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​👾 Simple and minimalistic template developed with clean architecture structure focused on maintainability and scalability.

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How to start use? 💻

npx react-native init AwesomeApp --template

I recomend this library after init project. React Native Rename

$ npx react-native-rename AwesomeApp

Table Contents

Why this template? What needs does it solve? 🤷‍♂️ 🤷‍♀️

The main function of this template is to meet the requirements of modern applications in terms of scalability and maintainability over time. That is why it was implemented with the concept of clean architecture (Onion architecture).

The main motivation for this template is to use as many native features as possible for the requirements of modern applications such as scalability and maintainability over time. The reason for using native platform features is because they offer better performance than features that run on the JS thread.

Among other things the project includes this plugin that will help you to build the rest of your application with the onion architecture concept

If you have not yet heard of clean architecture or know anything about the concept, I invite you to first understand what this topic is about, since this is the main architecture under which the template is built.

Clean Architecture Resourses. Video and Blog:


Global configuration of styles, api routes, navigation and dependency injection are located in src/config.

  • navigation.ts

    • Define type of root navigation
    • If you created a new screen describe it here. Only Screens not Modals
  • style.ts

    • Colors
    • Font Sizes
    • Spacings
  • di.ts

    • Configuration of dependency injection. Check it when your run the command: yarn module
  • api.routes.ts

    • Endpoinds of your API's

Strucure folders

Folders (2)


Verify the versions in the package.json

Pending from implementation:

Pending from installation:



⌨️ For create new Context:

yarn context nameOfYourContext

⌨️ For create new Modules:

yarn module nameOfYourModule


⌨️ For create new Component:

yarn component (-s|-c) (core|layout|global) nameOfYourComponent

Descriptions of aguments:

  • component:
    • -s simple: a single file with logic and styles
    • -c complex file into a folder
  • Scope of component
    • core: base components for the graphical interface, overwriting of components of the main library. For example buttons, text, card and others.
    • layout: components that belong to the style of the application, inherits from core and global. For example the page component that is used with each page. A shared header, Titles and others.
    • global: at the developer's discretion. to separate the components of each page by folder or for components that are used a lot between pages. See the auth/ and @forms/ examples.

Components located at ./src/ui/components/layout

  • Box
  • Margin
  • ModalBottomSheet
  • Not Records
  • Padding
  • Page

Components located at ./src/ui/components/core

  • Card
  • CardTitle
  • Button
  • ScrollView
  • Text


⌨️ For create new Hook:

yarn hook nameOfYourHook
  • useQuery. Implementation of React Query
interface Props {
  key: QueryKey;
  service: () => Promise<any>;
  options?: UseQueryOptions | any;
  • useNavigation. Implementation of React Native Navigation (Wix)
interface INavigationContext {
  componentId: string;
  goTo: (screen: string, props?: any) => void;
  showModal: (name: string, props?: any) => void;
  dismissModal: () => void;

Patterns and best practices

  • ⭐ Single responsibility
  • ⭐ Liskov substitution
  • ⭐ Interface segregation
  • ⭐ Dependency inversion
  • ⭐ Pattern repository

Screenshots - Uplabs design

MacBook Pro 16_ - 1

Remove Firebase

If you want remove firebase uninstall this two packages:

  • @react-native-firebase/app
  • @react-native-firebase/auth

and implement the necesary login in this files:

  • ./index.js
  • ./src/modules/authentication/infrastructure/firebase.repository.ts

Your new implementation in infra should inherit authrepository located in the domain



​👾 Simple and minimalistic template developed with clean architecture structure focused on maintainability and scalability.







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