides functions to convert the following types: UInt32, Int32, Bool, FAddress, and FString. Any other data may be transformed directly into TFixedABIArray or TDynamicABIArray for fixed-length and dynamic length arrays respectively, or to TFixedABIData and TDynamicABIData for fixed-length and dynamic length binary data.

Once you have your data stored in ABIEncodeable types, you can provide the ABI an array of the type TArray<ABIEncodeable*> to ABI::Encode to receive the binary encoding of the arguments. See TestABI.cpp for an example.

Cryptographic Functions

Eth/Crypto.h provides some important ethereum functions for interacting directly with the blockchain:

// Derives a public key from a private key
FPublicKey GetPublicKey(FPrivateKey PrivateKey);

// Derives an address from the public key
FAddress GetAddress(FPublicKey PublicKey);

// Finds a keccak hash for some binary data
FHash256 GetKeccakHash(FBinaryData &Data);

// Derives contract address from a given sending address and nonce
FAddress GetContractAddress(FAddress Sender, FBlockNonce Nonce);

Raw Ethereum Transactions

EthTransaction.h contains a struct designed for managing raw ethereum transactions, including functions to sign and hash them. Note that transactions should usually be handled via the Sequence wallet interface, which sends the transactions via the Sequence WAAS.


To set your system up for Packaging please refer to the following links:


For iOS apps you also need to setup provisioning, following these docs


When setting up your project to build for Android you'll need to update the following settings: In ProjectSettings/Android SDK Set SDK API Level to Android-34 Set NDK API Level to anything in the range [26,33] (We personally used android-32)

Hardware Requirements

For Hardware Requirements with Unreal please refer to these docs

Unreal and Xcode Specifics

During the Unreal Package process in the event a code signing error occurs you can take the following steps within XCode to get your packaged .app file

  1. After packaging the project in Unreal, open the Xcode project (Sequence-unreal folder -> Intermediate -> ProjectFilesIOS -> SequenceUnreal.xcodeproj)
  2. Click on the project name on the left hand side to open up project settings
  3. Click the Build Phase Tab
  4. Click on the ‘+’ icon at the top left
  5. Select Run Script
  6. Drag the new run script to one below from the last item in the phase list
  7. Expand the run script
  8. In the script box, add the following command: xattr -cr /[path-to-your-project]/[your-project-name]/Binaries/IOS/Payload/[]
  9. Click on the Build Settings tab
  10. Click on each item under the Architectures header that contains macOS and hit the delete key
  11. Click on the General tab
  12. Click on Mac and Applevision Pro under supported destinations and hit the delete key
  13. Now the project can be built (if the build fails at first, wait a few moments then try again. It can sometimes take a bit before the build registers the run script)
  14. Once you have finished running the project, and want to make changes to the code, REMEMBER to delete this xcodeproj file in the sequence-unreal folder to ensure that a new xcodeproj is creating when you packaging the project again._