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Special Deploy Process for keeping Extension and Backend aligned

Billy T. Hernandez edited this page Nov 8, 2020 · 1 revision

Sometimes we need to update the backend in a way that will break previous versions of the extension. Since we can't control when the extension gets updated on users' computers, there will be at least a day of transition from the previous extension version to the current version. Plus the extension might be rejected by Firefox, Chrome, or both. So: we need to support both versions of the extension simultaneously in order to provide a seamless update process for our users.

Here's how:

Google appengine creates a unique url for every deploy version. Our domain ( gets mapped to one of these unique version urls. Usually it gets mapped to the most recent version. gcloud app deploy <target/Ethicli-X-X.jar>

Disadvantage: Can't update the backend again until the next extension update.

  • (We can deploy the backend, but it won't affect the current extensions)