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A simple-to-use build system based on gulp.


* Fluent Declaration Syntax for your gulpfile.js

* Conventional tasks for common problems - automagically integrating with plugins
   * build   * test   * clean   * doc   * lint   * prepare-release   * setup-dev

* Default Configurations for an easy setup

* Setup a build pipeline with plugins in minutes

* Current plugins:
  * TypeScript 2
  * SASS


gulptraum is a build system you can configure using a fluent syntax. You can configure the technologies you would like to work with and optionally provide additional configuration for each plugin.

gulptraum will then make sure the corresponding gulp tasks are automatically generated when the gulpfile.js is used (that is when you run a gulp command).

So by configuring gulptraum you get to use a collection of gulp tasks that take care of the typical work you want the task runner to take care of.


The following code snippet shows an example gulpfile.js.

const gulptraum = require('gulptraum');
const gulp = require('gulp');

const buildSystem = new gulptraum.BuildSystem(buildSystemConfig);

  .registerPlugin('typescript', gulptraum.plugins.typescript)
  .registerPlugin('sass', gulptraum.plugins.sass)

With this gulpfile.js in your project folder you can just run the following to build your typescript:

gulp build

[15:45:07] Using gulpfile ~/_dev/5minds/addict-ioc/gulpfile.js
[15:45:07] Starting 'build'...
[15:45:07] Starting 'clean'...
[15:45:07] Starting 'clean-sass'...
[15:45:07] Starting 'build-sass-clean'...
[15:45:07] Starting 'clean-typescript'...
[15:45:07] Starting 'build-typescript-clean'...
[15:45:07] Finished 'build-typescript-clean' after 8.85 ms
[15:45:07] Starting 'test-typescript-clean'...
[15:45:07] Finished 'test-typescript-clean' after 2.14 ms
[15:45:07] Starting 'doc-typescript-clean'...
[15:45:07] Finished 'doc-typescript-clean' after 1.26 ms
[15:45:07] Finished 'clean-typescript' after 14 ms
[15:45:07] Finished 'build-sass-clean' after 32 ms
[15:45:07] Finished 'clean-sass' after 32 ms
[15:45:07] Finished 'clean' after 32 ms
[15:45:07] Starting 'build-sass'...
[15:45:07] Starting 'build-typescript'...
[15:45:07] Starting 'build-typescript-index'...
[15:45:07] Finished 'build-sass' after 16 ms
[15:45:07] Finished 'build-typescript-index' after 20 ms
[15:45:07] Starting 'build-typescript-es2015'...
[15:45:07] Starting 'build-typescript-commonjs'...
[15:45:07] Starting 'build-typescript-amd'...
[15:45:07] Starting 'build-typescript-system'...
[15:45:07] Starting 'build-typescript-dts'...
[15:45:12] Finished 'build-typescript-commonjs' after 4.9 s
[15:45:12] Finished 'build-typescript-amd' after 4.9 s
[15:45:12] Finished 'build-typescript-system' after 4.9 s
[15:45:12] Finished 'build-typescript-es2015' after 4.91 s
[15:45:12] Finished 'build-typescript-dts' after 4.89 s
[15:45:12] Finished 'build-typescript' after 4.93 s
[15:45:12] Finished 'build' after 4.96 s


gulptraum is extensible through plugins that provide gulp tasks for particular technologies.

Currently gulptraum only provides its own plugins (currently for TypeScript 2 and SASS). We intend to implement more and more as we progress with the frameworks vision.

If you want to contribute gulp tasks you successfully use in your projects or want to learn details about the implementation of plugins - don't hesitate to contact us or open a pull request.


If you want to use gulptraum to provide special tasks that are not provided yet you can write your own plugins.

Your plugins need to provide two exports to work with gulptraum:

  • getDefaultConfig(buildSystemConfig)
  • initializePlugin(gulp, config)

You can use these to register your own tasks.

Default Configuration

You can provide a default configuration for your plugin by exporting a key with a function like that:

function getDefaultConfig(buildSystemConfig) {

  const config = {
    paths: {},

  config.paths.typings = `${path.resolve(buildSystemConfig.paths.root, 'typings/')}/**/*.d.ts`;

  return config;

module.exports.getDefaultConfig = getDefaultConfig;

We recommend you use the build system config as a base for your own configuration. This makes sure that less paths have to be configured when using the system as a whole.

