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The objective of Purchase Mania is to create a seamless, user-friendly online platform for a local car dealership. By leveraging WordPress and Docker technology, Purchase Mania aims to provide a robust, scalable, and efficient solution that enhances the car purchasing experience. The site facilitates easy navigation, detailed car listings, and streamlined contact processes, ultimately driving customer satisfaction and boosting sales for the dealership.

In today's digital marketplace, a strong online presence is essential for car dealerships to attract and engage customers effectively. Purchase Mania was developed as a class project to address this need by creating a modern, user-friendly WordPress site for a local car dealer. By leveraging Docker for containerization, the project ensures scalability, reliability, and ease of maintenance. Purchase Mania showcases the dealership's inventory and services through an intuitive interface, aiming to enhance the car-buying experience and drive sales growth. This project demonstrates the application of contemporary web technologies to solve real-world business challenges and support the dealership's digital transformation.

  • Potential car buyers
  • Automotive enthusiastsAutomotive enthusiasts
  • Local community members interested in purchasing a vehicle
  • Individuals seeking detailed information about available cars (specifications, pricing, dealer services)
  • Tech-savvy customers preferring a seamless online browsing experience
  • Customers looking for an efficient way to connect with the dealership for inquiries or appointments
  • Families or individuals researching options for their next vehicle purchase
  • Local businesses in need of fleet vehicles
  • Repeat customers looking to upgrade their current vehicles
  • First-time car buyers seeking a reliable dealership

The primary focus of Purchase Mania is to deliver an exceptional online experience for car buyers by providing a comprehensive and user-friendly platform. The site emphasizes ease of navigation, detailed car listings, and efficient customer interaction. By utilizing WordPress for content management and Docker for deployment, the project ensures that the platform is scalable, reliable, and easy to maintain. Purchase Mania is dedicated to showcasing the dealership's inventory and services in the best possible light, ultimately enhancing customer satisfaction, driving sales, and strengthening the dealership's online presence.


  • Potential users have basic internet navigation skills
  • Users have access to necessary devices (computers, tablets, smartphones) to browse the website
  • The dealership has a steady inventory of vehicles that can be regularly updated on the platform
  • Dealership staff can manage and update the WordPress site with minimal technical training
  • A significant portion of the dealership’s target market prefers or is comfortable with online interactions when researching and purchasing vehicles
  • The use of Docker for containerization will provide the necessary scalability and reliability to handle varying levels of web traffic


  • Limited technical expertise among dealership staff may require additional training for effective website management and updates
  • The project must operate within a budget that may limit the scope of advanced features and marketing efforts
  • Development and deployment of the website must be completed within the timeframe set by the class project deadlines
  • Availability of resources such as high-quality images, detailed vehicle information, and timely updates from the dealership
  • The platform’s performance is dependent on users having reliable internet connections for optimal browsing experience
  • Compliance with data privacy regulations and ensuring the protection of user data collected through the platform
  • Ensuring the website is compatible with various devices and browsers to provide a consistent user experience
  • The need to balance scalability with cost, ensuring the platform can handle varying levels of traffic without incurring excessive expenses
  • Implementing robust security measures to protect against potential cyber threats and unauthorized access
  • Ongoing maintenance and updates required to keep the platform functional and up-to-date with the dealership’s inventory and services

🚀 Development Tools & Environments


🌐 Web Servers


⚙️ Hardware and Microcontroller Boards


  • Improved visibility and accessibility of the dealership through a modern, user-friendly website
  • Higher levels of interaction with potential customers through detailed car listings and easy-to-use contact features
  • Increased sales driven by the website's ability to attract and inform potential buyers
  • Streamlined process for updating and managing vehicle inventory on the platform
  • High customer satisfaction due to the intuitive design and functionality of the website
  • A scalable and reliable platform capable of handling varying traffic levels without performance issues
  • Collection of user data and analytics to inform marketing strategies and improve customer service
  • Reduced workload for dealership staff through easier management of the website and customer inquiries
  • Enhanced competitive edge in the local market by offering a superior online car-buying experience
  • A sustainable platform that can be easily maintained and updated to meet future needs

  • Conduct thorough user testing to identify any issues with the website’s functionality, usability, and design
  • Gather feedback from initial users and dealership staff to make necessary improvements and enhancements
  • Provide training sessions for dealership staff on how to manage and update the WordPress site effectively
  • Develop and implement a marketing strategy to promote the website to potential customers and increase traffic
  • Regularly update the site with new inventory, promotional offers, and relevant content to keep users engaged
  • Continuously monitor the website’s performance, traffic, and user behavior using analytics tools
  • Implement additional security measures to protect user data and prevent cyber threats
  • Optimize the website for search engines to improve its ranking and visibility online
  • Consider integrating the website with a customer relationship management (CRM) system to streamline lead management
  • Establish a maintenance plan to ensure the website remains functional, up-to-date, and secure over time