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This script allow users to use python to interact with Microsoft Excel.

+++++++++++++++++++++++ Methods +++++++++++++++++++++++

Initialisation: def init(self, workbook_path, show = False)

		- workbook_path = path to the excel file you want to open. e.g. os.path.join(path to excel file, excel file name).
		- visbility = False to let excel do work in the background, true otherwise.

	PATH =os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
	example = os.path.join(PATH, "Example.xlsm")
	ExcelOperater(example, True)

	Expected result: This will open an excel file called Example.xlsm")


Run macro: def RunMacro(self, macro)

	- VBA macro name


Expected result: This will the example excel file and run the macro called testmacro


Export PDFs: ExportAsPDF(self, target_sheets, output_name, output_location)

	- A list of sheet names to be exported together
	- Output PDF name
	- Location of output file.

ExcelOperater(example).ExportAsPDF("sheet1", test, example path)

Expected Result: This will produce a pdf called test that contains information in sheet 1 of excel file example in example path


Copy and Paste Values: CopyPasteAsValue(self, dest_sheet, src_book, src_sheet, CopyRange, PasteRange) CopyPasteEntireCol(self, dest_sheet, src_book, src_sheet, CopyRange, PasteRange) (will keep formatting) CopyPasteEntireRow(self, dest_sheet, src_book, src_sheet, CopyRange, PasteRange) (will keep formatting)

	- src_sheet = sheet to copy from (either sheet number or sheet name)
	- dest_book = Excel workbook to copy to path directory e.g destination = os.path.join(PATH, "example.csv")
	- dest_sheet = Excel sheet to copy to (either sheet number or sheetname)
	- CopyRange and PasteRange = Range to copy to as strings. e.g "A1:B7"

ExcelOperator(example1).CopyPastAsValue("sheet1", example2, "sheet2", "A1:A2", "B1:B2")

Expected Result: This will copy values in sheet2 of example2 from A2 to A2 to example1's sheet1 at cells B1 to B2
Special Behaviours:
	- If Copy Range is smaller than Paste Range, the value inside copy range will be repeated until it fills up the paste range.
	- If Paste Range is smaller than Copy Range, the later row/column will not be copied. (Not all data will be copied)


Deleting Data: DeleteValues(self, wk_sheet, delRange) DeleteCell(self, wk_sheet, delRange) DeleteRowVal(self, wk_sheet, delRange) DeleteRowCell(self, wk_sheet, delRange) DeleteColumnsVal(self, wk_sheet, delRange) DeleteColumnsCell(self, wk_sheet, delRange)

Input: (for all following delete functions)
	- delRnage = Cells to delete as stirng e.g "A1:B7"
	- wk_sheet = worksheet to delete from


Expected Result: This will delete the values from A1 to A2 in sheet1 of example1. Does not delete formulas.
Similar behaviour for other delete functions.


Inserting Data: insertVal(self, wk_sheet, insertRange, data)

	- wk_sheet = worksheet to insert
	- insertRange = location to insert
	- data = value to insert

ExcelOperator(example1).insertVal("sheet1","A1:A1", 'abcd')

Expected Result: This will insert 'abcd' to the cell A1 in sheet1 of example 1
Special Behvaiours: 
	- If a list is given as a data, and assuming the range to insert is compatible with the size of that list, this values of the list will be inserted accross that row.
	- If the range  of insert is given accross serveral rows, the data will be inserted accross those rows. If data is a list, the list will be repeated along those rows.


Getting a cell value: GetVal(self, wk_sheet, row, col)

	- wk_sheet = worksheet to get value from
	- row, col = cell number. e.g A1 = 1, 1

ExcelOperator(example1).GetVal("sheet1", 1, 1)

Expected Result: This will insert return the value in cell A1 in sheet1 of example 1


Setting font and cell colour: setFontColor(self, wk_sheet, row, col, colour) highlightCell(self, wk_sheet, row, col, colour)

	- wk_sheet = worksheet of the cell you want to modify
	- row, col = row and column number  e.g A1 = 1, 1
	- colour to change to. See avaialble colours at the function and adjust accordingly.

ExcelOperator(example1).setFontColor("sheet1", 1, 1, 3)

Expected Result: This will change cell A1 in sheet1's colour to red

Other Functions: QuitExcel(self) RefreshCalculation(self) CloseWorkBook(self, save = False): AddWorkSheet(self, sheetname): QuitExcel(self): RefreshCalculation(self): MakeVisible(self): Hide(self): Save(self) SaveAs(self, fileName_With_Location) NewWorkbook(self, fileName_With_Location = "new.csv") turnAlerts(self, alertStatus)

Future Developments

  • Ability to add and format charts