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Affidavid Proof of Claim Demand And Contract

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Stephanie Ann Grimaldi 11560 La Grange Rd Jamestown, CA 95327

Attornatus Privatus

Stephanie Ann Grimaldi ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Jurisdiction: Private Side; Court of Record Claimant

Contract no:


                                                     TUOLUMNE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF CHILD WELFARE SERVICES


Conditional Acceptance for the Value/Agreement/ Counter Offer to Acceptance of Offer AFFIDAVIT OF SHOW OF CAUSE PROOF OF CLAIM DEMAND AND CONTRACT

Contract 1234689-ARBD-GCV© May 5, 2021

Concerning Juvenile Dependency Matter Tuolumne County, California Juvenile Case # JV 7916, JV 7917, JV 7918, JV 7919

NOTICE TO AGENT IS NOTICE TO PRINCIPLE, NOTICE TO PRINCIPLE IS NOTICE TO AGENT THIS CONTRACT CONTAINS A BINDING ARBITRATION PROVISION WHICH MAY BE ENFORCED BY THE PARTIES. There is no signature needed on this contract from the respondent. Only your action or non-action is needed. (See stipulation #31)

To the Holder in Due Course and/or agent and/or representative,

Comes now Affiant, Stephanie Ann Grimaldi, a woman. I am one of We The People, in this Court of Record, Sui Juris.

CLAIMS I claim that the state/agency had no right to take anything from me and hold them from me over my objections. I claim that the administrative rules, statutes, and codes that you use against me are unconstitutional and therefore null and void. I claim that my rights, privileges, and immunities that are secured or protected by the U.S. Constitution cannot be taken away in a nisi prius, de facto, quasi, administrative court operating under color of law, and in a not-of-record court proceeding in equity. I claim that the state/court/agency cannot diminish my rights as One Of The People. I claim that I have never knowingly waived my Constitutional rights and that if assumed to have done that, it was under trickery, coercement, duress, and without full disclosure and therefore null and void.
I claim that the Social Security Act of 1935 gives the state/agency NO right to take charge of my child/ren over my objection. I claim that the state/agency has the duty to protect my Constitutional rights and restore back to me what has been taken away. I claim that the state's/agency's actions of colluding with a nisi prius, de facto, quasi, administrative court operating under color of law, and in a not-of-record proceeding in equity to take my child/ren from me is a form of fraud and therefore a form of kidnapping. Conditional Acceptance for the Value/Agreement/Contract Counter Offer Because the administrative courts are nisi prius, de facto, quasi courts operating under color of law, and in a not-of-record proceeding in equity they must use contracts to bring people under their jurisdiction. The Agency moving their case/complaint in same court must use contracts with the parents to do so also. Therefore I offer this Conditional Counter-Offer in the form of a contract. I have received your offer(s) in reference to above stated Juvenile Dependency case and accept your offer(s) under the following terms and conditions- That you provide the following proof of claims.


PROOF OF CLAIM, that the agency has fulfilled the minimum requirement of the Federal Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (CAPTA) (42 U.S.C.A. § 5106g)
Federal law definitions of child abuse and neglect: "Any recent act or failure to act on the part of a parent or caretaker, which results in death, serious physical or emotional harm, sexual abuse or exploitation"; or. "An act or failure to act which presents an imminent risk of serious harm."

PROOF OF CLAIM, that I, as “One Of The People” is that “parent” or “caretaker” as spoken of in that Federal law. PROOF OF CLAIM, that the following is untrue: “All laws, rules and practices which are repugnant to the Constitution are null and void....If courts are to regard the Constitution, and the Constitution is superior to any ordinary act of the legislature, the Constitution, and not such ordinary act, must govern the case to which they both apply. ” Marbury v. Madison, 5th US (2 Cranch) 137, 180. PROOF OF CLAIM, that the U.S. Constitution is not the supreme law of the land, that the judge in the Juvenile court is not bound by it and that the laws, statutes, codes, rules, or constitution of any state are never contrary to the U.S. Constitution according to the following law : U.S. Constitution, Article VI: This Constitution, and the laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof; and all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States, shall be the supreme law of the land; and the judges in every state shall be bound thereby, anything in the Constitution or laws of any State to the contrary notwithstanding. PROOF OF CLAIM, That an administrative court can take away my constitutional rights or what is mine using statutes, codes, or rules according to the following case law: "An unconstitutional act is not law; it confers no rights; it imposes no duties; affords no protection; it creates no office; it is in legal contemplation, as inoperative as though it had never been passed." Norton v. Shelby County , 118 U.S. 425 p. 442 PROOF OF CLAIM, that an “nisi prius de facto quasi administrative court operating under color of law, in a not-of-record proceeding in equity” and not at law; can take away my rights, privileges, or immunities that are secured or protected by the U.S. Constitution according to the following law: TITLE 18, U.S.C., SECTION 242 Whoever, under color of any law, statute, ordinance, regulation, or custom, willfully subjects any person in any State, Territory, Commonwealth, Possession, or District to the deprivation of any rights, privileges, or immunities secured or protected by the Constitution or laws of the United States, ... shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both; and if bodily injury results from the acts committed in violation of this section or if such acts include the use, attempted use, or threatened use of a dangerous weapon, explosives, or fire, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and if death results from the acts committed in violation of this section or if such acts include kidnapping or an attempt to kidnap, aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to commit aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to kill, shall be fined under this title, or imprisoned for any term of years or for life, or both, or may be sentenced to death. Heart

