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Harbor is a simple backend, written in Java, capable to launch k8s YAML definitions in a cluster deployment.


Of course we have a Javadoc! To generate one, clone the project and then run in a terminal:

mvn javadoc:javadoc

This will generate a javadoc in ./target/site/apidocs.

How to build it

To build it, first of all check to have kubernetes-client/java installed in your system. To install it, open a terminal and write:

git clone --recursive && \
cd java && \
git checkout 8d6ab536f565ee951141b14bfd170629399d8c67 && \
mvn install -DskipTests && \
cd ..

This will install the Java client necessary to Harbor to properly work. Next, compile Harbor as follows:

git clone && \
cd harbor && \
mvn package

This will create a "jar with dependencies" in target/. You can launch this with java -jar from the project root:

java -jar target/harbor-<version>-jar-with-dependencies.jar -f api_definition.json -p 57684


There are different flags that can be used to customize Harbor behaviour:

  • -f: file pointing to an API definition (the default one will use the hello world API definition)
  • -p: specify the port where Harbor will run (default to 80)
  • -k: specify kubernetes api URL (default to localhost or, if it's running as a container in docker, to kubernetes environment variables)
  • -h: specify Harbor home (default to .harbor/yaml)

Docker image

There is also a docker image that you can use. Download it with:

docker pull augugrumi/harbor

At this point, you can run it with:

docker run --rm -p57684:80 augugrumi/harbor

Environment variables

There are environment variables, equal to the flags previously described, that allow you to customize Harbor behaviour. These are:

  • HARBOR_PORT: custom port in which harbor will run
  • HARBOR_API_CONFIG: path to your API configuration json
  • HARBOR_KUBERNETES_URL: url to your Kubernetes API endpoint
  • HARBOR_STORAGE_PATH: path to an empty folder where Harbor will create it's home for YAML storage

Building your own docker image

The Dockerfile in the project uses multi-stage docker builds. To build it, open a terminal and type:

docker build -t <your nickname>/harbor .


This software is under GPLv3+ License