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The Interoperable Recommender is a data-driven solution aimed at enabling the participation of consumers in enhancing the resilience of the European energy infrastructure.


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The Interoperable Recommender is a data-driven solution aimed at enabling the participation of consumers in enhancing the resilience of the European energy infrastructure. This novel service harnesses the potential of innovative algorithms and leverages the publicly accessible ENTSO-E Transparency Platform to assess country-specific vulnerabilities related to loss of load and generation curtailment.

The main goal is to enable energy applications to empower European citizens with actionable recommendations on a national level, encouraging adaptive energy consumption during periods of expected system vulnerability. The service provides day-ahead hourly recommendations, tailored to meet the unique needs of each country while accounting for interconnections within the broader European network.


This software is currently providing recommendation actions for Interconnect Wattchr. See the official booklet for more details.

Below you can find a list of countries for which recommendations can be generated (limited by data availability on ENTSO-E TP platform).

country_code country_name
AL Albania
AT Austria
BA Bosnia and Herzegovina
BE Belgium
BG Bulgaria
CH Switzerland
CY Cyprus
CZ Czech Republic
DE Germany
DK Denmark
EE Estonia
ES Spain
FI Finland
FR France
GB United Kingdom
GR Greece
HR Croatia
HU Hungary
IE Ireland
IT Italy
LT Lithuania
LU Luxembourg
LV Latvia
ME Montenegro
MK North Macedonia
MT Malta
NL Netherlands
NO Norway
PL Poland
PT Portugal
RO Romania
RS Serbia
SE Sweden
SI Slovenia
SK Slovakia

Initial setup:


The following commands assume that you are running them from the root directory of the project (energy_app/)

Configure environment variables:

The dotenv file provides a template for all the environment variables needed by this project. To configure the environment variables, copy the dotenv file to .env and fill in the values for each variable.

cp dotenv .env


In windows, just copy-paste the dotenv file and rename it to .env.

The following environment variables are required.

variable Type description
POSTGRES_HOST String Recommender Database Host. Defaults to 'postgresql', which will work if you deploy the recommender in the same server as its database (see docker-compose.yml file)
POSTGRES_DB String Recommender Database name. Defaults to master
POSTGRES_USER String Recommender Database Username. Defaults to postgres.
POSTGRES_PASSWORD String Recommender Database Password. Defaults to postgres.
POSTGRES_PORT Integer Recommender Database Port. Defaults to 5432
ENTSOE_API_KEY String ENTSO-E TP API KEY used for data retrieval. See the official ENTSO-E Transparency Platform RESTful API documentation for more information.

Optional environment variables can be configured to send recommendations to the Energy APP (Wattchr) RESTful API server.

variable Type description
POST_TO_ENERGY_APP Integer If 1, executes an HTTP POST to the ENERGYAPP_HOST REST API server. Defaults to 0 (no request)
POST_ONLY_ON_UPDATES Integer If 1 Only executes HTTP POST if there are updates in the number of hours with available recommendations. Defaults to 0 (always attempts to POST if POST_TO_ENERGY_APP = 1)
ENERGYAPP_N_RETRIES Integer Number of retries in case of problems on the HTTP requests to the ENERGYAPP_HOST REST API server.


The Interoperable Recommender is able to execute independently of the integration with an external REST API server (e.g., Wattchr). The current (optional) integration was developed within InterConnect Energy APP pilot, with the latter API being used as a central layer of authentication / communication uniformization with end-users, for the recommendations provided by the Interoperable Recommender.

With Docker:

To launch the docker containers stack:

docker compose up -d


This will launch the database container and the 'energy_app' container. Note that both database schema will be initialized and the database migrations will be applied.

Then, import the table schema to the database (set in the environment variables).

docker compose run --rm energy_app alembic upgrade head

Assure that the database fixtures are imported by running the following command (in some platforms there might be issues with the entrypoint):

docker compose run --rm energy_app python

With Local Python Interpreter:

If you prefer using your local python interpreter (instead of Docker), you'll need to manually perform the installation steps. Meaning:

  1. Install the python dependencies
    pip install -r requirements.txt
  2. Start the database container
    docker compose up -d postgresql
  3. Apply the database migrations
    alembic upgrade head
  4. Run the '' script to init the database with its fixtures

Getting your ENTSO-E API Key and preparing the database

The Interoperable Recommender needs at least 6 months of historical data to successfully execute. This means that, after a successful deployment, you will need to do an initial upload of historical data to its internal databases.

You can quickly do this by using the data acquisition module, which retrieves data from the ENTSO-E Transparency Platform RESTful API.

The following execution will retrieve data from multiple system variables (and every country) for the past 180 days.

docker compose run --rm energy_app python --lookback_days=180


This command will take a while to execute. The ENTSOE_API_KEY environment variable must be declared to authenticate in the ENTSO-E TP API.

How to run:


The following instructions assume that the database is already initialized and the database migrations are already applied. If not, please refer to the Initial setup section.

Scheduled Tasks

The Interoperable Recommender has two main types of scheduled tasks.

