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Doğan Erişen edited this page Sep 13, 2022 · 28 revisions

Dev Samples

These samples showcase the most up-to-date usage of MSAL.js, while lacking detailed walkthroughs that might be necessary for new users. To review them, please refer to the /samples directory.

Featured Samples

Samples here provide a more friendly introduction for setup and running, as well as explanation about how the code works.

Sample Features Level Description
ms-identity-node msal-node Basic Node.js & Express web application authenticating users against Azure AD.
javascript-nodejs-desktop msal-node Basic Electron desktop application authenticating users against Azure AD and calling Microsoft Graph.
javascript-nodejs-console msal-node Basic Node.js console daemon application using client-credentials flow to call Microsoft Graph.
javascript-v2 msal-browser Basic VanillaJS single-page application using MSAL.js v2.x and OAuth 2.0 Authorization Code Flow with PKCE on Microsoft identity platform.
b2c-javascript-spa msal-browser Basic B2C single-page application calling a web API using the OAuth 2.0 Authorization Code Flow with PKCE.
javascript-angular-spa msal-angular-v2 Basic Angular single-page application demonstrating how to login, logout, protect a route, and acquire an access token for a protected resource such as Microsoft Graph.
javascript-react-spa msal-react Basic React single-page application demonstrating how to login, logout, protect a route, and acquire an access token for a protected resource such as Microsoft Graph.
ms-identity-javascript-tutorial msal-browser Comprehensive A chapterwise tutorial that will take you through the fundamentals of authentication with Microsoft identity platform in Vanilla JavaScript.
ms-identity-javascript-angular-tutorial msal-angular Comprehensive A chapterwise tutorial that will take you through the fundamentals of authentication with Microsoft identity platform in Angular.
ms-identity-javascript-react-tutorial msal-react Comprehensive A chapterwise tutorial that will take you through the fundamentals of authentication with Microsoft identity platform in React.
ms-identity-javascript-nodejs-tutorial msal-node Comprehensive A chapterwise tutorial that will take you through the fundamentals of authentication with Microsoft identity platform in Node.

Other Featured Samples

For a full list MSAL code samples targeting JavaScript, .NET, Java, Python, Node, iOS, Android and other platforms, please refer to Microsoft identity platform code samples.