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Federico Zivolo edited this page Jan 17, 2024 · 10 revisions


  • The pairing process with my controller (Apple Home, Google Home, Alexa, etc) is failing. What can I do?

    This can happen for many reasons:

    • You can try deleting the Matter server node from Node-RED and create a new one, this will let you start from scratch.
    • Make sure your router supports IPv6 and has it enabled.
    • If possible, try to pair a "real" Matter device to sort out any issues with your environment.
    • You can also start Node-RED with the log level set to info or trace to enable the debug logging in the CLI, it should display something useful to debug your issue. Feel free to open an issue on this repository with the full logs.
  • A device that was paired is now showing up as not paired

    If you added a new standalone device or aggregator after an existing one was paired, the pairing information may got mixed due to a bug between node-red-matter and matter.js, we suggest, for now, to only use a single controller node and attach aggregated devices to it.

  • Alexa won't pair

    Make sure the Node-RED Matter controller is using port 5540, you can set it in the node configuration, Alexa won't listen on any other port.

  • I can't pair multiple devices to Alexa

    Alexa only listens to port 5540, this means you must use a bridge, with multiple devices attached to it, this way you will only pair the bridge to Alexa and the devices will automatically appear. Alternatively, you will need to expose Node-RED from multiple hots/ips so that each device can have its own dedicated IP.