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JoshDevelop is a web-based collaborative editor.


Make sure dependencies are installed using npm install, then run npm start.

If there are no users in the users folder, you will be prompted to create a new admin account. You can then access the editor through a web browser using the address of the host machine (http://localhost:8080 to access from the host machine by default).

Options: npm start [port [passphrase]]

JoshDevelop uses node v9.6.0+


To enable encryption, create a certificate folder and put your cert.pem and key.pem files inside. Make sure to pass the passphrase for the private key when starting the server (see Options in the Running section).

JoshDevelop will use HTTPS with TLS if a certificate is found, otherwise it will default to plain HTTP.


Many non-core components of JoshDevelop are in the plugins folder, in order to create a focused base.

To create a plugin, make a folder in the plugins folder and add a package.json that points to a .mjs file which exports a class that extends from the Plugin class in src/server/Plugin.mjs.

To disable a plugin, move/delete its folder or rename the package.json file associated with it and remove it from dependencies in the root package.json.
