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Shared loading indicator npm npm type definitions

Simplifies loading state sharing in React.


You can play with it yourself here


npm install shared-loading-indicator

How to use

Wrap all by one <SharedLoadingIndicatorContextProvider>.

import { SharedLoadingIndicatorContextProvider } from 'shared-loading-indicator'

export const App => () => {
	return (
			My app

Component <SharedProgressLoadingIndicator/>

Place SharedProgressLoadingIndicator inside SharedLoadingIndicatorContextProvider to use prestyled loading indicator. See demo to change color or placement.

import { SharedLoadingIndicatorContextProvider, SharedProgressLoadingIndicator } from 'shared-loading-indicator'

export const App => () => {
	return (
			My app

You can change the <SharedProgressLoadingIndicator> color by setting a CSS custom property on its parent named --ProgressLoadingIndicator-color. Or you can build your own indicator using useSharedLoading hook.

CSS example

:root {
	--ProgressLoadingIndicator-color: #ff00ff;

magenta indicator

Hook useSharedLoading()

Hook useSharedLoading returns true if some component is in loading state. Use this information to show your own loading indicator (spinner, progress bar, …).

import { useSharedLoading } from 'shared-loading-indicator'

export const LoadingIndicator => () => {
	const isLoading = useSharedLoading()

	if (!isLoading) {
		return null

	return (
			App is loading something


You can optionally configure startDelay and minimalDuration in milliseconds.

const isLoading = useSharedLoading({
	startDelay: 300, // isLoading won't be true if all local loads get finished under 300 milliseconds
	minimalDuration: 1000, // isLoading will be true for at least 1000 milliseconds

Component <Loading/>

Place <Loading> inside <SharedLoadingIndicatorContextProvider> to signalize something is loading.

import { SharedLoadingIndicatorContextProvider, Loading } from 'shared-loading-indicator'

export const App => () => {
	const somethingIsLoading = true // Hook this to a state

	return (
			{somethingIsLoading && <Loading/>}
			My app

Hook useLocalLoading()

Hook useLocalLoading works similarly to useState. It returns array with boolean state indicating that component is loading and set function.

import { useLocalLoading } from 'shared-loading-indicator'

export const MyComponent => () => {
	const [isLoading, setIsLoading] = useLocalLoading()

	return (
				Is loading: {isLoading ? 'yes' : 'no'}
			<button onClick={() => {
import { useLocalLoading } from 'shared-loading-indicator'
import { useEffect } from 'react'

export const LazyComponent => () => {
	const [isLoading, setIsLoading] = useLocalLoading()
	const [data, setData] = useState(null)

	useEffect(() => {
			.then(response => response.json())
			.then(receivedData => {
			.finally(() => {
	}, [])

	return (
				Is loading: {isLoading ? 'yes' : 'no'}
				{JSON.stringify(data, null, 2)}

Hook useMirrorLoading()

Mirrors first argument to useLocalMirror under the hood.

import { useMirrorLoading } from 'shared-loading-indicator'
import { useQuery } from '@tanstack/react-query'

const Mirror = () => {
	const query = useQuery([], getData)

	return <div>{}</div>

Suspense by <LoadingSuspense>

To capture loading state using Suspense wrap your content by <LoadingSuspense>.

import { LoadingSuspense } from 'shared-loading-indicator'

const LazyWithSuspense = () => {
	return (
			<LazyComponent />



  • Install dependencies: npm ci
  • Run: npm run dev