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Part 1: BFE fundamental

# Category # Questions
1 Utility 1 1. Implement curry()
2 2. Implement curry() with placeholder support
3 3. Implement Array.prototype.flat()
4 4. Implement basic throttle()
5 5. Implement throttle() with leading & trailing option
6 6. Implement basic debounce()
7 7. Implement debounce() with leading & trailing option
8 11. Implement pipe()
9 12. Implement Immutability helper
10 14. Implement memo()
11 15. Implement jQuery DOM wrapper
12 17. Create a simple store for DOM element
13 20. Detect data type in JavaScript
14 22. Implement JSON.parse()
15 23. Create a sum()
16 24. Create a Priority Queue in JavaScript
17 26. Implement Object.assign()
18 46. Implement _.once()
19 54. Flatten Thunk
20 63. Create _.cloneDeep()
21 69. Implement deep equal _.isEqual()
22 85. Implement _.get()
23 122. Implement memoizeOne()
24 125. Implement classNames()
2 DOM Manipulation 1 19. Find corresponding node in two identical DOM tree
2 58. Get DOM tree height
3 68. Get DOM tags
4 89. Next Right Sibling
5 104. Traverse DOM level by level
6 113. Virtual DOM I
7 118. Virtual DOM II - createElement
3 Async Utility 1 29. Implement sequence()
2 30. Implement parallel()
3 31. Implement race()
4 56. Call APIs with pagination
5 101. Merge identical API calls
4 Promise 1 32. Implement Promise.all()
2 33. Implement Promise.allSettled()
3 34. Implement Promise.any()
4 35. Implement Promise.race()
5 64. Auto-retry Promise on rejection
6 67. Create your own Promise
7 92. Throttle Promises
8 123. Implement Promise.prototype.finally()
5 Timer 1 28. Implement clearAllTimeout()
2 36. Create a fake timer (setTimeout)
3 83. Create an interval
4 84. Create a fake timer (setInterval)
5 130. Create LazyMan()
6 Implement a stopwatch
6 Sorting 1 40. Bubble Sort
2 41. Merge Sort
3 42. Insertion Sort
4 43. Quick Sort
5 44. Selection Sort
7 HTML manipulation 1 55. Highlight keywords in HTML string
2 99. Extract all anchor element form HTML string
8 Browser 1 59. Create a browser history
2 80. Implement your own URLSearchParams
3 117. Event Delegation
4 134. Create your own Cookie
5 135. localStorage with expriration
9 PubSub 1 16. Create an Event Emitter
2 56. Create an Observable
3 71. Implement Observable Subject

Part 2: Widget Design

# Question Pure JS React React Testing Fetch data Trasition
1 Light out game @TODO @TODO @TODO
2 Calendar @TODO @TODO
3 Tic Tac Toe Game @TODO @TODO @TODO @TODO
4 Star rating - - - - @TODO
6 Light box @TODO @TODO @TODO
7 Click outside to close drop down @TODO @TODO
9 Carousel @TODO @TODO @TODO
10 Download Progress bar @TODO @TODO @TODO @TODO @TODO
11 Toast Notification @TODO @TODO @TODO
13 Excel table (calculated cell, sort, filter) @TODO @TODO @TODO @TODO @TODO
14.a Todo app CRUD @TODO @TODO @TODO
14.b Render JSON server data @TODO @TODO @TODO @TODO @TODO
14.c Infinite scroller @TODO @TODO @TODO @TODO @TODO
14.d File uploader @TODO @TODO @TODO @TODO @TODO
14.e Pagination @TODO @TODO @TODO @TODO @TODO
14.f Autocompcdlete @TODO @TODO @TODO @TODO
14.g Fuzzy search @TODO @TODO @TODO @TODO

Part 3: Performance

What happend when enter a url:

HTTP-over-TLS-diagram Devtool-timing Map-timing-to-diagram

Server Rendering:


Static Rendering:


Client Rendering:


Progressive Rendering with placeholders and one time hydration:

  1. Load initial page with placeholder on secondary contents.
  2. Finish loading all secondary contents.
  3. Hydration.

Progressive Hydration with React Concurrent Mode:

  1. Load initial page with placeholder on secondary contents.
  2. Finish loading first secondary content.
  3. Progressive hydration with React Concurrent Mode.