PROOF OF CLAIM, that statutes or administrative rules trump my Federal rights according to the following case law: "The assertion of federal rights, when plainly and reasonably made, are not to be defeated under the name of local practice." Davis v. Wechler, 263 U.S. 22, 24; Stromberb v. California, 283 U.S. 359; NAACP v. Alabama, 375 U.S.449

PROOF OF CLAIM, that the agency or the Juvenile court can assume my rights can be taken away from me according to the following case law; The State cannot diminish rights of the people. Hurtado v. California, 110 U.S. 516.

PROOF OF CLAIM, that I can be stripped of my Constitutional rights through trickery, coercement, duress, without full disclosure OR that I can be ordered to do something against my Constitutional rights according to the following case law: "Waivers of Constitutional Rights, not only must they be voluntary, they must be knowingly intelligent acts done with sufficient awareness." Poindexter v. Greenhow, 114 U.S. 270, 303 (1885). Brady v. U.S., 397 U.S. 742, 748, (1970)

PROOF OF CLAIM, that the people are not the GRANTORS of the Trust powers you hold as TRUSTEES AND PUBLIC SERVANTS and as such you are not to protect my rights according to 1877 Georgia Constitution (as Ratified without Subsequent amendments) ARTICLE I. - BILL OF RIGHTS.- SECTION I. Paragraph I. All government, of right, originates with the people, is founded upon their will only, and is instituted solely for the good of the whole. Public officers are the trustees and servants of the people, and, at all times, amenable to them.

PROOF OF CLAIM, that the state has the U.S. Constitutional right to deem what is in the child's best interest using their statutes according to the following case law: The Supreme Court Ruled That The State Statute Was Unconstitutional The U.S. Supreme Court ruled on the issue of grandparent visitation rights in the 2000 case of 530 U.S. 57, which involved a dispute between a Washington-state mother and her ex-boyfriend’s parents. When Brad Troxel, the children’s father, died in 1993, his parents informed the mother, Tommie Granville, that they wanted to maintain a relationship with the couple’s two daughters. Washington law at the time allowed “any person” to petition for visitation “at any time” and gave state courts discretion to grant that visitation when it was in the child’s best interests. But the majority of the Troxel court struck down the state statute as unconstitutional, finding it interfered with parents’ rights to raise their children as they pleased. Writing for the majority, Justice Sandra Day O’Connor said, “The liberty interest at issue in this case — the interest of parents in the care, custody, and control of their children — is perhaps the oldest of the fundamental liberty interests recognized by this Court.” Troxel v. Granville, 530 U.S. 57 (2000) PROOF OF CLAIM, that the State has the power when working in private business to overrule mothers and fathers and let people or corporations take children from parents according to: The Adoption and Safe Families Act (A.S.F.A.) : SEC. 401. PRESERVATION OF REASONABLE PARENTING. “Nothing in this Act is intended to disrupt the family unnecessarily or to intrude inappropriately into family life, to prohibit the use of reasonable methods of parental discipline, or to prescribe a particular method of parenting.”

