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this account archives things learned from 42 cursus

📚 42 Cursus (2021-05-03 ~ 2022-09-13)

Circle Project Language Score Pass Level
00 Libft C 2021-05-13 1.03
01 get_next_line C 2021-06-15 1.46
Born2beroot Shell 2021-07-26 1.72
ft_printf C 2021-08-02 2.12
02 pipex C 2021-09-23 2.50
so_long C 2021-12-03 2.89
push_swap C 2021-12-21 3.26
Exam Rank 02 C 2022-04-26 4.68
03 Philosophers C 2022-01-23 3.83
minishell C 2022-03-03 4.10
Exam Rank 03 C 2022-05-03 4.68
04 CPP C++ 98 2022-04-14 4.68
Cub3d C 2022-05-04 5.06
NetPractice - 2022-05-06 5.25
Exam Rank 04 C 2022-05-31 5.25
05 ft_containers C++ 98 2022-06-01 5.94
irc C++ 98 2022-06-29 7.97
Inception Shell 2022-07-12 8.88
Exam Rank 05 C++ 98 2022-07-08 7.98
06 ft_transcendence Typescript 2022-08-26 11.15
Exam Rank 06 C 2022-09-13 11.15
* ft_turing Haskell 2022-09-28 11.80

🔧 42 Utils

Project Language Summary
LibScarf C libft reimagined
Hgen Python Header generator
Makegen Python Makefile generator
font ligatures Javascript replace fonts
sanitize stackoverflow Javascript make stackoverflow readable

🔖 About



  1. project-template project-template Public template

    generic team project template so i don't have to copy-paste everything again


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