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Electron + SvelteKit + Tailwind

Screenshots 📷


  • Create a Desktop app today with SvelteKit and make it repsonsive with Tailwind
  • Electron is already setup in a way for you to create API's that you can use in any of your Svelte components.
    • See the API's in this template here

Getting Started

Clone the repo

npx degit "" "<folder-name>"

Change <folder-name> to the directory (without <>) you wish to clone this repo into.

Install all dependencies

npm install

Start in Development

npm run dev

Build your app

npm run build

Deploy your app

npm run deploy

If deploying to github releases, change the token inside electron-builder.json to your github access token. Make sure that electron-builder.json is excluded in .gitignore before deploying.

Alternatively, remove the token property and set your github access token as an ENV variable.

Open a new bash terminal and run


Electron API

Inside the electron folder you will find the preload.cjs which contains some APIs that we use in this template.

Theme Switching

  • theme.set(themeMode);
    • Call the function in any of your components.
    • themeMode: String "dark", "light" or "system"
    • Define your theme colors in src/lib/css/theme-colors.css
  • theme.get(); Get the current theme mode from electron-store

Window Actions

  • This template sets the Electron window to frame: false which means a custom titlebar with minimize, maximize and close is created as a Svelte component.
  • The buttons call the following APIs
    • mainWindow.toggleMax(); toggles the window to maximized or restored
    • mainWindow.minimze(); minimizes the window
    • mainWindow.close(); closes the window and exits the app
  • mainWindow.getState(); returns a boolean. Used in the window resized event to check whether the window was maximized or not.


Electron app built using SvelteKit and styled with Tailwind




