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A dynamic server-side-processing pagination helper for .Net Entity Framework


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Pagination Helper

A dotnet entity framework extension class to dynamically perform server-side data processing (paging, sorting, searching, and filtering). The extension method is extended on top of EntityFramework IQueryable type. Try this out if you're tired of duplicated server-side processing boilerplate code!


  • Dynamically paginate, sort, filter, and search data
  • Easy to use on top of existing EF code
  • Flexible. Lots of built-in options to perform general filters
  • Fast. No in-memory operation, everything translated into SQL
  • Secured. Built with Dynamic LinQ, say no to SQL Injection

Getting Started

  1. Install NuGet Package
> dotnet add package CatConsult.PaginationHelper
  1. Import Package
using CatConsult.PaginationHelper;
  1. Use ToPaginateAsync

Quick Example

For more examples, checkout integration tests class

ASP.Net API Project


// example entity
public class FooEntity
    public string StrCol { get; set; }
    public string OtherCol { get; set; }
    public DateTimeOffset DateCol { get; set; }

using CatConsult.PaginationHelper;
// A random controller method. 
public async Task<IPaginateResult<FooDto>> GetPaginatedData([FromQuery] PaginateOptionsBuilder paginateOptionsBuilder)
    return await _db.FooEntities
        .Where(...) // pre filter data if needed
        .Select(...)// recommend project into a dto first, better for the performance.

Returned Data Type (IPaginateResult)

  data: any[]; // list of paginated data
  count: number; // total matched records in the database
  currentPage: number;
  rowsPerPage: number;
  totalPages: number;
  previousPage: number | null; // null if no previous page
  nextPage: number | null; // null if no next page

Example HTTP Requests

HTTP GET /paginated?order=dateCol&orderDirection=desk&strCol__eq=hello

^^^ the above example request will return all rows with StrCol contains "hello", order by DateCol in descending order.

HTTP GET /paginated?page=1&rowsPerPage=10&strCol=filter me&dateCol__gte=2000-1-1

^^^ the above example request will return second page, 10 rows per page, rows that contains "something" in StrCol or OtherCol, StrCol contains "filter me", DateCol greater than or equal to 2000-1-1 date,


Query Parameters

Name Description
page Page number start with 0
rowsPerPage Maximum rows to return for a page
orderBy The property name of the item to order/sort by
orderDirection order/sort by direction. Support asc or desc
search Search value. Return items with matching columns values
columns Columns to search for. *Required if provide search
other keys All other keys will be treated as filter. Checkout Filters Section for more detail


We included some built-in filter keywords to provide more flexible filtering. Filter keyword can be append to any filter key and they are case-insensitive. All filter keywords start with two underscore, __XX. For example, if you want any strCol start with "A", instead of strCol=A you will do strCol__start=A.

Keyword Filter Type Applicable Property Types Description Note
__in Contains String and List type only item value contains filter value Default filter type for String and List type.
String type contains is case-insensitive.
String and List type only List type contains is case-sensitive
__eq Equal All except List / Object type filter value == item value Default filter type for others except String and List type
String type equal is case-insensitive
Date type only compare Date part. If need to narrow down by time, use greater/less than filter keyword
__gt Greater Than All, except List / Object type filter value > item value
__gte Greater Than or Equal to All, except List / Object type filter value >= item value
__lt Less Than or Equal to All, except List / Object type filter value < item value
__lte Less Than or Equal to All, except List / Object type filter value <= item value
__start Starts With String type only item value starts with filter value
__end Ends With String type only item value ends with filter value

All filter keys accept multiple values.

  • Range keywords (gt, gte, lt, and lte) will join using && operation.
  • All other keywords will join using || operation.

For example, str=A&str=B&num_gte=1&num_lt=10 will translate into (str == A || str == B) || (num >= 1 && num < 10)

Property Types

Some filtering behavior differs based on the item property type.

  • String and List type will use Contains filter by default. For example, str=A will translate into str contains 'A'
  • Other types will use Equal filter by default. For example, number=1 will translate into number equal 1

When perform search, all types will use their default filter type.


A helper class to build paginate option. The class can be use to bind query params in the controller.

PaginateOptionsBuilder builder = new PaginateOptionsBuilder();

// to add new keys
    .Add("orderBy", "date")
    .Add("orderDirection", "desc")
    .Add("strCol", "A", "B", "C")

// to exclude some column from search or filter
builder.ExcludeColumns("strCol", "fooCol")

// to only include defined column for search or filter
builder.IncludeColumns("strCol", "fooCol")

// override default filters by type
builder.OverrideDefaultFilterType(FilterPropertyType.String, FilterPropertyType.StartWith);


Extension method of IQueryable<T>. Will return IPaginateResult<T>

// first parameter take PaginateOptionsBuiler
// optional second parameter to transform IQueryable after apply filter, paginate, and sort
DbContext.Entities.ToPaginated(paginateOptionsBuilder, paginatedQuery => paginatedQuery.Where(c => c.FooBool))


public interface IPaginateResult<T>
    IEnumerable<T> Data { get; set; } // paginated and filtered item list
    int Count { get; set; } // total matched records in the database
    int CurrentPage { get; set; }
    int RowsPerPage { get; set; }
    int TotalPages { get; }
    int? PreviousPage { get; }
    int? NextPage { get; }

Local Development


  • Windows or macOS
  • .NET 6
  • Docker Desktop
  • Editor/IDE that support C#

Running the Test

Use dotnet test command in project directory. The test will be running against real PostgresSQL database using Docker Fixture.