PROOF OF CLAIM, that the agency, can take charge of my child without my permission according to the Social Security Act 1935 [Original Legislative Intent of the Congress not for CPS to take kids] TITLE XI- GENERAL PROVISIONS DEFINITIONS SECTION 1101 (6)(d) Nothing in this Act shall be construed as authorizing any Federal official, agent, or representative, in carrying out any of the provisions of this Act, to take charge of any child over the objection of either of the parents of such child, or of the person standing in loco parentis to such child. Article 1

  1. All peoples have the right of self-determination. By virtue of that right they freely determine their political status and freely pursue their economic, social and cultural development. Article 23 The family is the natural and fundamental group unit of society and is entitled to protection by society and the State. Article 24 Every child shall have, without any discrimination as to race, colour, sex, language, religion, national or social origin, property or birth, the right to such measures of protection as are required by his status as a minor, on the part of his family, society and the State. PROOF OF CLAIM, that the agency has the right to interfere in my privacy, family, or home thru a “nisi prius, de facto, quasi, administrative, arbitration court operating under color of law, in a not-of-record proceeding in equity” and not at law; International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights Article 17 1. No one shall be subjected to arbitrary or unlawful interference with his privacy, family, home or correspondence, nor to unlawful attacks on his honor and reputation. 2. Everyone has the right to the protection of the law against such interference or attacks.

CAVEAT, FACTS, And TERMS OF CONTRACT THIS CONTRACT CONTAINS A BINDING ARBITRATION PROVISION WHICH MAY BE ENFORCED BY THE PARTIES. There is no signature needed on this contract from the respondent. (See stipulation #31)

