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Backend and Frontend Template

Latest version: (public Github mirror)

Project Structure

File Purpose What you do?
server/ Backend server code All your server code
server/ Everything about the server READ ME carefully!
client/ Frontend client code All your client code
client/ Everything about the client READ ME carefully!
docs/ Free online production deployment Deploy your app online in production mode
docs/ Local production deployment Deploy your app local in production mode


The version numbers in brackets indicate the tested versions but feel free to use more recent versions. You can also use alternative tools if you know how to configure them (e.g., Firefox instead of Chrome).

Getting started

# Clone repository
git clone

# Change into the directory
cd group-00-web

# Setup backend
cd server && npm install
npm run dev

# Setup frontend
cd client && npm install
npm run serve

Check out the detailed instructions for backend and frontend.

Visual Studio Code (VSCode)

Open the server and client in separate VSCode workspaces or open the combined backend-frontend.code-workspace. Otherwise, workspace-specific settings don't work properly.

System Definition (MS0)


The purpose of this website is to provide lego owners with instructions to build various lego models. This website serves as an inspirational and educational platform for people that want to build something other than the standard lego ideas that the company provides.


  • Welcome: The page has the logo of our website, shows buttons "Login", "Signup" and "Admin".

  • Admin: In this page, an admin can log in to the admin version of the website.

  • Signup: If users don't have an account they can create a new account by writing their username, password and email address.

  • Login as user: Users can log in with an existing account or they must create an account on the sign up page and get here to log in and enter the website.

  • Posts: The posts page will show the latest trending posts, with a navigation button on the top that has buttons "post", "profile", and "logout".

  • Post page: is the page where you can create a new post by giving a post caption, instructions and image.

  • Profile page: The users can see and change their details, the posts the have created and delete their account.

  • Specific post: If a user clicks on a post they want to view, they will be redirected to a page dedicated to that post & its instructions. The users can then comment on the post and view the comments.

  • (Admin) Posts: The posts page will show the latest trending posts with delete button on it, with a navigation button on the top that has buttons "user", "post", "profile", and "logout". There will also be a delete all posts button on the page.

  • (Admin) Users: All the users in the database will be shown here along with their emails, when their accounts were created and a delete button for each user.

  • (Admin) Post: is the page where admin can create a new post by giving a post caption, instructions and image.

  • (Admin) Profile page: The admin can change their details and delete their account.

Entity-Relationship (ER) Diagram

ER Diagram

Teaser (MS3)



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