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2i2c Community Showcase


The community showcase handbook is not currently in use as we decide what kind of content should go here. Instead, look at the docs/ repository for learning and training content.

This repo manages the images behind and supports Community of 2i2c Hub Champions using 2i2c infrastructure.

About this repository ℹ️

This repository enables jupyterhub/repo2docker-action. This GitHub action builds a Docker image using the contents of this repo and pushes it to the registry.

Adding a new image to this repo

All images build from this repository are stored in the images/ directory. To add a new image to be built, follow these steps:

  1. Create a new subfolder under the images/ directory. The name of this folder will be the name your image will be given and pushed to with!
  2. Under this new subfolder, you can add any repo2docker configuration files to describe the image you'd like to build. Open up a Pull Request to add these files to the repo.
  3. Create a new image repository under the 2i2c organisation on The name of this repository MUST match the name you gave the subfolder in step 1. Make the repository public.
  4. Give the 2i2c+community_showcase_image_pusher robot account write permissions to this new image repository.
  5. When you merge the PR you created in step 2, our GitHub Actions workflow will build your image, using repo2docker, and push it to the new image repository on