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🔢 A tiny CLI for checking file sizes with compression

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Sizer CLI


Install it from npm:

npm i -g @beequeue/sizer

Or (not recommended) download one of the binaries in the Releases tab.


Usage: sizer [options] <glob>

  glob                 File path glob to analyze

  -V, --version        output the version number
  -s, --sort <type>    Change how files are sorted in the output
                         (choices: "size-asc", "size-desc", "name-asc", "name-desc", default: "size-desc")
  -i, --ignore <glob>  Glob of files to exclude from output
  -B, --brotli         Compress using Brotli (slow!)
  --json               Output in JSON format
  -h, --help           display help for command
Example output
❯ sizer dist/**/*.js
Path                                          Size      Gzip     Diff%
----                                          ----      ----     -----
dist/assets/vendor.a06e18d4.js                144.79KB  47.58KB  -67%
dist/assets/index.2143eba7.js                 18.17KB   7.79KB   -57%
dist/sw.js                                    16.24KB   5.6KB    -66%
dist/assets/virtual_pwa-register.69ec1145.js  5.81KB    2.42KB   -58%
-----                                         ------    ------   ----
Total                                         185KB     63.38KB  -66%