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The GitHub repository contains the code for the application, along with instructions for running the application locally and running the tests. The repository should also include a file with a brief overview of the application and any additional notes or comments the interviewee would like to provide.


Build a simple web application that allows users to search for books using the Open Library API and display the search results. Users should be able to select a book from the search results to view more details about the book.


  • Use React and Redux to build the application.
  • Use the Open Library API to search for books. The API documentation can be found here:
  • Display the search results as a list of books with their titles, authors and cover images.
  • When a user clicks on a book from the search results, display more details about the book, including its title, author, cover image, publication date, and a brief description.
  • Write unit tests for your components using Jest.

instructions for running the application locally:

  • Clone the repository
  • Run npm install or yarn to install the dependencies
  • Run npm start or yarn run start to start the application
  • Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.

instructions for running the tests:

  • Run npm test or yarn run test to run the tests


  • The project is made up of two pages, the Search books page and the Single book page
  • The application is built using React and Redux.
  • The Application uses the Redux Thunk middleware to handle asynchronous actions and redux-persist to persist the store in the local storage.
  • The application uses the react-router-dom package to handle routing.
  • The application uses Tailwind CSS for styling and MUI for components.
  • The application uses the Open Library API to search for books.
  • The application displays the search results as a list of books with their titles, authors and cover images.
  • When a user clicks on a book from the search results, the application displays more details about the book, including its title, author, cover image, publication date, and a brief description in a new page.
  • The application has unit tests for its components using Jest.
  • When a User redirects to a non-existing page, it takes them back home to the serach page and retains the last search result


  • The code is well-organized and maintainable.
  • The application is responsive and easy to use.
  • The application handles errors gracefully and display meaningful error messages to the user.
  • The unit tests covers all important functionality.
  • Users to can add books to a "favorites" list
  • Users can remove books from the "favorites" list
  • Users can view the "favorites" list in the side drawer
  • pagination to the search results
  • TailwindCSS was used to style the application
  • Loader was added to the application
  • Data for favorites is persisted using redux-persist
  • Some Images where missing from the API so, I replaced a placeholder "no-image" pics

No deep consideration was given to the following:

  • The types of some data returned from the API are not well defined and that cause the usage of the any type in several places.
  • I did not consider the PR review process and the code review process because I did not want to give it so much attention considering it is just a test.
  • I did not consider adding a linter and prettier to the project because I did not want to give it so much attention considering it is just a test.
  • I did not consider adding environment variables to the project because no sensitive data is used in the project.
  • The API is so insconsistent and for that reason, it was not easy to get the book cover image from the single book API, I had to persist it using state from the Search books page

Search Books View


Single Book View
