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🎬 Movie Rating Web Application 🍿 Welcome to our Movie Rating Web Application! 🌟 This Flask-based app lets you dive into the world of movies, where you can search, rate, and review your favorite films. 🎥

Technologies Used 🛠️ Python 🐍 Flask 🌐 SQLAlchemy 🗃️ WTForms 📝 SQLite 📦 Movie DB API 🎬 Application Structure 🏗️ The heart of our app, where Flask magic happens. Defines our movie and user entities using SQLAlchemy. Contains WTForms for adding and rating movies. Templates: Home to our stylish HTML templates. Features ✨ Search for movies by title using the Movie DB API. Add movies to the database with ease. Express your opinions by rating and reviewing movies. Setup and Installation 🚀 Clone the repository. Install required Python packages using pip install -r requirements.txt. Run the Flask application with python Open your web browser and go to http://localhost:5000 to enjoy the app. Usage 🎮 On the home page, type the title of a movie and click "Add Movie" to search for it. Choose a movie from the search results to add it to the database. After adding a movie, rate and review it by submitting a rating and review in the form. Error Handling 🚨 Rest assured! Our app gracefully handles errors, whether it's unexpected data from the Movie DB API or invalid user inputs. We make sure you're always in the loop with helpful error messages.

Future Improvements 🚀 Introduce user authentication for account creation and saving ratings and reviews. Enhance movie search to allow filtering by year, genre, and more. Display top-rated movies on the home page for a quick pick-me-up. Enjoy exploring movies with our fun and interactive Movie Rating Web Application! 🍿🎉


Crud Sample of a movie rating web app in flask







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