Your failure to provide proof of claim, shall self-execute this binding irrevocable contractual agreement coupled with interest and subject the breaching party to any fines, penalties, fees, taxes and other assessments. Your failure to answer the Show Cause – Proof of Claim Demand within 72 hours after receiving this affidavit will cause this contract to be effective immediately through your tacit acquiescence. Your failure to answer the Proof Of Claims below within the seventy two (72) hours after receiving this affidavit/contract, shall constitute a binding contract between the agency and the undersigned. Your failure to carry out the stipulations within this contract after the seventy two (72) hours after receiving this affidavit/contract, shall constitute a breach of contract. The Undersigned once more respectfully requests the Respondent(s) provide said necessary Proof of Claims so as to resolve the Undersigned’s confusion and concerns within this/these matter(s). Otherwise, the Undersigned must ask, “What is the Undersigned’s remedy?” THEREFORE, as Respondent(s) have superior knowledge of the law, and as custodian of record has access to the requested and necessary Proof of Claims, and otherwise being in a ‘catbird’s seat’ to provide the requested and necessary Proof of Claims raised herein above, Respondent(s) is able, capable, and most qualified to inform the Undersigned on those matters relating to and bearing upon the above referenced alleged CIVIL Cause and thereby; that there is a duty on the part of the parties to communicate and/or respond to the aforementioned proof of claim and/or demand associated with this self-executing, binding, irrevocable, contractual agreement coupled with interests and therein, has an obligation to clear-up all confusion and concerns in said matter(s) for the Undersigned as to the nature and cause of said process(s), proceeding(s), and the like as well as the lawfulness and validity of such to include; inter ali, all decisions, orders, and the like within; and arising from, all such within said Civil Cause. Amount Of Time To Answer; Method To Answer The Undersigned herein; and hereby, provides the Respondent(s) three (3) Calendar days; to commence the day after receipt of this Conditional Acceptance for Value and counter offer/claim for Proof of Claim, in which to gather and provide the Undersigned with the requested and necessary Proof of Claims raised herein above, with the instruction, to transmit said Proof of Claims to the Undersigned or the below named Notary/Third Party and or their representative as stipulated and attached hereto if applicable, for the sole purpose of certifying RESPONSE or want thereof from Respondent(s). All Proof Of Claims, shall be verified, be in writing, and postmarked WITHIN 72 hours after Respondent being served . Further, the Undersigned herein strongly recommends to Respondent(s) that any Proof of Claims be transmitted “Certified” Mail, Return Receipt Requested, and the contents therein under Proof of Mailing for the good of all concerned. Because there are human lives involved, and should Respondent(s) allow the three (3) days (72 hours ) to elapse without providing the requested and necessary Proof of Claims, Respondent(s) will go into Default and the Undersigned will cause to be transmitted a Notice of Default and CERTIFICATION OF NON-RESPONSE - NON-PERFORMANCE and JUDGEMENT without Opportunity to Cure to the Respondent; wherein, Respondent will be given NO additional time to cure Respondent’s fault. This CERTIFICATION OF NON-RESPONSE - NON-PERFORMANCE and JUDGEMENT is a judgment handed down from this Private Side, Court of Record at Common Law. It is as binding as any judgment from any higher Court of Record. If you default, you, the respondent, are agreeing to this judgment and agree to act upon it immediately. At the end of three (3) calendar days (72 hours), Respondent will be found in default and thereby; and therein, Respondent will have established Respondent’s(s’) consent and agreement to the facts contained within this Conditional Acceptance for Value and counter offer/claim for Proof of Claim as said facts operate in favor of the Undersigned; e.g., that the judgment of alleged “court not-of-record” within the above referenced alleged Civil Cause is VOID AB INITIO for want of subject-matter jurisdiction of said venue; want of persona jurisdiction; want of Relationship with the “source of authority” for said statute(s)/law(s); for want of privity of contract, or contract itself; for want of authority over me as one of the people. Respondent(s) agrees and consents that Respondent(s) does have a duty and obligation to Undersigned; as well as the corporate Government Department/agency construct(s) Respondent(s) represents/serves, to correct the record in the above referenced alleged Civil Cause and thereby; and therein, release the indenture (however termed/styled) upon the Undersigned and cause the Undersigned to be restored to liberty, and releasing all of the Undersigned’s rights and property. NO TIME TO CURE AFTER 72 HOURS Further, this matter needs to be resolved post haste and therefore the undersigned gives NO extra time in which to cure after Respondent(s) default. Should the Respondent(s) fail or otherwise refuse to provide the requested and necessary Proof of Claims raised herein above within the expressed period of time established and set herein above, Respondent(s) will have failed to State any claim upon which relief can be granted. RESPONDENT'S AGREED ACTION UPON DEFAULT OF THIS CONTRACT 1.) Withdraw and Discharge the case with prejudice. 2.) Return to the undersigned what you have taken from them and; 3.) Remove the undersigned's name from the Central Registry. 4.) Pay the undersigned $10,000 per day until the above 3 stipulations have been fulfilled. AGREED MONITARY VALUE OF CONTRACT OWED BY RESPONDENT AFTER DEFAULT And also that the value of this agreement is the amount demanded if the state/agency/respondent falls into default, after that first 72 hours of receiving this affidavit, the state/agency/respondent agrees to pay $10,000 USD per/day to the undersigned until the above stipulations are fulfilled. COMMUNICATION WITH UNDERSIGNED The state/agency/respondent agrees to communicate with the undersigned verbally and verified, in writing on what steps are being taken, and the proof of those steps to withdraw and discharge the case with prejudice. YOUR FAILURE TO RESPOND IS TACIT AQUIESCENCE Respondent agrees with the law of RESTATEMENT (SECOND) OF CONTRACTS in that there is NO signature needed from the respondent or their representative on this written contract to make it legal and binding. Your silence will show that you intend to accept the offer. § 69. Acceptance by Silence or Exercise of Dominion Where an offeree fails to reply to an offer, his silence and inaction operate as an acceptance in the following cases only: (a) Where an offeree takes the benefit of offered services with reasonable opportunity to reject them and reason to know that they were offered with the expectation of compensation. (b) Where the offeror has stated or given the offeree reason to understand that assent may be manifested by silence or inaction, and the offeree in remaining silent and inactive intends to accept the offer. ADDITIONALLY it is exigent and of consequence for the Undersigned to inform Respondent, in accordance