# Name Definition Measure Diagnose Fix
1 Time to First Byte (TTFB) the time between HTTP GET and first byte of response received aka (Wait) 1. curl {time_starttransfer}
2. web-vitals JS lib
1. Slow DNS resolution
2. Slow HTTPS redirection or certificate verification
3. Slow database connection (for dynamic sites like WordPress)
4. Poor disk performance (Disk I/O) of the server
5. Poor network connection to the server
6. Insufficient system resources (CPU and RAM) on the server
2 First Paint (FP) the time first pixel rendered on the screen (usually background color. JS not ready yet) 1. Chrome DevTools/Performance
2. PageSpeed Insights
3. Paint Timing API
see FCP see FCP
3 First Contentful Paint (FCP) the time content from DOM rendered on the screen (text/image/svg) 1. web-vitals JS lib
2. Chrome DevTools/Performance
3. PageSpeed Insights
4. Paint Timing API
1. Long loading time
2. Long rendering time
1. Eliminate render-blocking resources
2. Minify CSS
3. Remove unused CSS
4. Preconnect to required origins
5. Reduce server response times(TTFB)
6. Avoid multiple page redirects
7. Preload key requests
8. Avoid enormous network payloads
9. Server static assests with an efficient cache policy
10. Avoid an excessive DOM size
11. Minimize critical request depth
12. Ensure text remains visible during webfont load
13. Keep request counts low and transfer sizes small
14. Compress HTML/CSS/JS with gzip
15. Lazy loading
4 First Meaningful Paint (FMP) the time primary content rendered on the screen(developer defined) ~=FCP see FCP see FCP
5 Time to Interactive (TTI) the time large JS chunks have finished PageSpeed Insights
Main thread is been used for too long 1. Minify Javascript
2. Preconnect to required origins
3. Preload key requests
4. Reduce the impact of third-party code
5. Minimize critical request depth
6. Reduce Javascript execution time
7. Minimize main thread work
8. Keep request counts low and transfer sizes small
6 Total Blocking Time (TBT) the time between FP and TTI Calculate from FP and TTI see TTI see TTI
7 Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) the time largest node rendered (measures loading performance) 1. web-vitals JS lib
2.Chrome DevTools/Performance
3.PageSpeed Insights
1. SLow server response times
2. Render-blocking Javascript and CSS
3. Resource load times
4. Client-side rendering
1. Appply instant loading with the PRPL pattern
2. Optimizing the Critical Rendering Path
3. Optimize your CSS
4. Optimizee your images
5. Optimize your Fonts
6. Optimize your Javascript (for client-rendered sites)
8 First Input Delay (FID) (measures interactivity) 1. web-vitals JS lib
2.PageSpeed Insights
see TTI see TTI
9 Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) (impact fraction) * (distance fraction) (measures visual stability) 1. web-vitals JS lib
2.PageSpeed Insights
Impact fraction: Shifting content viewport percentage.
Distance fraction: Shifting distance viewport percentage.
1. Always include size attributes on your images and video elements, or otherwise reserve the required space with something like CSS aspect ratio boxes.
2. Never insert content above existing content, except in response to a user interaction.
3. Prefer transform animations to animations of properties that trigger layout changes.

Part 4: System Design

1. API

2. Async query function:

const GetPostList = async () => {
  const response = await fetch('http://hostname/api/posts/');
  const data = await response.json();
  return data;

3. Query Promise wrapper: useQuery(queryKey['todos', todoId], queryFn)

4. Component:

React.createElement(componentName, props: attribute | eventListener, ...children): virtualElement

function({props}) { 
  let state = {};
  return virtualElement;

5. Virtual Element:

interface {
  key: 'unique key',
  props: {
    children: [children node],
    eventListener: () => {}
  ref: 'actual DOM',
  type: 'ComponentName'

6.1 Client-side State management

  1. atom:
const countAtom = atom(0);
const [count, setCount] = useAtom(countAtom);
  1. pipe:
const countAtom1 = atom(1);
const countAtom2 = atom(2);

const countTotalAtom = atom(get => get(countAtom1) + get(countAtom2));

6.2 Reconciler and linked list:

  1. createNodeFromTypeAndProps(virtualElement) => LinkedListNode

  2. updateHostComponent(current, workInProgress)

  3. Linked List Node:

interface {
  stateNode: new ComponentName,
  type: 'ComponentName',
  alternate: 'WorkInProgress Node',
  key: 'unique key',
  updateQueue: [],
  memoizedState: {},
  pendingProps: {
    children: [children node],
    eventListener: () => {},
  memoizedProps: {
    children: [children node],
    eventListener: () => {},
  tag: number,
  effectTag: number,
  nextEffectTag: number
  1. Phases:
    1. Render Phase:

      Run updateHostComponent(current, workInProgress)

    2. Commit Phase:

      Traverse effect list to perform DOM mutation and async request. Start when

      1. After component mounted
      2. After component updated
      3. Before component unmounted

Design principles:

  1. Seperation of Concerns

  2. Command-Query separation

  3. Optimized for Change

  4. View/component

  5. Functionality/jotai

  6. Connection 3.1 Long/short polling (client pull): Command/Query warpper + Async request function 3.2 WebSockets (server push): WebSocket 3.3 Server-Sent events (server push): new EventSource()

  7. Gateway API: Read server Write server


  1. Twitter/Facebook/Instagram (User, Post, Friendship, Media)
  2. WhatsApp (Real time Chat service, User, Message, Frinedship, Status, Channel)
  3. Netflix (Real time stream service, Video)
  4. Pinterest (Image sharing service)


Frontend fundamental note






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