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bug 🪲
bug :beetle:
Bugs that have appeared on the website.
cannot reproduce
cannot reproduce
This issue cannot be reproduced on the dev's end.
consider closing
consider closing
Issues/PRs that haven't been updated for a while.
Duplicate issues/PRs.
New feature or request
Pull requests that update GitHub Actions code
has: pr
has: pr
Issues that have a PR assigned.
help wanted
help wanted
Issues that need help from the community.
in progress
in progress
Issues/PRs that are WIP.
Pull requests that update Javascript code
needs: more info
needs: more info
Issues that require more info.
needs: stacktrace
needs: stacktrace
Issues that require a stacktrace.
pr: breaking changes
pr: breaking changes
PRs that introduce breaking changes if merged.
pr: dependency update
pr: dependency update
PRs that update the dependencies.
pr: lgtm
pr: lgtm
PRs that are good to be merged.
priority: critical
priority: critical
Critical issues that must be immediately fixed.
priority: non-critical
priority: non-critical
Issues that must be fixed ASAP.
resolution: delayed
resolution: delayed
Issues that have been delayed.
resolution: invalid
resolution: invalid
Issues that are invalid.
resolution: wontfix
resolution: wontfix
Bugs that won't be fixed.
Pull requests that update Ruby code
site: beta
site: beta
Issues related to the website's beta page.
site: blog
site: blog
Issues related to the website's blog.
site: demos
site: demos
Issues related to the website's demo pages.
site: infrastructure
site: infrastructure
Issues related to the website's infrastructure.
site: main
site: main
Issues related to the website.