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There aren’t any labels for this repository quite yet.

Pull requests that update Dart code
Pull requests that update a dependency file
good first issue
good first issue
Good for newcomers who would like to start contributing to the project.
Pull requests that update Java code
Critical issues such as a build break or regression.
High-priority issues at the top of the work list.
Important issues not at the top of the work list.
Issues that we currently consider unimportant.
platform: android
platform: android
Issue is related to the Android platform.
platform: ci
platform: ci
Issue is related to the Continuous Integration services.
platform: ios
platform: ios
Issue is related to the iOS platform
platform: linux
platform: linux
Issue is related to the Linux platform.
platform: macos
platform: macos
Issue is related to the macOS platform.
platform: web
platform: web
Issue is related to the Web platform
platform: windows
platform: windows
Issue is related to the Windows platform
Issues marked with refactor should be considered when refactoring the plugin.
status: closed (missing info)
status: closed (missing info)
Indicates the issue was automatically closed due to a lack of information.
status: in progress
status: in progress
Indicates that this issue is currently being worked on.
status: needs more info
status: needs more info
We need more information before we can continue work on this issue.
status: triage
status: triage
Indicates that this issue needs to be analyzed and decorated with the appropriate labels
status: will-not-fix
status: will-not-fix
This will not be worked on
type: bug
type: bug
Something isn't working
type: documentation
type: documentation
Update to the documentation
type: duplicate
type: duplicate
This issue or pull request already exists
type: enhancement
type: enhancement
New feature or request
type: question
type: question
Issue contains a question about the project
up for graps
up for graps
Issues marked with this label are relatively easy problems that are ideal for starting contributors.