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Releases: DestinyItemManager/DIM


03 Jun 02:04
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  • Pressing "Escape" when an input in a sheet is focused now closes the sheet.


27 May 17:52
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  • Fixed an issue where DIM clients might not see search history when using only local settings storage.


27 May 02:02
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  • The search suggestions dropdown now shows more results, based on the size of your screen.
  • Added an overload to the inloadout: search which allows searching items based on how many loadouts they are in, for example inloadout:>2.
  • Loadout searches now save in your search history and can be saved.
  • Added is:fashiononly and is:modsonly search keywords to loadouts search.
  • Pages such as "About" and "Settings" now respect device safe areas when the device is in landscape mode.
  • You can now edit a copy of a Loadout directly, with no risk of overwriting the existing loadout.
  • Fixed some bounties showing as "Arc" that were not, in fact, Arc.
  • Fixed the too-narrow width of the sidebar on the Loadout Optimizer on
  • Fixed distorted icons for owned mods in collections.
  • Due to a change in how works, DIM now loads vendor information one at a time, which may mean it takes longer to see accurate vendor items.
  • Minor clarifications to the privacy policy.


20 May 02:02
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15 May 09:56
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13 May 06:05
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  • Loadouts now have their own search language that you can use from the Loadouts page or character emblem dropdown. This works the same as item search, but the search keywords are different and loadout-specific. We'll add more search keywords over time.
  • When you change language, DIM immediately loads the item database for that language - you no longer need to reload.
  • DIM now loads new item database after content updates without requiring a reload, as long as there's an item in your inventory from that new content.
  • Fixed the icon for "Material Counts" in the vault dropdown on mobile.
  • Removed some useless search suggestions like exactname:gauntlets.
  • Fixed some crashes when Google Translate is enabled. Please don't use Google Translate on DIM though, use our language settings.
  • Added a grace period before DIM stops auto-refreshing because you're not playing. This should prevent DIM from giving up on auto refresh when you change characters.
  • Added some new protections against losing tags when is misbehaving, though it still may not be able to handle some weirdness.
  • Fixed the filter help not showing up in some circumstances.


06 May 02:00
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  • Minimum browser version for DIM has been raised to Chrome 109+ (or equivalent Chromium-based browsers) and iOS 16+.
  • Add a warning for Samsung Internet users to explain why dark mode is making DIM too dark.


30 Apr 21:02
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  • Fix vault tile display on mobile.


29 Apr 01:59
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  • Restore per-stat quality ratings to D1 armor popups.


22 Apr 01:59
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  • Fixed max stat constraints sometimes being not shown in Loadout parameters.
  • is:shiny filter to find limited-edition BRAVE weapons.