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Typescript Decorators for Cucumber Tests

Cucumber Example

Feature File

Feature: Local server test
    As a developer
    I want check the web site

        Given I open the url ""

    Scenario: Google
        Then I expect that the title is "Google"

Typescript Step File

import { cucumber, given, when } from '../decorator/decorator'
import action from '../helpers/action';
import check from '../helpers/check';

class checkSite {
    @given(/^I open the (url|site) "([^"]*)?"$/)
    public openWebsite() {
        return action.Open;

    @when(/^I expect that the title is( not)* "([^"]*)?"$/)
    public title() {
        return check.Title

let CheckSite = new checkSite();

Development Prerequisites

  • Typescript
  • JAVA
  • Chromedriver

Run Example

To run the example you will need to clone the repo as the npm package was designed to be as small as possible.

git clone
npm install
npm run build
npm run demo

Note: When node-gyp produces an error, first install windows-build-tools globally and set the config to the correct version.
npm install --global --production windows-build-tools
npm config set msvs_version 2015 --global


The cucumber Decorator updates the class constuctor to ensure each method within the class is executed during instantiation.

export function cucumber(target: Function){
    for (var member in target.prototype) {

The given Decorator wraps the provided method and passes the expression into the required cucumber function.

export function given(expression: any) {
    return function(target: Object, propertyKey: string, descriptor: TypedPropertyDescriptor<any>){
        let assertion = descriptor.value();

        descriptor.value = () => Given(expression,assertion);
        return descriptor;

Note: the when and then Decorator operates in a similar fashion as the given Decorator.


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