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Batch Backpressure

Implementation of a RxJS backpressure operator that is useful if the consumer can consume batches of data more efficiently than individual item.


function batch<T, R>(
  delegate: UnaryFunction<T[], Observable<R>>
): OperatorFunction<T, R>;

Where delegate processes batches of data and the operator buffers incoming events as long as the returned observable produces data.

Refer to Lossless Back-Pressure for RxJS using Batches of Data for an more detailed discussion of the concept.

Reactive React Component

Implementation of a React component based on the RxJS framework.


export function rxComponent<P, S, DS = any>(
  stateFct: StateFunction<PropsWithChildren<P>, S>,
  viewDelegate: DelegateComponent<S, DS>
): ComponentClass<P, S> {

Where stateFct represents the business logic component and transforms the input properties into state. This state is then the input to the view layer represented by viewDelegate.

Refer to Make Use of RxJS to Create Efficient React Components With Ease for an more detailed discussion of the concept.

Dependency Injection

Implementation of utility functions to simplify the provision of components for dependency injection in React.


 * Constructs a module component that includes the referenced
 * providers in topological order
 * @param aProviders - the set of providers
 * @returns the component
export const createModuleFromProvider = (
  aProviders: Array<ReactProvider<any>> = []
): ReactModule

 * Creates a `ReactProvider` that resolves its mandatory
 * and optional elements and delegates the creation of the provided
 * value to a callback function with these dependencies.
 * @param fct - the generator function for the value
 * @param ctx - the context to provider
 * @param req - array of required dependencies
 * @param opt - array of optional dependencies
 * @returns a module that automatically resolves the dependencies before calling the function
export const createInjectableReactProvider: InjectableReactProviderFactory

 * Creates a `ReactProvider` that resolves its mandatory
 * and optional elements and delegates the creation of the provided
 * value to a callback function with these dependencies. The callback
 * returns an observable and the observable sequence will be provided.
 * @param fct - the generator function for the value
 * @param ctx - the context to provider
 * @param req - array of required dependencies
 * @param opt - array of optional dependencies
 * @returns a module that automatically resolves the dependencies before calling the function
export const createDynamicReactProvider: DynamicReactProviderFactory;

Refer to Embrace Dependency Injection With React for an more detailed discussion of the concept.


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