with and pursuant to the principles and doctrines of “clean hands” and “good faith,” that by Respondents(s) failure and or refusal to respond and provide the requested and necessary Proof of Claims raised herein above and thereby; and it shall be held and noted and agreed to by all parties, that a general response, a nonspecific response, or a failure to respond with specificities and facts and conclusions of common law, and or to provide the requested information and documentation that is necessary and in support of the agreement shall constitute a failure and a deliberate and intentional refusal to respond and as a result thereby and or therein, expressing the defaulting party’s consent and agreement to said facts and as a result of the self-executing agreement, the following is contingent upon their failure to respond in good faith, with specificity, with facts and conclusions of common-law to each and every averment, condition, and/or claim raised; as they operate in favor of the Undersigned, through “tacit acquiescence”. Your failure to respond, and this would include each of the respondents by their representative, and if also represented by the Atty. Gen., such representation must be responsive for each State and/or State organization/department/agency, separately and severally to each of the points of averment, failure to respond to a single point of averment will constitute acquiescence, forfeiture, and a waiver of all rights with respects all of the points raised in this presentment. YOUR FAILURE TO RESPOND CREATES AN ESTOPPEL IN THE ABOVE NOTED JUVENILE MATTERS Respondent(s) NOT ONLY expressly affirm the truth and validity of said facts set, established, and agreed upon between the parties to this Conditional Acceptance for Value and counter offer/claim for Proof of Claim, but Respondent(s); having agreed and consented to Respondent(s) having a duty and obligation to provide the requested and necessary Proof of Claims raised herein above, will create and establish for Respondent(s) an estoppel in this matter, and ALL matters relating hereto; and arising necessarily therefrom; The defaulting party will be estopped from maintaining or enforcing the original offers/presentments; i.e., the above referenced alleged Juvenile Cause as well as ALL commercial paper (negotiable instruments) therein, within any court or administrative tribunal/unit within any venue, jurisdiction, and forum the Undersigned may deem appropriate to proceed within in the event of ANY and ALL breach(s) of this agreement by Respondent(s) to compel specific performance and or damages arising from injuries there from. The defaulting party will be foreclosed by laches and or estoppel from maintaining or enforcing the original offer/presentment in any mode or manner whatsoever, at any time, within any proceeding/action. Furthermore, the respondents are foreclosed against the enforcement, retaliation, assault, infringement, imprisonment, trespass upon the rights, properties, estate, person whether legal, natural or otherwise of the presenter/petitioner and/or his interest and/or his estate retroactively, at present, post-actively, forever under any circumstances, guise, and or presumption! RESPONDENT(S) FULLY AGREE TO ALL FACTS IN THIS CONTRACT AND GIVE TACIT ACQUIESCENCE TO ALL OF THE STIPULATIONS The parties intend that this Agreement, together with all attachments, schedules, exhibits, and other documents that both are referenced in this Agreement and refer to this Agreement, represent the final expression of the parties' intent relating to the subject matter of this Agreement, contain all the terms the parties agreed to relating to the subject matter, and replace all of the parties' previous discussions, understandings, negotiations, representations and agreements relating to the subject matter of this Agreement regardless whether written or oral. Further, Respondent(s) will have agreed and consented through “tacit acquiescence” to ALL the facts in relation to the above referenced alleged Juvenlle Cause, as raised herein above as Proof of Claims herein; and ALL facts necessarily and of consequence arising there from, are true as they operate in favor of the Undersigned, and that said facts shall stand as prima facie and ultimate (un-refutable) between the parties to this Conditional Acceptance for Value and counter offer/claim for Proof of Claim, the corporate Government juridical construct(s) Respondent(s) represents/serves, and ALL officers, agents, employees, assigns, and the like in service to Respondent(s), as being undisputed. Further, failure and/or refusal by Respondent(s) to provide the requested and necessary Proof of Claims raised herein above shall act/operate as ratification by Respondent(s) that ALL facts as set, established, and agreed upon between the parties to this Conditional Acceptance for Value and counter offer/claim for Proof of Claim, are true, correct, complete, and NOT misleading. In accordance with and pursuant to this agreement; a contractually (consensual) binding agreement between the parties to this Conditional Acceptance for Value and counter offer/claim for Proof of Claim to include the corporate Government unit and Agency/Department construct(s) whom Respondent(s) represents/serves; as well as, ALL officers, agents, employees, assigns, and the like in service to Respondent(s) will not argue, controvert, oppose, or otherwise protest ANY of the facts already agreed upon by the parties set and established herein; and necessarily and of consequence arising therefrom, in ANY future remedial proceeding(s)/action(s), including binding arbitration and confirmation of the award in any competent court under original jurisdiction, in accordance with the general principles of non-statutory Arbitration. Your Tacit Acquiescence to this contract also means that you give up all governmental unit immunities. It is agreed that when the governmental unit contracts with a private party it waives immunity from liability. It is agreed that the agency/governmental unit waives immunity from suit through it's expressed consent. It is agreed that the respondent /agency/ governmental unit joining this contract through it's tacit acquiescence is giving it's express consent that it can be sued for breach of contract at any time after breach of this contract. The respondent(s) having given their tacit acquiescence to all stipulations in this agreement are also agreeing to give up any immunities either implied or given in Federal law or civil statutes. The respondent(s) agree to consent to, and waive all immunity from suit and immunity from liability. The respondent(s) agree that they can be sued, and be impleaded for breach of contract and confirmation of Final Arbitration Award. Respondent(s) agree that legislative permission is not needed for undersigned to sue them for breach of contract or confirmation of Final Arbitration Award. Respondent(s) agree that their conduct of breach of contract is automatic consent to being sued for breach of contract. Respondent agrees that the state statutes no longer apply to them concerning any governmental immunities and fully agree to the Private Law of this contract instead. Please understand that while the Undersigned wants, wishes and desires to resolve this matter as promptly as possible, the Undersigned can only do so upon Respondent(’s) ‘official response’ to this Conditional