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An Objective-C wrapper around a c auto-growing pointer array.


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What is this for

This class is an Objective-C wrapper around a c auto-growing pointer array.

I built this library because I'm rewriting RouletteBetter and I wanted a way to make lot of statistics calculation on vectors. To do so, we can use the iOS Accelerate framework to 'Make large-scale mathematical computations and image calculations, optimized for high performance'. Unfortunately the Accelerate framework wants basic c pointer array as input/output parameters, so we can't use NSMutableArray or high level NSObjects.

With this wrapper library, we can easily create and manupulate the c pointer array as an high level object and, whenewer we need it, access the low level pointer property (for example to pass it to the Accelerate framework c functions).


To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first.

Example usage:

    // create and fill the array as an high level object
    DZAUnsafeMutableArray * unsafeArray = [[DZAUnsafeMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:10];
    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
        [unsafeArray addInt:i];

    // access an element of the array
    int element = [unsafeArray intAtIndex:3];
    // remove the last object
    [unsafeArray removeLastObject];
    // shrink the array to the new size
    [unsafeArray shrinkToSize:5];
    // low-level access to the c pointer array
    int * pointer = unsafeArray.intUnsafePointer;
    // iterate all the items and manually sum a scalar
    for (int i = 0; i < unsafeArray1.count; i++, pointer++)
        *pointer += SCALAR;
    // use the c pointer array with Accelerate framework:
    // sums a scalar to the entire vector
    int scalar = 3;
    vDSP_vsaddi(unsafeArray.intUnsafePointer, 1, &scalar, unsafeArray.intUnsafePointer, 1, unsafeArray.count);

A small benchmark app is included:

Benchmark with small array Benchmark with big array



DZAUnsafeMutableArray is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod "DZAUnsafeMutableArray"


Davide Di Stefano,


DZAUnsafeMutableArray is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.