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Axesor is tiny package for working with ACLs.


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Axesor is tiny package for working with ACLs. Axesor using the accesscontrol package.

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npm i --save axesor


import { Acl } from 'axesor';

// define all your grants
const grants = {
    admin: {
        video: {
            'create:any': ['*', '!views'],
            'read:any': ['*'],
            'update:any': ['*', '!views'],
            'delete:any': ['*']
    user: {
        video: {
            'create:own': ['*', '!rating', '!views'],
            'read:own': ['*'],
            'update:own': ['*', '!rating', '!views'],
            'delete:own': ['*']

// define options
const options = {
    getRoles: (user) => user.roles,     // required - return string[]
    logger: console,                    // optional
    ownerFunctions: {                   // optional - here you can specify ownership between resources
        video: (user, video) => === video.userId,

const ac = new Acl(grants, options);
// user = logged user
// .read(video, 'video')
//      - first argument is resource (for example row from database)
//      - second argument is string key - name of the resource you define in grants object
// returns
//      - granted: boolean      - if user is granted to read
//      - action: string        - read, create, update, delete
//      - roles: string[]       - user roles
//      - resource: string      - resource string key representation from grants object
//      - attributes: string[]  - JSON path string array of resource fields which user is allowed to read / update / create / delete - array of fields which you define in grants object
const permission = ac.can(user).read(video, 'video'); // .create(), .update(), .delete() with same arguments
// you can use filter function to filter fields from resource which user can manipulate with
// this function filters recursively
const allowedVideo = permission.filter(video);

Custom rules

  • You can define custom rules, these functions are called always when you are calling one of the read / update / create / delete functions
  • Custom rules returns inside the attributes field only [] or ['*'] - not allowed or allowed with all grants
  • Arguments:
    1. action - read / update / create / delete
    2. resource type - string resource key which you define in grants object
    3. custom function - with logged user and resource object, it must return boolean or you can throw an error
  • If rule is defined for some action and resource, the function will be called always when you call ac.can(user).read(booking, 'bookings') for example
  • Custom rules have greater importance then ownerFunctions, these functions will be called firstly
import { Acl, Action } from 'axesor';

const ac = new Acl({}, {}); // todo

ac.addRule(Action.update, 'bookings', (user, booking) => {
    if ((user.roles.includes('partner') && user.partnerId === booking.partnerId)
        || user.roles.includes('admin')) {
        return true;
    throw new Error('You are not allowed to edit this booking');
ac.addRule(Action.update, 'bookings', (user, booking) => {
    if (booking.state === 'closed' && !user.roles.includes('admin')) {
        throw new Error('You are not allowed to edit closed booking');
    return true;

Role inheritance

Create a role hierarchy via inheritance.

import { Acl, Action } from 'axesor';

const grants = {
    admin: {
        rocket: {
            'create:any': ['*'],
            'read:any': ['*'],
            'update:any': ['*'],
            'delete:any': ['*'],
    user: {
        bike: {
            'create:any': ['*'],
            'read:any': ['*'],
            'update:any': ['*'],
            'delete:any': ['*'],

const inheritance: {
    // admin extends user --> can manage rockets and bikes
    admin: 'user',
    // can also inherit multiple: admin: ['user']

const ac = new Acl(grants, { inheritance, // todo });
// alternatively add via method
const ac = new Acl(grants, { // todo });

Make sure to reference only roles defined in grants object. For more info, see roles.


npm run test


This project is licensed under MIT.