Acceptance for Value and counter offer/claim for Proof of Claim by Respondent(’s) providing the Undersigned with the requested and necessary Proof of Claims raised herein above. THE RESPONDENT AGREES THAT THE UNDERSIGNED IS NOT UNDER STATES STATUTES AND CODES BECAUSE UNDERSIGNED IS NOT A GOVERMENT OFFICIAL AND THEREFORE STATE STATUTES ARE NOT BINDING ON UNDERSIGNED Therefore, as the Undersigned is not a signatory; NOR a party, to your “social compact” (contract) known as the Constitution (Charter) of the UNITED STATES; NOR noticed NOR cognizant, of any agreement/contract between the UNITED STATES, and the Undersigned and specifically any obtained through FULL DISCLOSURE and containing any FAIR/VALUABLE CONSIDERATION therein, which would act/operate to create and establish a “relationship” (nexus) and thereby; and therein, bind the Undersigned to the specific “source of authority” for the creation and existence of the alleged statute(s)/law(s) as contained and allegedly promulgated within the “Code” known as the United States Code; which, with the privity of contract or contract itself would thereby; and therein, create and establish legal force and or effect of said statute(s)/law(s) over and upon the Undersigned; and, would also act/operate to subject the Undersigned to the “statutory jurisdiction” of the UNITED STATES, its laws, venue, jurisdiction, and the like of its courts/administrative tribunals/units and thereby; and therein, bind the Undersigned to said courts/administrative tribunal’s/unit’s decisions, orders, judgments, and the like; and specifically as within the above referenced alleged Civil Cause; and, which would act/operate to establish and confer upon said court/administrative tribunal/unit the necessary requirement/essential of “subject-matter jurisdiction” without which it is powerless to move in any action other than to: 1.) Withdraw and Discharge the case with prejudice. Return to the undersigned what you have taken from them and; 3.) Remove the undersigned's name from the Central Registry. And as a result thereof the parties agree that any statute and/or code introduced by the United States Congress and or state legislature under its non-governmental capacity i.e. it’s “corporate business commercial transacting capacity”, are not binding on any of the parties, and cannot be introduced and or used as any justification for any proceeding, and/or procedure, and or remedy respecting this matter. That this agreement supersedes and predates as well as replaces any and all prior agreements between the parties, and is binding on all parties and irrevocable. The parties agree to the terms and conditions of this agreement upon default of the defaulting party as of the date of the default. ARBITRATION UNDER COMMON LAW In the event that the defendant refuses to honor the JUDGMENT handed down from this Private Side, Court of Record At Common-Law, the respondent agrees to the following stipulations concerning arbitration. Wherein this Conditional Acceptance for this agreement constitutes an agreement of all interested parties in the event of a default and acceptance through silence/failure to respond when a request for summary disposition of any claims or particular issue may be requested and decided by the arbitrator. Any controversy or claim arising out of or relating in any way to this Agreement or with regard to its formation, interpretation or breach, and any issues of substantive or procedural arbitraribility shall be settled by emergency or non emergency arbitration. Whereas a designated arbitrator shall be chosen at random by the undersigned, who is duly authorized, and in the event of any physical or mental incapacity to act as arbitrator, the Undersigned shall retain the authority to select any neutral(s)/arbitrator(s) that qualify pursuant to the common law right to arbitration, as the arbitration process is a private remedy decided upon between the parties. And with respects to this agreement, the defaulting party waives any and all rights, services, notices, and consents to the undersigned and or the undersigned’s representative selection of the arbitrator thereby constituting agreement. In the event that the chosen arbitrator is unable to do the arbitration for what ever reason, the undersigned can randomly choose a different arbitrator. The respondent fully agrees to the undersigned's choice. The parties expressly agree that the chosen arbitrator may also be the emergency arbitrator. The arbitrator may issue a final award and orders from an emergency arbitration. The parties expressly agree that the award and orders from the emergency arbitration are legal and binding on all parties as if it was issued from a non-emergency arbitration. The parties expressly agree that the arbitrator may award any legal or equitable remedy, including but not limited to, the remedies of claim for a temporary restraining order, preliminary or permanent injunctive relief, specific performance, and consequential, compensatory damages or emergency relief. The parties expressly agree that the arbitrator may issue a Stay Of Proceedings to stay the above mentioned Juvenile court trial or hearing concerning the undersigned's child/ren. The agency agrees to fully abide by that Stay of Proceedings until the arbitration is completed. The parties expressly agree that the undersigned may issue a Stay Of Proceedings to stay the above mentioned Juvenile court trial or hearing concerning the undersigned's child/ren. The agency agrees to fully abide by that Stay of Proceedings until the arbitration is completed. The parties expressly agree that all interim reliefs, temporary restraining orders, preliminary or permanent injunctive reliefs, specific performances, consequential, compensatory damages or emergency reliefs are binding on all parties. The award of the arbitrators shall be accompanied by a reasoned opinion. The arbitrator may hear and decide the controversy upon evidence produced although a party who was duly notified of the arbitration proceeding did not appear. The parties agree that failure or refusal of a party to pay its required share of the deposits for arbitrator compensation or administrative charges shall constitute a waiver by that party to present evidence or cross-examine witness. In such event, the other party shall be required to present evidence and legal argument as the arbitrator(s) may require for the making of an award. Such waiver shall not allow for a default judgment against the non-paying party in the absence of evidence presented as provided for above. The parties agree that a NOTICE OF EMERGENCY ARBITRATION may be served by email and according to the rules of the arbitrator. The parties agree that if the agency is sent a NOTICE OF ARBITRATION or NOTICE OF EMERGENCY ARBITRATION, and the agency does not respond to it within the allotted time (10 days after receiving notice for non-emergency with certified mail and 24 hours after being emailed notice of emergency arbitration.) with intent to attend and payment of the administrative or arbitration fees, the agency gives up all rights to knowledge of date, time and place of the arbitration. The Undersigned deems necessary to enforce the “good faith” of ALL parties hereto within without respect to venue, jurisdiction, law, and forum that the Undersigned deems appropriate. That the arbitration process is binding on all parties and