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IRC Bot for OpenAI-API

A Python-based simple IRC (Intenet Relay Chat) chatroom bot that uses OpenAI API (i.e. GPT-3.5 / GPT-4... ).

Runs on openai library version 1.6.1 (up to date in January 2024!)

Wanna shove that GPT-3.5 or GPT-4 OpenAI API into good'ole IRC as a chatbot? Now it's possible!

What's new

  • v0.32.2 (Jan 4, 2024) Lowercase conversion flag & other small fixes.
  • v0.32: (Jan 4, 2024) OpenAI API calls have been updated to use the 1.6.1 version of openai pip library. Multiple smaller bugfixes.
  • v0.31: (Aug 3, 2023) Bot now takes in admin messages as /msg bot !command <options> if it needs to be adjusted on the fly. Acknowledgements of bot commands come into the private msg's if you're an admin.
  • v0.29: (Aug 3, 2023) Bot now supports joining password protected channels (i.e. to prevent abuse).
  • v0.28: (Aug 3, 2023) all config now handled via config.json, edit that to configure the bot. Language settings also apply to the bot's output language, so no need to change everything manually anymore. New variable, ANSWER_PROBABILITY sets the likelihood for the bot answering when in public mode.
  • v0.25: (Aug 3, 2023) Added some increased parsing functionalities, such as utf-8/unciode emoji to ASCII conversion tables (where utf8-emojis are not supported or wanted) and a lowercase converter to make the bot "fit" better into an IRC channel's output style.

New functions:

# Replace unicode emojis with ASCII? True = yes, False = no
# Convert the first character of each sentence to lowercase? True = yes, False = no`


  • At least Python 3.8 or later, probably.
  • Tested and running OK on Python 3.9.16 and 3.10.12.
  • openai, and irc PyPi packages, tested to work on these versions:
  • You can install all of the above with pip install -r requirements.txt after cloning the repo.
  • You will also need an OpenAI API key from


  1. Clone the repository: git clone
  2. Switch to the directory: cd IRCBot-OpenAI-API
  3. Install the required packages: pip install -r requirements.txt
  4. Crank your OpenAI access token into either an environment variable or into api_token.txt within the same directory.
  5. Edit the config.json for your bot configuration. Set up things such as admin nicks, your bot's details, other options etc. Change whatever you deem necessary.
  6. Launch python and off you go!
  7. Enjoy!

The bot has a chat history memory that you can adjust in config.json, the RESPOND_TO_ALL switch set to true makes the bot answer to everyone on the channel, with it set to false, the bot only answers to people "talking to it" (with lines starting with <botname>:). Rate limit adjustments are extremely handy for that, use either !ratelimit <seconds> on the channel or as admin, /msg <bot> !rametlimit <seconds>.

More options & functionalities, such as token counting and improved rate limiting + fallback methods are WIP.

Bot commands

!ratelimit <seconds>: This command sets the rate limit for the bot's responses. The parameter specifies the minimum number of seconds that should pass between each response. Example usage: !ratelimit 60 would set the rate limit to one response per minute. This command can only be used by admin users, as specified in the ADMIN_NICKNAMES variable. !mute <minutes>: This command mutes the bot for a specified number of minutes. The parameter specifies how long the bot should remain silent. Example usage: !mute 10 would mute the bot for 10 minutes. This command can only be used by admin users, as specified in the ADMIN_NICKNAMES variable. !goaway: This command causes the bot to leave the chatroom. This command can only be used by admin users, as specified in the ADMIN_NICKNAMES variable.

The bot is programmed to respond to messages that start with its nickname, followed by a colon. For instance, if the bot's nickname is ChatKeke, it would respond to a message like ChatKeke: Hello!.

Please note that the bot will not respond if it is currently muted or if the rate limit has not yet expired.

By default, the bot uses either OpenAI's GPT-3-5 or GPT-4 model (user defined) to generate responses. It keeps a history of the chatroom's conversation to provide context for its responses. The number of past interactions that the bot remembers can be adjusted by changing the MAX_PAST_INTERACTIONS variable.


Brought to you by FlyingFathead w/ ghostcode by ChaosWhisperer.

Contact: flyingfathead <|> protonmail <|> com