TypeScript 2


Setting Type Description
paths Object Contains global application paths
paths.root String Your application root path (all other paths are relative to this path)
paths.source String Your source folder path
paths.tests String Your source tests path
paths.output String The output directory for build tasks
paths.testOutput String The output directory for building tests
paths.doc String The output directory for generated documentation
paths.setup String The output directory for generated code style files
paths.typings String Glob pattern for your type definition files
paths.excludes Array of Strings Glob patterns to exclude from sources
sort Boolean True if contents should be merged in alphabetical order
useTypeScriptForDTS Boolean True if type definitions should be generated from your TypeScript files
importsToAdd Array of Strings Resources you additionally want to require in your built code
paths.tslintConfig String Path to your tslint.json file
paths.compileToModules Array of Strings The module types generated from your TypeScript sources


Setting Type Description
paths Object Contains global application paths
paths.root String Your application root path (all other paths are relative to this path)
paths.source String Your source folder path
paths.output String The output directory for build tasks
paths.doc String The output directory for generated documentation
paths.setup String The output directory for generated code style files
sort Boolean True if contents should be merged in alphabetical order
useTypeScriptForDTS Boolean True if type definitions should be generated from your TypeScript files
importsToAdd Array of Strings Resources you additionally want to require in your built code
paths.sasslintConfig String Path to your sass-lint.yml file



Conventional Tasks

Conventional tasks are used to execute corresponding conventional tasks on plugins registered to gulptraum.

The convention in that reads as follows:

{conventional-task} - {plugin} - {plugin-task} - {plugin-subtask}

That means there might exist tasks like:

  • gulp build
  • gulp build-typescript
  • gulp build-typescript-dts

So let's assume you got the sass and the typescript plugins registered to gulptraum.

Now if you run:

gulp build

that means gulptraum executes the following automatically for you:

gulp build-sass
gulp build-typescript

Of course you could just as easily run a conventional plugin task directly by using gulp build-sass.


The build task is used to perform all compilation tasks your project requires to run.

It runs the clean task before it starts.

The application code is compiled to the folder dist by default.


The clean task erases all files and folders generated by the build and the test task.


The test task is used to run all tests you implemented in your project.

It runs the build task before it starts to ensure you actually test your latest code.

Some test tasks might need to compile special test code that you don't want to mix up with your compiled application code. The test task of the typescript plugin for example (called test-typescript) needs to build the .ts files of your tests. These are compiled to the folder dist-test by default while the application code is compiled to dist by default.


The doc task is meant to generate all documentation you provided for your project.


The lint task is meant to run all style checks that are provided by the plugins you configure to use.


The setup-dev task is meant to copy all code style files appropriate for the plugins you configure to use to your project root folder.

System Tasks


The release performs automated steps to compare and sync dev and prod branches along with bumping to a certain version (patch|minor|major) as well as publishing it.


The prepare-release task is meant to perform automated steps you want to perform before publishing a release.

Currently this task generates the changelog according to conventional changelog guidelines automatically for you.


The help task shows you the help descriptions for tasks registered to gulp.

help --task taskName

If you supply the task name as a parameter you can get the help for a specific task directly.

gulp help --task build

[16:17:14] Using gulpfile ~/_dev/5minds/addict-ioc/gulpfile.js
[16:17:14] Starting 'help'...

  Usage: build [options]

  Builds all source files


    --help  output usage information

[16:17:14] Finished 'help' after 40 ms


The gulptraum task starts a cli in which you can easily explore the help.


The tasks task shows an overview of all tasks registered to gulp.


gulptraum provides default configurations for all technologies it supports.

However you can overwrite each configuration completely to customize the behavior to your needs.

Build System

The build system configuration defines the main paths for your application. These paths are also used in the plugin-specific default configurations.

Setting Type Description
paths Object Contains global application paths
paths.root String Your application root path (all other paths are relative to this path)
paths.source String Your source folder path
paths.tests String Your source tests path
paths.output String The output directory for build tasks
paths.testOutput String The output directory for building tests
paths.doc String The output directory for generated documentation
paths.setup String The output directory for generated code style files
paths.changelog String The path of your file
paths.excludes Array of Strings Glob patterns to exclude from sources
packageName String The name of your application
sort Boolean True if contents should be merged in alphabetical order
suppressErrors Boolean True if errors should not be output to the console
backupSetupFiles Boolean True if existing code style files should be backuped before copying new ones