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Firebase Image Upload and Management README

This README provides an overview of a web application that allows users to upload images to Firebase Storage, display uploaded images, and manage them based on their age. The application is built using HTML, JavaScript, and Firebase.


Before using this application, ensure you have the following prerequisites:

  • Firebase Project: You should have a Firebase project set up with Authentication, Firestore, and Firebase Storage enabled.

  • Firebase Configuration: Obtain and configure your Firebase project credentials (apiKey, authDomain, projectId, etc.) and add them to your JavaScript file (app.js).


To set up and run this Firebase Image Upload and Management application, follow these steps:

  1. Clone or download the repository containing the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files.

  2. Replace the Firebase configuration in the JavaScript code (app.js) with your own Firebase project credentials.

  3. Upload this code to a web hosting service or run it locally by opening the HTML file in a web browser.


Anonymous Sign-In

  • Users can click the "Sign In Anonymously" button to sign in anonymously using Firebase Authentication. This allows them to upload images.

Image Upload

  • After signing in, users can select one or more image files to upload by clicking the "Choose File" button and then the "Upload" button.

  • Images are uploaded to Firebase Storage with unique filenames that include the user's ID and a timestamp.

Image Display

  • Uploaded images are displayed below the upload section.

  • The images are retrieved from Firebase Storage and displayed along with the user's ID who uploaded them.

Image Deletion

  • Images that are older than a specified time limit (in milliseconds) are automatically deleted from both Firebase Storage and the Realtime Database.

  • The time limit for deletion is set to 20 seconds in the provided code. You can adjust this limit according to your requirements.

Automatic Page Refresh

  • The page automatically refreshes every 30 seconds to ensure that deleted images are removed from the display.


You can customize this application to fit your specific requirements:

  • Firebase Configuration: Update the Firebase project credentials in the JavaScript code (app.js) to match your Firebase project.

  • Time Limit for Deletion: Modify the time limit (in milliseconds) for deleting images from both Storage and the Realtime Database. Adjust the values in the deleteOldImagesFromStorage and deleteImageFromDB functions.

  • User Interface: Customize the HTML and CSS to change the application's appearance and layout.


If you encounter any issues while using the application, consider the following troubleshooting steps:

  • Check the Firebase project configuration to ensure that Firebase Authentication, Firestore, and Firebase Storage are properly enabled.

  • Verify that your Firebase project credentials (apiKey, authDomain, projectId, etc.) are correctly configured in the JavaScript code.

  • Review the code for any JavaScript errors in the browser's developer console that might affect the application's functionality.


  • This application was developed using Firebase for authentication, storage, and database functionality.

  • Special thanks to the Firebase team for providing an excellent platform for building web applications with real-time features.