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POC of hexagonal architecture, to show case how it facilitates testing and mocking for golang.

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Table of contents

  1. Description
  2. Documentation
  3. Technologies
  4. Deployment
  5. Example
  6. Testing
  7. Linting
  8. Future_Work

1. Description

Project_Corp is about project management and its participants.

2. Documentation

documentation resides at ./doc folder.

3. Technologies

Project is created with:

  • Go
  • Gin
  • Postgres
  • Docker

4. Deployment

Note: The app will start with a seeder.

$ docker-compose up -d

5. Example

Application will be running on port 3000 and endpoints available are:

$ curl http://localhost:3000/projects
$ curl -d '{"name":"newProject","department":"sales","owner": "b82522f0-8644-4c65-a552-9c6b8a9e4b6f"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST http://localhost:3000/projects
$ curl -d '{"name":"oldProject","department":"sales","owner": "b82522f0-8644-4c65-a552-9c6b8a9e4b6f"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT http://localhost:3000/projects/9eb8e365-3d7e-4994-960d-e51275343f23
$ curl -d '{"id":"a0d5e87a-af04-473d-b1f5-3105bbf986c8","department":"sales","role":"employee"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST http://localhost:3000/projects/9eb8e365-3d7e-4994-960d-e51275343f23/participants

More details on endpoint specification in the doc folder.

6. Testing

1. First get a bash shell in the container

$ docker-compose exec corp_go bash

2. Execute all test cases with coverage

$ go test -cover -v ./...

3. Execute test cases for a specific package [optional]

$ go test -cover -v ./adapters/rest/controllers/project -v
$ go test -cover -v ./domain/usecase/project -v

4. Execute only unit test cases [optional]

$ go test -short -cover -v ./...

5. Execute only integration test cases [optional]

go test -v -run ".Integration" ./...

7. Linting

Project uses golangci-lint. It is a go linter aggregator that can enable up to 48 linters.

7.1 Configuartion

golanci-lint configuration is found in .golangci.yml file.

7.2 Installation

# binary installation for linux and Windows, binary will be $(go env GOPATH)/bin/golangci-lint
curl -sSfL | sh -s -- -b $(go env GOPATH)/bin v1.35.2

Check if the tool is correctly installed

golangci-lint --version

7.3 Run the tool with the enabled linter

golangci-lint run

golangci-lint print out warning messages in command-line related to the enabled linters in order to fix them.

7.4 Linters commands to automatically fix warning messages provided

To format all files in the project based on the gofmt linter. Ref

gofmt -s -w -l .

To fix go import packages linting warnings based on goimport linter. Ref

goimports -local ./ -w .

Guide How you should group your package based on golang structure.

8. Future_Work

  • Implement more coverage with Unit Test
  • Implement intergration tests
  • Implement functional tests


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