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Releases: Financial-Times/origami-build-tools

patch: Mark obt as deprecated

19 Nov 16:33
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Since moving origami components and related projects into a single repository, we no longer need or use origami-build-tools

patch: Do not verify that .npmignore does not include `demos/local`

25 Aug 17:08
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We want to publish demo source but not demo builds.

For more see:

minor: Verify that .npmignore does not contain important files

25 Aug 11:25
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Update ecmascript version to 2019

We're using node14, it's all good

patch: Only run the rejection handler if the promise from reading the file was rejected

25 Aug 09:44
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patch: use the latest stable version of remark-preset-lint-origami-component

15 Jul 16:22
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use the latest stable version of remark-preset-lint-origami-component

patch: close the filehandler that fileExists creates

14 Jul 10:15
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Use fs.access instead of to avoid having to open and close fi…


NodeJS is deprecating the automatic closing of fileHandlers during garbage collection.

This commit updates the codebase to explicitly close the fileHandlers instead of relying on the deprecated behaviour.

Below is the message that is displayed when running obt prior to this commit:

"DeprecationWarning: Closing a FileHandle object on garbage collection is deprecated. Please close FileHandle objects explicitly using FileHandle.prototype.close(). In the future, an error will be thrown if a file descriptor is closed during garbage collection."

patch: Skip pa11y tests when the `--ignore-bower` flag is set.

07 Jul 13:36
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patch: use fs/promises instead of making promisied versions ourselves

18 Jun 09:21
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use fs/promises instead of making promisied versions ourselves

patch: do not run sass compilation test if there is no main sass file

17 Jun 16:47
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do not run sass compilation test if there is no main sass file

patch: Remove requirement that the primary mixin produces css by default

17 Jun 14:36
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Not all components provide css by default for a particular brand, for example o-fonts' whitelabel mode has no css.
Percy's visual testing catches any regression a component would have if it used to produce css and no longer does