is the sole and exclusive remedy for redressing any issue associated with this agreement other than one of the parties to the contract suing the other party for breach of contract. That the arbitrator is permitted and allowed to adjust the arbitration award up to four (4) times the original values associated with this agreement, plus the addition of fines, penalties, and other assessments that are deemed reasonable to the arbitrator upon presentment of such claim, supported by prima facie evidence of the claim. If the respondent(s) have acted as if the contract is quasi or otherwise and does not place a binding obligation upon their persons, upon their organizations, upon their institutions, upon their job qualifications, and breaching that obligation breaches the contract, for which they cannot address due to the direct conflict of interest, It is as a result of that conflict of interest that binding arbitration shall be instituted. Respondent agrees that any final award or emergency award may not be vacated, modified, or corrected in the Juvenile court. Any final and binding arbitration award may be confirmed at any competent court under original jurisdiction, in accordance with the general principles of non-statutory or non-judicial Arbitration. This competent court can include the undersigned's own Private Side, Court of Record. Respondent also agrees that the undersigned may take this contract to any competent court under original jurisdiction because of the respondents breach of contract to have this contract enforced without arbitration. This competent court can include the undersigned's own Private Side, Court of Record. This agreement will be governed, construed, reviewed and interpreted in accordance with the Common Law. That the arbitrator is prohibited from considering and/or relying on statutory law. This agreement will be arbitrated under the rules of the Arbitrator and not statutory law. That any determination by the arbitrator is binding upon all parties, and that all parties agree to abide by the decision of the arbitrator, that the arbitrator is to render a decision based upon the facts and conclusions as presented within the terms and conditions of the contract. Any default of contract by any party must be supported by proof and evidence of said default, that default shall serve as tacit acquiescence on behalf of the party who defaulted as having agreed to the terms and conditions associated with the self-executing binding irrevocable contract coupled with interests. RESPONDENT WILL BE HELD LIBEL FOR OTHER DAMAGES Further, Respondent agrees the Undersigned can secure damages via financial lien on assets, properties held by them or on their behalf for ALL injuries sustained and inflicted upon the Undersigned or their child/ren for the moral wrongs committed against the Undersigned or their child/ren as set, established, agreed and consented to herein by the parties hereto, to include but not limited to: constitutional impermissible misapplication of statute(s)/law(s) in the above referenced alleged Civil Cause; fraud, kidnapping, conspiracy (two or more involved); trespass of title, property, and the like; and, ALL other known and unknown trespasses and moral wrongs committed through ultra vires act(s) of ALL involved herein; whether by commission or omission. Final amount of damages to be calculated prior to submission of Tort Claim and/or the filing of lien and the perfection of a security interest via a Uniform Commercial Code financing 1 Statement; estimated in excess of TEN (10) Million dollars (USD- or other lawful money or currency generally accepted with or by the financial markets in America), and notice to Respondent(‘s) by invoice. Per Respondent(’s) failure and or refusal to provide the requested and necessary Proof of Claims and thereby; and therein consenting and agreeing to ALL the facts set, established, and agreed upon between the parties hereto, shall constitute a self-executing binding irrevocable durable general power of attorney coupled with interests; this Conditional Acceptance for Value and counter offer/claim for Proof of Claim becomes the security agreement under commercial law whereby only the nondefaulting party becomes the secured party, the holder in due course, the creditor in and at commerce. That this presentment is to be construed contextually and not otherwise, and that if any portion and/or provision contained within this presentment, this self-executing binding, irrevocable, contractual agreement coupled with interests, is deemed non-binding it shall in no way affect any other portion of this presentment. NOTICE NOTICE: In this Conditional Acceptance for Value and counter offer/claim for Proof of Claim(a) the words “include,” “includes,” and “including,” are not limiting; (b) the word “all” includes “any” and the word “any” includes “all”; (c) the word “or” is not exclusive except when used in conjunction with the word “and”; as in, “and/or”; and (d) words and terms (i) in the singular number include the plural, and in the plural, the singular; (ii) in the masculine gender include both feminine and neuter. NOTICE: This presentment shall constitute a CLAIM against the assets of your institution and is valid upon your failure to comply with the requirement of this agreement and to VALIDATE NOT VERIFY THE COMPREHENSIVE ACCOUNTING! NOTICE: All titles/names/appellations of corporate Government juridical constructs, and branches, departments, agencies, bureaus, offices, sub-whatever’s, and the like thereof, include any and all derivatives and variations in the spelling of said titles/names/appellations. NOTICE: Any and all attempts at providing the requested and necessary Proof of Claims raised herein above; and, to address any and all questions and concerns to the Undersigned in any manner other than that provided for herein will be deemed non-responsive.
NOTICE: The Undersigned extends to the Respondent(s) the Undersigned’s appreciations and thanks for Respondent’s(s) prompt attention, response, production of above Proof(s) of Claim and assistance in this/these matter(s). This presentment is not to be construed as an acceptance and/or application and/or subscription and/or request for license, admittance to any jurisdiction quasi-or otherwise. But shall remain as a direct objection to any and all claims to the contrary. I promise that if the agency does answer the PROOF OF CLAIMS in this affidavit/Contract according to the stipulations in this proposed contract, within the 72 hour stipulation, I WILL NOT hold the agency obligated to the stipulations of this conditional contract. I promise that if the agency does not answer the PROOF OF CLAIM in this affidavit/Contract according to the stipulations in this proposed contract, within the 72 hour stipulation, and thereby becomes in breach of contract, I will charge the agency $10,000 USD per/day until all the stipulations in this contract have been fulfilled. Notice: Because of the fact that I wrote what is on my mind down in this contract, and because you as a representative of the agency read it, we now have a MEETING OF THE MINDS. Your choice of what you do next in the first 72 hours after receiving this contract will show your CONDUCT (action or no action) and what is on the agencies mind. All parties to this contract intend to be legally bound; in which constitutes consideration of this contract.

