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Installation | Usage | Announcement detection examples | Support

Capture announcements of ARIA live regions.

aria-live-capture is an utility tool for inspecting announcements of ARIA live regions. When developing an application which utilizes ARIA live announcements it is often frustrating to toggle screen readers and other assistive technologies constantly on/off during development. This tool aims to help developers easily see announcements without having to use actual screen readers. However final assertion should always be made with the actual target assistive technology.

For online demo see Storybook playground.

For validating ARIA live regions in tests see extend-to-be-announced.

For Storybook integration see storybook-addon-aria-live.

Read more about inspiration from Building testing tools for ARIA live regions.


aria-live-capture should be included in development dependencies.

npm install --save-dev aria-live-capture


Import CaptureAnnouncements from entrypoint.

import CaptureAnnouncements from 'aria-live-capture';


Pass onCapture callback to handle announcements.

Callback argument type value
announcement string Text content of the announcement
politenessSetting string polite|assertive
    onCapture: (announcement, politenessSetting) => {
        console.log(`"${announcement}" was announced with politeness setting "${politenessSetting}"`);
"Loading" was announced with politeness setting "polite"
"Failed to load user details" was announced with politeness setting "assertive"


Pass an optional boolean includeShadowDom option to include tracking of live regions in Shadow DOM. Default value is false.

    includeShadowDom: true,


The CaptureAnnouncements method returns cleanup function for clearing DOM interceptors.

const cleanup = CaptureAnnouncements(options);


Announcement detection examples

Test online  

Render#1 | <div role="status"></div>
Render#2 | <div role="status">Loading</div>
PASS ✅  | "Loading" is announced
Render#1 | <div aria-live="polite"></div>
Render#2 | <div aria-live="polite">Loading</div>
PASS ✅  | "Loading" is announced
Render#1 | <div role="log"></div>
Render#2 | <div role="log">Loading</div>
PASS ✅  | "Loading" is announced
Render#1 | <output></output>
Render#2 | <output>Loading</output>
PASS ✅  | "Loading" is announced
Render#1 | <div role="status">Loading</div>
FAIL ❌  | "Loading" is not announced
Render#1 | <div></div>
Render#2 | <div role="status">Loading</div>
FAIL ❌  | "Loading" is not announced
Render#1 | <div></div>
Render#2 | <div aria-live="polite">Loading</div>
FAIL ❌  | "Loading" is not announced
Render#1 | <div role="alert">Error</div>
PASS ✅  | "Error" is announced
Render#1 | <div aria-live="assertive">Error</div>
FAIL ❌  | "Error" is not announced
Render#1 | <div></div>
Render#2 | <div role="alert">Error</div>
PASS ✅  | "Error" is announced
Render#1 | <div role="status">
         |     <div aria-hidden="true">Loading</div>
         | </div>
Render#2 | <div role="status">
         |     <div aria-hidden="false">Loading</div>
         | </div>
PASS ✅  | "Loading" is announced
Render#1 | <div role="status" aria-hidden="true">Loading</div>
Render#2 | <div role="status" aria-hidden="false">Loading</div>
FAIL ❌  | "Loading" is not announced

With option { includeShadowDom: true }:

Render#1 | <div role="status">
         |     #shadow-root
         |     <div></div>
         | </div>
Render#2 | <div role="status">
         |     #shadow-root
         |     <div>Loading</div>
         | </div>
PASS ✅  | "Loading" is announced


Feature Status
aria-atomic ❌ 👷