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This micro library encourages functional programming by making native methods available as partially applied functions.

//typical receiver-method-arguments pattern
[1,2,3].map( function (n) { return n + 1; } ); // [2,3,4]

The "left-part" functions prepend the method name with an underscore and expect the receiver as the first argument in the first invocation.

_map( [1,2,3] )( function (n) { return n + 1; } ); // [2,3,4]

The "right-part" functions suffix the method name with an underscore and expect the receiver as the first argument in the function returned by the first invocation.

map_( function (n) { return n + 1; } )( [1,2,3] ); // [2,3,4]

See the docs.

Try the live demo.

Getting Started

npm install part

Or just download and include the build file /build/src/part.min.js


As soon as "node --harmony" supports the rest and spread operators, you will be able to run the src file instead of the build file.

See the following examples of how to include _part_.

Custom namespace;

// NodeJS example
var _part_ = require( "part" );
var util = {};
_part_._borrow( util )( Array.prototype, "reduce" );
function add( a, b ) { return +a + +b; }
util.sum = util.reduce_( add );
module.exports = util;
<!-- Browser example -->
<script src="build/src/part.min.js">
(function (global, util) {
  function add( a, b ) { return +a + +b; }
  _part_._borrow( util )( Array.prototype, "reduce" );
  util.sum = util.reduce_( add );
  global.util = util;
}(this, {}));
util.sum([1,2,3]); //6

Extending the _part_ namespace;

// NodeJS example
var _part_ = require( "part" );
_part_.borrow( Array.prototype, "reduce" );
function add( a, b ) { return +a + +b; }
var sum = _part_.reduce_( add );
sum([1,2,3]); //6
<!-- Browser example -->
<script src="build/src/part.min.js">
function add( a, b ) { return +a + +b; }
_part_.borrow( Array.prototype, "reduce" );
var sum = _part_.reduce_( add );
sum([1,2,3]); //6

Non-namespaced utilities

// NodeJS example
var _part_ = require("part");
//not global
var reduce_ = _part_.create_(Array.prototype.reduce);
function add( a, b ) { return +a + +b; }
var sum = reduce_( add );
sum([1,2,3]); //6
<!-- Browser example -->
<script src="build/src/part.min.js">
function add( a, b ) { return +a + +b; }
_part_._borrow( this )( Array.prototype, "reduce" );
var sum = reduce_( add );
sum([1,2,3]); //6

Global utilities

// NodeJS example
var _part_ = require( "part" );
    "concat", "every", "filter", "forEach", "join",
    "lastIndexOf", "map", "push", "pop", "reduce",
    "reduceRight", "reverse", "shift", "slice",
    "some", "sort", "splice", "unshift"
].forEach( _part_._borrow( global, Array.prototype ) );
<!-- Browser example -->
<script src="build/src/part.min.js">
    "concat", "every", "filter", "forEach", "join",
    "lastIndexOf", "map", "push", "pop", "reduce",
    "reduceRight", "reverse", "shift", "slice",
    "some", "sort", "splice", "unshift"
].forEach( _part_._borrow( this, Array.prototype ) );


  • 2014-01-10 - Changes to accomodate npm.
  • 2013-12-11 - Added papply to the _part_ namespace.


Make native methods available as partially applied functions.







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