You may contact me in the below methods with your Proof of Claims, to arrange the return of what you have taken from me and/or send your payments to:

Stephanie Ann Grimaldi 11560 La Grange Rd Jamestown, Ca 95327 PH:(209) 984-6389

Verification I hereby declare, certify and state, pursuant to the penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States of America, and by the provisions of 28 USC § 1746 that all of the above and foregoing representations are true and correct to the best of my knowledge, information and belief. Executed in Sonora, California on this ______ day of ______, 20. _________________________________ Stephanie Ann Grimaldi

THIS CONTRACT CONTAINS A BINDING ARBITRATION PROVISION WHICH MAY BE ENFORCED BY THE PARTIES. There is no signature needed on this contract from the respondent. Only your action or non-action is needed. (See stipulation #31)

Notary as JURAT CERTIFICATE ______________ State } ______________ County }

On______________________________ date before me, Stephanie Ann Grimaldi, personally appeared, who swore an oath and proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that they executed the same in their authorized capacity, and that by their autograph(s) on the instrument the person executed, the instrument.
I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the lawful laws of Califofnia State and that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS my hand and official seal.

Signature of Notary / Jurat ___________________________________ seal


Attention: Take this affidavit to a notary public and get it notarized first. Then Copy one to send to the agency. Make another copy of the notarized one to give to a higher court later. While you are at it, you will need a pdf of the notarized one to give to an arbitrator. Make sure to file your original away.

Next, you will get your friend (not a blood relative) to deliver it in person or send this affidavit out using registered mail. (Do not send this instruction page with the affidavit.)


Affidavid Proof of Claim Demand And Contract






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