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Fastest Validator Decorators

Decorators for fastest-validator

💥 Coming from 1.x ? See the Migration Guide.

Example usage

import {
} from "fastest-validator-decorators";

  strict: true
class Entity1 {
  @Array({ items: "string"})
  prop1: string[];

class Entity2 {
  prop1: string;

  @Enum({ values : ["one", "two"] })
  prop2: "one" | "two";


  @Number({ positive: true })
  prop4: number;

  prop5: Entity1;

const schema = getSchema(Entity2); // get the fastest-validator schema
  $$strict: false,
  prop1: { type: "uuid" },
  prop2: { type: "enum", values: ["one", "two"] },
  prop3: { type: "email" },
  prop4: { type: "number", positive: true },
  prop5: { type: "object", strict: true, props: {
    prop1: { type: "array", items: "string" }

const entity = new Entity2();
entity.prop1 = "thiswillfail";
entity.prop2 = "one";
entity.prop3 = "";
entity.prop4 = -10;
entity.prop5 = new Entity1();

const result = validate(entity); // returns true or fastest-validator errors
const result = await validateOrReject(entity); // returns true or throws fastest-validator errors


Install the package

npm install --save fastest-validator-decorators fastest-validator

✨ fastest-validator is a peerDependency.

Add the following to your tsconfig.json

"experimentalDecorators": true
"emitDecoratorMetadata": true

Available decorators

All decorators accept an object of options that apply to the type being used, for a full list of options please refer to the fastest-validator documentation.

@Schema({ strict = false, async = false }, messages={}) - Schema decorator.

@Field({}) - Generic decorator, no default properties set. Will apply all options to the schema.

@String({}) - Applies { type: "string" }

@Boolean({}) - Applies { type: "boolean" }

@Number({}) - Applies { type: "number" }

@UUID({}) - Applies { type: "uuid" }

@ObjectId({}) - Applies { type: "objectid" }

@Email({}) - Applies { type: "email" }

@Date({}) - Applies { type: "date" }

@Enum({}) - Applies { type: "enum" }

@Array({}) - Applies { type: "array" }

@Equal({}) - Applies { type: "equal" }

@Instance({}) - Applies { type: "class" }

@Currency({}) - Applies { type: "currency" }

@Func({}) - Applies { type: "function" }

@Luhn({}) - Applies { type: "luhn" }

@Mac({}) - Applies { type: "mac" }

@Url({}) - Applies { type: "url" }

@Any({}) - Applies { type: "any" }

@Multi({}) - Applies { type: "multi" }

Also resolves to multi if multiple decorators are stacked on a single field.

prop1: string | number;

@Nested({}) - Applies { type: "object", props: {} } (The props are gathered from the nested schema)

@NestedArray({ validator: <ValidatorSchema> }) - Applies { type: "array", "items": { type :"object", props: { ... } }} (The props are gathered from the nested schema)

@Custom({}) - Applies { type: "custom" }

  check (value: number, errors: {type: string, actual: number}[]){
    if (value % 2 !== 0) {
      errors.push({ type: "even", actual : value });
    return value;

Async support

In order to a schema to be async , you must add the async: true to SchemaOptions.

⚠️ Be carefull, when enabling async option, the return of the validate function becomes a Promise.

  async: true,
  strict: true
class User {
    async check (value: string, errors: {type: string, actual: string}[]) {
      const isUserInDB = await db.checkUserName(value);
      if (isUserInDB) {
        errors.push({ type: "unique", actual : value });
      return value;
  username!: string;

const user = new User();
user.username = "James Bond";
const result = await validate(user);

Available methods

getSchema() - Returns the fastest-validator schema for a given class

validate() - Returns true or fastest-validator errors for a given instance

validateOrReject() - Returns true or throws fastest-validator errors for a given instance


Licensed under the MIT license.