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A package that provides registrations and resolves of services and other shite in the fast and lightweight container.


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Prism Adapter:

Nuget Nuget License

Prism.Avalonia Adapter:

Nuget Nuget License


A package that provides registrations and resolves of services and other shite in the fast and lightweight container.

Download for WPF with Prism:


dotnet add package Abdrakov.Container.PrismAdapter

Package Reference:

<PackageReference Include="Abdrakov.Container.PrismAdapter" Version="*" />

Download for Avalonia with Prism.Avalonia:


dotnet add package Abdrakov.Container.AvaloniaPrismAdapter

Package Reference:

<PackageReference Include="Abdrakov.Container.AvaloniaPrismAdapter" Version="*" />


Attribute injections:

All the registered shite could be resolved via Injection attribute (use the attribute only for properties and fields) like this:

private class NormalClass
    InjectedClass TestClass { get; set; }
    AnotherInjectedClass _anotherTestClass;

Constructor injections:

Parametrised constructors could be used with Abdrakov.Container. For example after registering and resolving the class

private class NormalClass
    private InjectedClass _testClass;
    private int _a;
    private string _b;

    public NormalClass(InjectedClass testClass, int a, string b = "awd")
        _testClass = testClass;
        _a = a;
        _b = b;

the testClass parameter would be resolved as usual (if it is not registered in the container then an instance of it would be created); the a parameter would have default type value (for Int32 is 0); the b parameter would have its default parameter value (in this case is "awd").

Inheritance injections:

The classed from which Your class is inherited would also be prepared for injections:

private class InjectedClass
    internal int A { get; set; }

private class BaseClass
    protected InjectedClass TestClass { get; set; }

private class NormalClass : BaseClass

So in this case after NormalClass registration and resolve, the TestClass property would also be injected.

Recursive injections:

There could be two classes that require injection of each other:

private class FirstClass
    SecondClass InjectedClass { get; set; }

private class SecondClass
    FirstClass InjectedClass { get; set; }

And this would work as expected!

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A package that provides registrations and resolves of services and other shite in the fast and lightweight container.








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