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Project setup

npm install

Compiles and hot-reloads for development

npm run serve

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npm run build


used API

click here to read document


about the folders

about the folder

assets: to store various types of resources, like css, fonts, or images and so on.

components: to store small components(in size).

network: use axios to get information from server, is a special folder for js.

router: of course for routers' configuration.

store: for vuex's configuration.

utils: not now.

views: to store page level components. 
    category: the kinds of goods
    detail: page for the specific goods
    home: components for home page
    profile: page for user
    shopcart: page of shopping cart

    Homeview.vue: page of home

Normalize Style

look at src/assets/css

base.css depends on normalize.css(u don't even need this)

and the latter could be found on github(just search 'normalize')


place guide at bottom: 首页, 分类, 购物车, 我的


the iconfont-alibaba

each kind uses a separate component, here are code


but every page uses the same component for their top area:


it contains three parts: left, center, right

left is a button to the last page, click to use the function goBack


and then every page imports and uses the NavBar.vue

About the Home Page

Carousel Chart

now just use a picture, talk about it later

Goods Recommend


get information from the server and send it to this component, and then show these

when click the picture, go to its detail page with sending its goods id by router.push function

when home page on mounted, get the information:

get information for recommend

the function-getHomeAllData is at folder: network/home.js

last picture has a variable called recommends, use function-ref() to create it

and sent it to RecommendView component

the type of the variable is Array, use props to accept and use v-for to get each data

but the place is limited and we only need four, and use splice to get them.

the code is at src/views/home/childComps/RecommendView.vue

just take a look

Navigation for Goods

three kinds of ways to filter books: 畅销书, 新书, 精选书单

use three buttons to represent them

we need some special css for the button which is selected.

/* scss */
.selected {
    color: var(--color-tint);
    span {
        border-bottom: 3px solid var(--color-tint);

/* i'm sleepy, write the left tomorrow    ----2022/12/12 1:21am for commemorating*/

the component for it called TabControl.vue in this project


use v-for for variable 'titles', clicked will trigger events('select' and 'toEmit') if u click '新书', the event 'select' will change the variable 'currentIndex' to the number 1 and the second element(div) will have the selected class tag and get the style

function select(index) {
    currentIndex.value = index;


the event 'toEmit' will give which tab was clicked and get the information from Server

const toEmit = (index) => {
    emit('tabControlClicked', index);

Get Goods When Click TabControl's choice

use this function to get data:

use this variable to storage the data and return it at setup():

when vue mounted, get the data:

we need a component to show the data so create component: components/content/goods/GoodsList.vue and use it at HomeView.vue

<!-- html -->
<!-- by the way, give the goods data to it -->
<goods-list :goods="showGoods"></goods-list>
// js in setup(){}
let currentType = ref("sales");     // default value is the first choice('sales')
let showGoods = computed(()=>{
    return goods[currentType.value].list;

return {

so we need to deal with every goods at component--GoodsList.vue for someone, we need a component and deal its style so create component: components/content/goods/GoodsListItem.vue and use it at GoodsList.vue through instruction v-for, show every good

<!-- GoodsList.vue -->
<GoodsListItem v-for="item in goods" :key="item" :product="item"></GoodsListItem>

Use Better-Scorll

install better-scroll

npm install better-scroll --save

put the part needed scroll in better-scroll

use better-scroll:

bscroll = new BScroll(document.querySelector(".wrapper"), {
    click: true,
    // 监听
    probeType: 3,
    // 上拉加载更多
    pullUpLoad: true,
    // api look:

when we find there's no goods anymore:

bscroll.on("pullingUp", () => {
    let page = goods[currentType.value].page+1;
    getHomeGoods(currentType.value, page).then(res=>{
        goods[currentType.value].page += 1;

    console.log('当前类型: ' + currentType.value + 
                ';\n当前页数: ' + page +
                ';\n当前高度: '+ document.querySelector('.content').clientHeight);

better-scroll will block the TabControl's style we cannot used 'position: fixed' to fixed it at top

so we need another hidden TabControl, and when the true one is disappear beacuse we scroll the screen we need to show the hidden one

<!-- use v-show to hide it at first -->
let isTabFixed = ref(false);

// when true TabControl is disappear, make variable: isTabFixed get true
bscroll.on("scroll", (p) => {
    // console.log(p.x, p.y);
    // console.log(banref.value.offsetHeight);
    // 当滚动值大于banref部分的时候, bs中的TabControl会移动到视线外, 此时应当显示隐藏了的TabControl
    isTabFixed.value = (-p.y > banref.value.offsetHeight);

but this makes a bug:

call the first TabControl A
another which is hidden at first B

when click B: from 'sales' to 'news'
A won't change

it's the other way round

deal with it: no matter u click A or B, they will emit a event: tabControlClicked and send the index of which we clicked and this event will trigger a function we just need to change B in A's function or change A in B's function

to simplify it, i used the same function called changePage ( this function also need to change goods' category no matter in A's function or B's function we also need to deal with the data when chose another chioce so use the same one ) and use ref to get these two

<!-- A -->
<!-- B -->
const changePage = (index) => {
    // ...; // click B to change A's choice; // click A to change B's choice

// ...

BackTop Button

slide the screen up and show more goods use the BackTop button, we can go back to the begin create component: components/common/backtop/BackTop.vue

when click button, emit the event BTop

function backtop() {

use BackTop.vue at HomeView.vue

<back-top @BTop='BTop' v-show="isBackTopShow"></back-top>

use the variable: isBackTopShow control the opportunity to show this button

bscroll.on("scroll", (p) => {
    // when scrolled value(the value of position to move) is more than banref's height
    // tabControl will disappear
    // and we need to show the hidden TabControl and the BackTop Button
    isTabFixed.value = (-p.y > banref.value.offsetHeight);
    isBackTopShow.value = isTabFixed.value;


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