  1. Data acquistion task: Retrieve TSO adta from ENTSO-E TP platform
  2. Recommender execution task: Create national level recommendations (recommendations output stored in energy_app/files/operational)

If you're using a Linux server, you can quickly import the scheduled tasks by updating your crontab with the information available on the directory cron/project_crontab of this project.

Data acquisition tasks:

To launch the data acquisition pipeline, execute the script from the energy_app container:

With Docker:

docker compose run --rm energy_app python

With Local Python interpreter:


This will trigger the entire process of data ETL. Namely:

  1. Data retrieval from ENTSO-E Transparency Platform (via it's REST API). By default, data is retrieved for the past 2 days and for the day ahead (forecasts).
  2. Data manipulation and transformation (e.g., aggregate data by control area for NTC forecasts)
  3. Data load to the central database (PostgreSQL)


We recommend you run the data acquisition pipeline with a lookback period to minimize the amount of missing historical data. For example, to run the data acquisition pipeline for the last 7 days, run the following command:

  docker compose run --rm energy_app python --lookback_days=7

Risk assessment and recommendation creation task:

To launch the recommender main pipeline, execute the script from the energy_app container:

With Docker:

docker compose run --rm energy_app python

With Local Python interpreter:


This will run the following operations pipeline:

  1. Create country load & generation quantile forecasts and load system dataset from the service database (i.e., raw TSO data)
  2. Calculate Risk-Reserve Curve and risk evaluation per country
  3. Create Risk Coordination Matrix and set the final risk level for each country
  4. Prepare the final JSON payload with the recommendations for each country (as required by the EnergyAPP backend)
    • Store JSON payload in energy_app/files/operational directory
  5. (Optional) Perform HTTP request to POST the recommendations to the EnergyAPP backend

An overview of the full pipeline is available in the image below (press to zoom).



This methodology depends on accurate probabilistic (quantile) forecasts created by internal quantile regression models, which also depend on the availability of historical data for country generation / load (actual and forecasted). Please run the data acquisition task for a minimum of 6 month lookback to assure a good forecast quality.


Interoperable recommender provides, as output, hourly recommendations for all the active countries. The recommendations are provided in JSON format and are available in the energy_app/files/output/ directory after each execution.

The following outputs are available, per country:

variable type description
drr float Deterministic rule for reserve (DRR)
reserve float Reserve capacity to meet the system risk threshold reserve (of the risk-reserve capacity curve)
origin string
  • "individual" - recommendation based on risk mitigation need for this country
  • "interconnection" - recommendation for this country, to help mitigate risk in neighbour country
risk_evaluation string
  • "not available' - no recommendation was issued (e.g., due to insuficient data, or internal error)
  • 'healthy' - system not at risk of loss of load or energy generation curtailment
  • 'increase' - system (or neighbour system) at risk and raised need to increase energy consumption
  • 'decrease' - system (or neighbour system) at risk and raised need to decrease energy consumption
risk_level int Risk threshold magnitude (0- healthy, 1-Low, 2-Medium, 3-high, 4-very high)

Besides storing this information in the local directory, it is currently also pushed to the Wattchr backend via HTTP POST request.

Database maintenance / management:

Table creation / migrations:

We use alembic library for database migrations. To create a new table, follow the steps below:

  1. Add ORM SQLalchemy model in energy_app/database/alembic/ script
  2. Create new revision with alembic:
alembic revision --autogenerate -m "Added ntc forecasts table"
  1. Apply the new revision with alembic:
alembic upgrade head

Database Backup:

To .bak file:

This software includes a database management tool. Which backups the database to a local file. To run the backup script, execute the following command:

docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml run --rm energy_app python backup database --file_name=<file_path_here>
To CSVs:

Alternatively, the database can be backed up to CSV. To run the backup script, execute the following command:

docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml run --rm energy_app python backup table


There are multiple backup options. You can check the available options via:

docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml run --rm energy_app python backup --help

Database VACUUM:

Database optimization ops are also available (and frequently executed). To run a DB vacuum:

docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml run --rm energy_app python vacuum database

Database full reset:

First, stop database container then remove the database volume and start the database container again.

docker compose down postgresql  # Stops the database container
docker volume rm energy-app-recommender_postgresql-data  # Removes the database volume
docker compose up -d postgresql  # Starts the database container

Then, run the following command to apply the database migrations (with alembic):

With Docker:

docker compose run --rm energy_app alembic upgrade head
docker compose run --rm energy_app python

With Local Python interpreter:

alembic upgrade head

CLI arguments:

The energy_app process pipeline can be triggered with the following CLI arguments:

python --help


To execute for a specific launch time:

python --launch_time "2023-06-01T00:00:00Z"

To execute for a specific launch time and set a specific lookback period (in days) to retrieve historical data from the database (i.e., previously acquired via the ENTSO-E data acquisition module)

# Retrieve ENTSO-E data for the 30 days prior to 2023-06-01T00:00:00Z
python --launch_time="2023-06-01T00:00:00Z" --lookback_days=30


If you have any questions regarding this project, please contact the following people:

Developers (SW source code / methodology questions):

Contributors / Reviewers (methodology questions):


The Interoperable Recommender is a data-driven solution aimed at enabling the participation of consumers in enhancing the resilience of the European energy infrastructure.








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